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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. I hate, hate, hate that! I'd be tempted to go to a hotel. We sleep with a really cheap little fan on all night. I have to have white noise. A noisy neighborhood is one of the reasons we moved from our old house.
  2. Yay! You can do it! I brought my dd home for similar reasons. http://homeschoolfortwo.com/homeschool/about/ Just go easy on yourself the first year. Do your daycare kids nap? That could provide one on one time with your son. Make sure you hook up with a few playgroups and check into special activities. I like the idea of a friend taking him to things when you can't.
  3. I just posted about ours! http://homeschoolfortwo.com/homeschool/a-day-in-the-life/
  4. Ooh! Ooh! I just read Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time. I LoVED it! I didn't know there were Christians out there who believed what he believes. It was life changing for my husband and I, former Mormons. It was so refreshing not to have to look at religion as so black and white.
  5. Is be interested. We are exploring this right now. You might have to define liberal/progressive. I think we'd be as far left as one could be.;)
  6. My step mom's birthday is in a few days and I never know what to get her. She's so laid back, doesn't wear jewelry, and works for a huge clothing company, so she never needs clothes. She likes to cook and she's into crafts- but not in a huge hobby kind of way, if that makes sense. She is a great photographer and loves to travel. They have a big trip to Latin America in a few months. Any ideas? I'm having a really hard time. Thanks!!!
  7. Norway for sure! That sounds awesome! You can go to Key West anytime...
  8. Who is the author of Getting Things Done? Several books with this title come up on Goodreads. Thanks.
  9. I'm reading Love Wins by Rob Bell. Wait, so we say what we are reading on Sunday, then come back later when we've finished? Or will there be another thread?
  10. NotSoObvious


    It's the great thing about not being an overachieving parent. My girls are just excited we are eating dessert and staying up late. ;)
  11. We had to take a break from WWS until I figured out how to give support. I tend to think that in 5th grade you do make them use certain study skills because they are still learning to apply them. I think this age still needs a lot of guidance, even though they are gaining independence. Once they get good at those strategies and study skills, we can let go a little and let them choose what works best. Another way to look at it is that what he is doing is not working, so he can do it "your way" until he can make a decision that works. :) BTW, I love your blog and I think your 5th grader is awesome and doing very advanced work.
  12. I wanted unschooling to work for us! It doesn't. I have a kid with special needs who absolutely has to have explicit instruction and lots of review. I'm not ok with a 10 year old who can't add and that's where we'd be without drill. Her sister could definitely homeschool and be just fine though.
  13. NotSoObvious


    We did this for the six months before I quit teaching to homeschool. We put my whole paycheck into savings. It was actually pretty pathetic how easy it was (huge lifestyle change, but very doable). Makes me sad that we weren't saving more all those years.
  14. I seriously doubt it would make much of a difference, so just do whatever helps you stay sane over the next three weeks. :)
  15. Here are mine. http://homeschoolfortwo.com/homeschool/three-new-years-resolutions/
  16. It was probably a spur of the moment thought, just to give the kids as much time as possible. I wouldn't read too much into it. You did the right thing though. We aren't late night people either.
  17. You can tell her to call me! I was a public school teacher and I'll give her a piece of my mind!!! I would set VERY firm boundaries! She needs to earn your trust! Ugh!
  18. All I do is preserves and the puff pastry and it's delicious! So I'm sure anything above and beyond that will be great!
  19. I just came across this blog today. It's written by a homeschool mom who has Aspergers. http://www.theholistichomeschooler.com/2012/12/confession-of-special-needs-mom.html?m=0
  20. I finally wrote mine. They are on my blog.
  21. Could she be sick? I'd be watching her very closely, and definitely making sure she isn't taking four hour naps. That could be making her restless at night. Also, be sure she is sleeping through the night. I'd schedule some good physical activity, too. Take her to the pool, to the park, get her out and about so that she is physically tired when it is time for bed.
  22. Ugh. It's been a hard change for us. If there is something you want to do, just ask. The worst they can do is say no. Create new spaces, make it as livable as possible, decorate like it is your own.
  23. Oh, and I'm sorry, I'm totally going to disagree with going to any type of pediatrician!!! Those have been our most horrible experiences. They know nothing about adoption. The developmental pediatrician was the WORST. See a good therapist first, and have her sort through which issues need to be seen medically.
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