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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. At a minimum, the Health Dept. needs to be notified. If it was my child, I would be looking for an attorney. That teacher needs to be fired.
  2. We spent about 45 min daily on the science but we tend to finish way before the projected finish time. There are experiments and projects (like reports and powerpoints etc.). You can work at your own pace and speed up or take off time as needed as long as you stay on pace. The science is very good! :)
  3. Ceasar Milan is great! Reading his books and visiting his website helped us with our crazy Golden. Once we established ourselves as the alpha she calmed down and began to listen. We did have to resort to a shock collar to get her to respect the cats but it only had to be used a few times (even Ceasar used this in one show with cat issues). Now the dog and cats get along fine. The dog was food aggressive when we got her as a pup and using the Ceasar takedown and touching her food stopped that almost immediately. His techniques are so effective. I highly recommend. If that doesn't help, you might consider an in-home animal behavior specialist. Good luck! :)
  4. Oh LOL! My dh thinks I'm nuts because lip smacking drives me insane! Sometimes he does it just to see me start twitching. Another thing that gets to me is when people click their teeth on the spoon or fork and sniffing. I think I passed the sniffing thing onto my daughter because she is the same way. I am glad I'm not the only one. This thread is making me feel less crazy. :)
  5. I think BIL is just jealous. I would have had to nail BIL's rear to the wall for the "keeping her off the internet" comment. BIL sounds like a huge clod. Malaysia sounds awesome!
  6. Both of my girls took FLVS MS science 6th. Both took it while in 5th and they liked it. It was very complete and the teachers were great. My youngest finished it before the holidays and we just got her SAT scores. She scored highest in science 92nd percentile. The year before, my older daughter scored equally as well. I think FLVS did a great job with their science courses. The science is interesting and they have interactive experiments and many videos too. I thought it was really well done and we will be taking more science from FLVS next year.
  7. I only wear wedding ring and hypoallergenic earrings. The earrings can only be studs. Dangling earrings bother me a lot as do ones that cover the entire ear lobe. I don't wear a watch since most bands give me a bad rash and I don't relate to wearing them anyway. I want to wear necklaces but every time I try they give me awful headaches and the crawly feeling on each side of my neck and the back of my neck bugs me. Within an hour of putting on a necklace (light or heavy doesn't matter) my neck feels twitchy and I have to get the thing off. I'm glad I'm not the only one! :)
  8. I've watched them too. Those gals are beyond catty! When I catch the show I can't walk away. I have to grab some snacks and watch. :lurk5:
  9. That is incredibly cold and heartless. Leaves me speechless that he couldn't have shown a little more compassion and at least waited until Monday. :sad:
  10. Yikes! Reading this thread is setting off alarm bells! When I read about your senario I got dizzy with dread. There are too many reasons to be cautious: 1. He is new and out of state. 2. He pinpoints your family. 3. He is focused on your child and is equally disinterested in the other people and children. 4. He took your child outside! 5. You know NOTHING about this man or his history. 6. Not having a record only mean he may not have been caught yet. I could go on but this is probably enough. You MUST trust your instinct and give serious consideration to those who have posted their concerns. This sounds like 'grooming' behavior and he is testing the child AND YOU. If you are wishy-washy and 'nice' he will take it to the next level. STOP this now. Never allow him to be alone with your children and make sure if you leave your children in church daycare that ONLY YOU or your DH are allowed to pick-up on remove the children. Make it clear to this man that he has raised your radar. Teach the children about stranger danger and that even if you greet the man and know the man in church-he is still a stranger. This is a gray area for children and you need to carefully explain this to them. PLEASE don't let the fact that we have become a suspicious society make you feel guilty. You cannot change what the world has become. This is the reality-like it or not.
  11. We used to have an open kitchen but as the kids got older I noticed that they would snack and then not eat the regular meals that were healthier for them. I now have set meal and snack times and regulate what we offer as a snack. It was a good decision. The kids are less focused on grazing in the kitchen.
