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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I recommend TM under absolute lockdown from now on. As for punishment, I think that repeating the course from where he began cheating is appropriate. I wouldn't tolerate lollygagging either. That behavior gives him time to get into trouble. I would be in the same room having him work on the problems and every 15 min he would have to stop and give me the answers he had worked. I had to use this method to show mine how to stay on task and speed up the process. This also will keep him from cheating. You'll have to do this more than a few times. It will have to be a consistent part of your homeschool routine if you want to change his patterns. Good luck.
  2. We've always tested. We do the SAT every year in March. The tester comes to the house for two half-days. We get the results in 4-10 weeks. I like this test because it gives me an idea where I need to put more emphasis and the kids are exposed to standardized testing so it won't be a surprise when they take their college tests.
  3. I also had early readers and this is familiar to me. I didn't boast but I would accept compliments. I didn't feel the need to add any comments that would lessen or diminish my child's ability (ie..the picking nose comment). I think that kind of response is counterproductive and not necessary. Just a polite affirmation that the child was reading and a thank you if complimented is IMO enough. Just because people may comment on a child reading doesn't automatically mean they are assuming their own should be reading or are not as advanced. You might be making some assumptions that don't fit the facts. Less is more. :)
  4. :thumbup1: Maths Mansion, Prototype This, Animated Hero Classics, and Pendemonium.
  5. You might try: http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites Find your local area and see what they have for sale. I've sold on Craigslist and my friend has bought lots of things with no problems for great prices. I bet you could find a nice dress and maybe even some type of gift!
  6. Interesting system but I think a little overkill on the plastic containers. I make a weekly list of tasks and we have a plastic center with shelves labled Mon through Fri and all the paperwork goes in the bin for each day. In the AM each child gets their work. The kids are independent workers so the list is good. I can see this workbox system working for kids that are younger.
  7. Check out A Beka too. It is a challenging math and has short and concise directions and plenty of practice with new and old concepts. Be sure to check out the placement tests before you buy though.
  8. I tried to find out too but so far no luck. Any more clues you can give us? What material was the picture included with? Looks like a Victorian theme. Women reading was a popular theme then. Maybe it is an unknown artist. I wonder if there is a catalog of unknown origin works out there somewhere?
  9. The kids and I have been checking this webcam lately! It is the site of BigRig Steve. He has a webcam set up on the windshield of his big rig and he documents his travels across the US. He has some wonderful scenic pictures. His truck buddy is a kitty named TK (for Truck Kat). This site made the top 25 of Earthcam's most interesting sites. I must add that this has made US geography more interesting for us. He has a link to a map of the US that he updates every few hours that plots his course so people can see where he is. Today he has a big welcome on his page to all homeschoolers so we were thrilled! Check him out at: http://www.bigrigtravels.com/
  10. It ends in about 2.5 hours!!!! Whoo hooo! Our tester is here and the girls are taking the Stanford right now. Soon as they are done we party!!! We'll take it easy for about a week then go into the summer schedule which is lighter but includes: math, learning Japanese, and a fun chemistry unit along with lots of fun summer activities.
  11. You might check out Calvert Civics. We just finished it this fall and it was quite good. :)
  12. I've got the perfect textbook! I used this one to help out with a basic college statistics course. My counselor recommended this book and I didn't get it at first. Finally I did and it was like a miracle. Everything was explained so well and clearly! This book has a permanent place on my shelf because it was/is so good. Book: Understandable Statistics by Charles Henry Brase
  13. I'm in FL and my son scored 31 on the ACT and with that score he qualifies for full Bright Futures. We aren't using an umbrella and never have. My son has been dual-enrolled in college for grades 10, 11 and 12 and we only worked with the college for the dual enrollment. He took a college admittance test and was able to take any classes he wanted. I'm keeping a High School 'transcript' for my son but it might not be really important because he has been taking the college classes for 3 yrs. The Bright Futures helps pay for college and depending on the SAT or ACT scores, you get certain % of tuition and other college costs paid. There are also some volunteer requirements. The volunteer requirements are pretty specific so you will need to check what is acceptable and what documentation you'll need. My son is doing his 75 hrs at the public library teaching seniors the computer. The volunteer hours need to be completed prior to HS graduation. We've never had to deal with any public high schools for any of this. As far as contacts, we've only dealt with the college dual enrollment admin. and the usual annual reporting to the school district homeschool liason. Hope this helps! :)
  14. We love this text! It is a perfect, non-stressful approach. :)
  15. I wouldn't have a cleaning person. I did once and I felt that before she came I had to clean up (hence making a cleaning person less reasonable) and I am kinda critical about how well I want the cleaning to be done. I'd never criticize the cleaning person but after they left I'd re-do it. I'd be a really bad candidate for a cleaning service. :laugh:
  16. I would do a skinless baked or grilled chicken. Avoid bbq sauces and breading. A side off long grain rice is less calories than plain rice so maybe some of that. Sides of veggies are good as long as you avoid high calorie sauces. You could add a salad with a diet dressing. Whatever you get, try to eat a small portion or just ask the server to limit the serving. For a drink, I'd go for coffee or tea black, a diet soda or just water and lemon. Hope this helps!
  17. Sub q fluids would be much easier and my vet almost had to teach me how to do this. Our kitty is prone to urinary crystals and keeping his fluid intake up keeps him healthy. He is really good about letting us give him extra fluids via a syringe of water orally a few times a day so that is all we need to do along with monitor his diet.
  18. I switched to black when I went back on my diet. You'd be surprised how many points adding half n half or milk to coffee can add up to at the end of the day. I found that buying flavored ground coffee helps make the transition easier.
  19. I used to feel that way when I had only one child in private school. Used to try to look really 'put together' Then I started homeschooling....added two more children....added 4 cats and then a big moose of a dog and decided it might be better to embrace my inner slob. Well...maybe not 'embrace' but try to get along with the inner slob. We reached a compromise. Now I dress for comfort but with a little more attention to what is in style (ok...more than a few seasons ago but I can't make miracles happen). I am reconciled to not having my nails and hair picture perfect or name brand purses that actually change with outfits. I have my own style and it makes me happy. It makes dh and the kids happy too so all is well and good. :001_smile:
  20. I will correct my own children-but not in front of others. I draw the line at correcting other children's grammar. IMO, it can come off as being elitist and homeschoolers have enough to deal with. I don't want people thinking I'm critiquing their speech when they talk to me. ;)
  21. Teppan Edo is great and very entertaining! We also like the Coral Reef restaurant and the Mexican restaurant in Epcot. Actually all of them are great! :)
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