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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I have a new mac and I haven't been able to run my tracker programs but I bought Parallels and today sometime I'm going to try to see if I can create the windows environment and run my windows tracking software on the mac. I'll post an update to let you all know if it works. x'ing fingers! :)
  2. It does sound like early dementia (alzheimers). My mother has this and I know that early intervention of the right kind can be helpful. It is also important to be aware that there are people who prey on the elderly, especially ones with incapacities like memory issues. Take precautions to insure that unscrupulous people are not in a position to take advantage of your mother. Elder financial abuse is one of the fastest growing abuses in our society and once a perpetrator gets ahold of a power of attorney it is pretty much all over. The courts are slow and any justice for the elderly is not a priority. :(
  3. We love A Beka! Challenging, spirals and easy to breakdown for planning.
  4. Hummmm....I can think of a few people I could use your 'gift' on. ;) Seriously though, x-FIL sounds like a self-centered, grumpy old coot. You're better off not having to deal with him.
  5. I used to send out cards to all my relatives and sent out nice gifts too. I spent lots of time finding the right gift and making custom cards. I stopped that a few years ago when it dawned on me that nobody was putting that kind of thought into remembering me and my family. Not even cards from most. I tried thinking that I should feel good about 'giving' and not receiving however, after many years of that, it is kinda hard to ignore that I sent cards into a huge black hole. I stopped doing it and now we take that card and gift money and spend it giving to charity. I don't feel like a scrooge. It is just a case of us finding a more fulfilling holiday tradition. :)
  6. We gave our mailman a box of the BEST chocolate fudge today. Our postman is great. He has been with our neighborhood for years and is the nicest guy. I'm sure he gets a lot of gifts from the neighbors. Every year we like to give him something special because we appreciate the hard job he does...all those school supplies he walks up to our door are heavy. :)
  7. My youngest 2 did this. One did ISR at 6 mos and one at 1 yr. Both did great and turned and floated like they were born to it. Since we live with water and pools everywhere in FL, it was a good decision. Both girls are great swimmers now and love the water.
  8. All's well! Finals over by next Tues. and my son got the classes he wanted for spring semester. We're all looking forward to him having a break for the holidays. :001_smile:
  9. That was a really cowardly way for someone to post an opinion. I wouldn't even term that comment they left on your blog an 'opinion'. It is just mean and nasty. :(
  10. My son did the FLVS SAT class and I asked him what helped him most on his testing. He just got his ACT scores back and got a 31. :) He told me that FLVS SAT was ok but what really helped was getting the test prep books (any bookstore has many to choose from) and doing the practice texts about 2x a week along with working in the book. The FLVS SAT tuition is really expensive for non-FL residents. We're in FL so it worked out well for us. You might also check out Chalkdust. They have a good SAT Prep course focused on the math section. My son also used that. It is a solid review.
  11. This is a good reason to buy a good set of clippers and teach yourself how to trim up your dog. It is pretty easy and the more you do it, the easier it gets. I have a long-haired cat that I shave every 4-6 mos. I can do a much better job than any groomer and it save $$$.
  12. Loved In the Heart of the Sea. It is the story of one of the only documented whale attacks at sea. It is thought that the book Moby Dick was based on this real story. Facinating read!
  13. I'm lucky. My dh is brilliant and has common sense. I have know people though that are really intelligent that seem to lack common sense. I don't know why that is but my guess it is just an individual personality trait. I don't think that a higher intelligence neccessarily equates to any increased loss of common sense. :)
  14. We just got our HS Senior's ACT scores! He scored a 31! :hurray::hurray: We are SOOO proud! He has homeschooled since 5th grade.
  15. I can't stand watching the view. Just a bunch of has-beens yakkity yaking over each other and saying very little of any importance. Joy Behar is IMO a moron and trying to educate her about homeschooling would most likely be pointless.
  16. This has been a problem with almost every hs coop I've been in. I require my children to turn in their assignments in the acceptable time and format and have impressed on them that it is disrespectful to the teacher to not try their best. We even avoided the coop experience because of these problems. I think it is a losing battle because when the slackers are approached by the teachers they get defensive and use homeschooling as an excuse. They will say that one of the reasons they homeschool is to get away from the classroom 'restraint'. This IMO is a weak argument and no justification for encouraging disrespect and irresponsibility. Good luck with your class. Personally, this is why I gave up teaching in the coops.
  17. Wow! I remember watching these films! I'll have to get them for the kids. :)
  18. A couple of things come to mind when I read this. It sounds like blame is being put on the dog or dogs when really it is the human owner who has the power to control the behavior, medical issues and what is acceptable interactions with the other pets. It was irresponsible to have the dog unvaccinated and that is the fault of both parents. The dog should not have been around your children or any other person if there was any question of the shot record. Unfortunately, not knowing is no excuse either. If the animals were fighting and you knew that they were not getting along then something should have been done right away in terms of re-training etc. AND the children should have been advised NOT to interfere if the dogs were fighting. That is an adult situation and very dangerous. IMO the first step to resolving this problem is to recognize that both parents are equally to blame and getting rid of the dogs will only communicate to the children that animals are expendable and can be used in power struggles between parents. Think about what you really want to accomplish here. Finding a suitable home for one of the dogs (after you vet it) may be a good solution if you have exhausted the possibility of re-training. It would send a better message to the children.
  19. I think the thing that stands out about Kate on the show is that she consistently is rude to her husband. I would assume most people have at some time been rude but it is quite obvious that it is a big part of how the parents interact. I stopped watching the show because I wanted Jon to stick up for himself and he never did. He seems to do a lot so it seems worse that she keeps harping on him. Also, I don't think having 8 children mitigates consistently obnoxious behavior. :)
  20. 1)Which elementary math curriculum do you think is most rigorous? ABeka 2) Which elementary math curriculum seems to be cheapest? Singapore 3) Which elemenatry math curriculum do you think is easiest to teach? From what I have heard it is MUS.
  21. We just finished reading "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury. It was fantastic and the children loved it! We're celebrating by watching the 1983 Disney movie made from the book tonite with pizza and popcorn. :lurk5: We really enjoy Poe too. Both Poe and Bradbury have wonderful descriptions and vocabulary.
  22. We skipped this. Haven't missed anything IMO. It is just an extra that I didn't think we needed to spend time on.
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