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Everything posted by mama27

  1. On the demo there's a man lecturing, it's the one where he talks about wether or not virues' are alive. Who is he? He seems familiar but I can't figure it out.
  2. Well I didn't do a dang thing to any of them! lol I don't even pick any fonts, I just start typing. Sometimes its so small I can barely see it and when I click on the size button it just won't stay bigger.
  3. Cursive???? Say what?? This thing is crazy. In the last post I wrote it was wee and itty bitty. I haven't even changed it!
  4. Having had strep about ten times (literally) in the past year, I feel for you, even if it's not strep! That feeling is still awful. Sorry this font is so small, I keep trying to change it and it won't. I have no clue why.
  5. Wow! ok, I had to go back to the top, TWICE, to make sure I wasn't on the Accelerated Board and to make sure this said 3rd grade. Y'all sure have some advanced 3rd graders!!! :) My 3rd grader is using R&S math, just started grade 3 and is only using parts of it. ETC online phonics. I just started Adventures in America for history with him and my 7 yo dd. Science is mostly books and dvds. I read out loud daily to all my kids. He reads to me. ETA: I forgot Song School Spanish. Just the songs, no writing. Nature studies. Kung Fu. Childrens Calvary Bible.
  6. Saxon and Life of Fred for my 14 yo dd, 11 yo ds, and 10 yo ds. My 8 yo ds and 7yo dd is using Rod and Staff and random worksheets.
  7. I don't schedule anything except for classes out of our home like King Fu and acting.
  8. Sounds like strep to me. I "think" you can still get strep even without tonsils.
  9. When I got to the chapter where Jack died I told my kids "Jack dies and I refuse to read about it."
  10. I guess sending emails asking about it actually helped!
  11. Thanks. Mostly it's that I don't HAVE those books but I do have the rest.
  12. Is that the one by Classical Academic Press? I am using their Song School Spanish and love it!
  13. We've had this for years and can't use the stupid thing because every time we try it says theres an error and my husband has to go through a huge issue to fix it and if we want help from the stupid company we have to pay 99.00 for one year of help!AAAAANNNDDDDD when my oldest 2 were using it we had to disable the part that listens and tells if you are saying things right or wrong but it kept saying they were saying things wrong even though they were not because my dh is Hispanic and he said they were. BIG waste of money. HUGE.
  14. Would it take too much away from this if I didn't use the Joy Hakim books?
  15. This looks very cool! I tried linking the web site but for some reason my c/p isn't working and now I have NO clue why these numbers are here and they won't go away! But thanks for sharing this!
  16. I signed up for the 2 week free trial and just from what I've seen this am I VERY impressed. And VERY tempted!
  17. I emailed them also, last week, and I haven't heard anything either.
  18. ETA: NM I can see this going in a different direction than I anticipated.
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