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Everything posted by mama27

  1. Not everyone reads every thread. Personally I like to know more about someone writing about homeschoolers before answering any questions especially if the title of the thread is a little odd like this one. I wouldn't want to answer some questions about my emotions then find my response was used to write something that's insulting or derogatory or makes homeschoolers in general sound unstable. Because that certainly never happened before, right? IMO, if someone wants to conduct research for an author they need to be way more open about the authors intentions, it's very suspicious when they don't!
  2. The problem is that the OP came out of nowhere asking questions but was very vague about answering any herself.
  3. I agree. And some versions are better than others. Don't watch the one with Kiera Knightly. Blech!
  4. Yea, ok, I'd have to be drawing the line at that. With a tank top under it? Yes. Just a bra? Heck no! And not in 4th or 5th grade!
  5. Ours is always watery and icky by the time we get to the end. I have a hard enough time using it then let along cutting open the tube (which I never thought of).
  6. None of my lingerie ever looked like that! Some girls don't want to look sporty. I don't see how showing your shoulder is sexy. But 150 years ago ankles wear sexy and I don't understand that either!
  7. I assume it's because a thicker strap would cover the bra strap? Because seeing a bra strap is appealing somehow?? I saw a young homeschooled girl yesterday wearing one of those tanks tops with the thin straps but no bra and honestly that bothered me more than seeing her bra strap would.
  8. Ugh.I HATE clothes with words on the butt! And when my boys are old enough to care, if the "style" of showing your underwear or even your whole butt is still in and they try it I will yank their jeans off all the way. Or give them a wedgie. Or both.
  9. Everything. If my kids get a break longer than a week heir brains fall out.
  10. Yep, that's what I meant. Obviously someone can choose to write in cursive.
  11. I don't see what the problem is with those tank tops. ETA: I just saw the back of the tank top from the second link. My girls would have to wear another tank, like the one in the first link, to be able to wear that.
  12. Not for legal papers such as mortgage papers, job apps, court documents, etc.
  13. No cleavage. No midriffs. No bikinis. 2 pieces are ok but not super skimpy ones. My 18 yo wears her shorts shorter than I'd like but my 14 yo doesn't. Make up is ok, starting at at 12.
  14. I used an ebook version of LA3 and I really liked it! It was interesting, easy to use,and fun for my kids. We skipped the spelling part and writing. I wasn't using their history and didn't have time to add the writing in but if I did, it would have been easy to use without using their history.
  15. I like their books. Love them actually. I own all the cores up through American high school history, whatever they are calling it now. Except the Joy Hakim books but I just sold those because we are moving. I don't like their guides. I also don't like that they have secular guides now. I know that makes a lot of non Christians happy but I don't like it and won't buy anything from them anymore becaue of it.
  16. I recall doing this in ps. I never understood what the point was. My mom has the most beautiful writing I've ever seen and she didn't slant her paper. I never even thought about doing it with my kids and some write neat, some don't. But I also don't insist on cursive. If they want to learn it, fine. If not, that;'s fine too. Most people print when they write, and usually wind up with their own style as adults. Besides the only thing ypu can use cursive for (at least in my 42 years of life) is when you sig your name. There are too many other things I would rather spend my time and effort on than worrying if their paper is slanted. I also don't make my kids sit straight in their chairs, with their feet flat on the floor.
  17. What on earth for??? If the writing is neat, who cares what angle the paper is?
  18. Isure haven't! I've tried cheap ones, expensive ones, cheap mechanical, expensive mechanical, and they all break. The latest batch had broken leads inside the stupid things. They just came out broken in little pieces. I've also tried different types of sharpeners. Now we use pens. No more pencils here.
  19. We are doing the same thing this year. Moving several states away. Since I have a million things to do I have already cut way back and we are doing a CM type of homeschooling. Math, grammar, writing, and reading. I cut out Saxon math for 2 of my boys because it takes them over an hour to do one lesson. Now they are doing MUS and 1 page of Key to Measurment. Takes like 20 minutes. They read and write down what they recall reading, 3 to 5 sentences. We are doing an insect study with SCM Jacks Insects but I'm reading ti to my 4 youngest kids and we are talking about and they are drawing the insects. Right now they are outside playing...er...doing nature study and finding 34 million bugs and showing them to me and collecting them in a bucket while I purge bookshelves. My 14 is doing LOF and Jacobs Algebra instead of Saxon,again because of the time frame. She's doing Uncle Sam and You but doing written narrations instead of the workbooks that come with it and she says she liked the workbooks BETTER because they were EASIER than written narrations! Guess who will NOT be going back to workbooks?? She's doing Spanish in ten minutes a day, making her own animal journal, and reading. I also read to all the kids, 14 and under. My 18 yo has a job and my 21 yo is married and not living at home or able to help. My elderly parents live with us and require a lot of care and my dh will be gone for months at a time while I take care of everything here so I've had top scale way back on academics BUT the kids seem to be learning just as much, if not more (it's only been about a month) and I'm seriously thinking these CM people know what they are talking about!
  20. Can you link me to exactly what you mean cuz I have looked at Veritas Press 34 times and can't understand it for some reason.
  21. My kids and I all pick a poetry book and take turns reading whichever poem we pick, starting with my youngest. We do this once a week.
  22. My youngest had this OBSESSION with eating crayons. Total OBSESSION. I tried everything to get her to quit and she would grab them and run and stuff them in her mouth. I finally gave up, made sure I only bought Crayola and let it. Eventually she quit. But I always knew what colors she had eaten! lol Not helpful, I know, but you're not alone!
  23. The Sonlight books are awesome. Get a catalog and read the books!
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