  12. Extremely rude! I'd hate to be the salesperson having to wait on that gal and her attitude. :thumbdown:
  13. Ds 18 is working on a career in Video Game Design. Really! He found a college major that he is excited about. He loves the classes and since he also love video games it is perfect. He is working through a 2 yr program and a local college and plans to transfer to Univ. of Central Florida to complete their program. Video Game Design is a growing field too! One of our girls wants to be a doctor and the other wants to solve crimes and mysteries. :)
  14. Best wishes to you all! Come by when you get a chance now and then to update us on how things are going. :)
  15. You can see it here. There is a link to the video of it. I thought he did amazing! :) http://weblogs.newsday.com/entertainment/music/idol/blog/2009/04/adam_lamberts_mad_world_wheres.html
  16. Yup! I started back on my diet (Weight Watchers) last week and I'm just getting over a headache I had for a solid 4 days...it was horrible! I always get this when I go off the diet and overdo the sugar and wheat. On Weight Watchers I'm forced to eat a lot healthier and the detox is awful but once it is over I feel a lot better. Give it a few days and it will get better. Just remember to drink LOTS of water and don't push the exercise until you're feeling better. Good luck! :) Adding: About the mood thing...I got that too. Totally grumpy and on a short fuse...that too passes. Hang in there!
  17. I do Hake and I was watching this thread and wondering the same thing! I can't stand their writing component. It almost looks like it was quickly added as an afterthought. I like the grammar but we do writing with Classical Writing or Florida Virtual.
  18. That's just really mean. Can you delete the post? I would delete it and try not to take it too seriously. My guess is that the person who posted it has some issues that they need to deal with. It is too bad they feel the need to be so hurtful. :(
  19. I live in FL and swimming accidents are all too common. I had my girls in an infant swim program early so they would learn to turn and float to save themselves if they accidently fell in the pool but that was only a last resort. We had supervision rules, locks and fences...layers of protection. I was told by our swim safety coach that the pool alarms can be a problem because a lot can set them off...wind, rain, floaties or falling leaves etc. When the alarm goes off a lot for non-emergencies the parents can become complacent and that is a scary thing. Our coach said she saw cases where a child drowned because the alarm was deactivated because it was sensitive enough to go off repeatedly. A man at our pool supply store told me he didn't even sell them because of the complacency issue and he had found that some models were unreliable. Personally, I would go for a safety rated locked fence and layers of protection along with pool safety training.
  20. We used the Colonial one and LOVED it! There was a lot of printing but it was worth it since I had 2 kiddos doing it at the same time. The scheduling was easy and everything was so well done. I would highly recommend these units. I only wish they would do one for modern times.
  21. We go lighter in summer to take advantage of the library reading clubs and summer activities and take more time off during the winter holidays. We do math all year round but scheduling the other curriculum is staggered throughout the year and this way we usually do a couple of sciences and language arts curriculums per year.
  22. Buying the postal insurance doesn't matter. What matters is that you purchased via Paypal and that is a good thing. If the seller doesn't respond to you then file a claim with Paypal. I have done Ebay as both a seller and buyer for years and have refunded a couple of times for Postal damage. It is the responsibility of the seller to make things right if the postal service loses or damages the item and the seller is reasonably sure that no buyer fraud is involved (not in your case). You need to contact the seller. Give her 5-7 days to respond and if no response you will need to file a claim with Paypal within 30 of auction close. Watch your dates so that you have time to file a claim. Beware that sellers that are a little fraudulent will try to stall you until you miss your 30 day claim file limit. Just file the claim and tell the seller you have a claim pending and will ONLY void the claim (you can only file once for each case) upon satisfactory settlement. DO NOT pull the claim until you are satisfied or you won't be able to re-file.
  23. I agree! Crystals can cause this kind of behavior because the pain of uninating crystals causes the cat to associate the box with pain. He isn't that old and if it were me, I'd take him to the vet ASAP for urinalysis. As far as the special diet, I have a formerly obstructed (crystals) kitty on a special diet and 3 other kitties. It is a little more work and planning but they eat separately and are all healthy and happy. We just had to get them on a feed and take it away after 20 min schedule. I also do not feed any dry food which has a tendency to contribute to dehydration in cats. I hope you give the little guy another chance and see a vet soon. Edited to add: Our vet says wet food only, no gravy and no fish flavors.
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