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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Just wanted to say that I agree w/ the Vit. D. Have your dr. check yours if he/she hasn't already. Mine was "extremely low" according to my dr. and I've been feeling very fatigued. I'm on prescription strength now but it takes a while to build up I guess. Also have your thyroid checked to see if you might be hypothyroid.
  2. Okay, that is something to consider. My 6yo got extremely upset last year when lil sis was shouting out answers to "his questions" before he could. I had to finally separate them so she wouldn't upset him. I want him to feel smart, because he is. I want my 4yo to keep her motivation for learning. Perhaps I need to revamp this a little bit. He could participate in the science, art, music to MFW K but do a different LA/phonics. He has a math book to use already and dd4 will simply do the math in MFW K. Hmmm...back to the drawing board. Thanks for mentioning that possible obstacle b/c I do have a feeling it will be.
  3. That sounds horrible, I know, but by my adjectives of bright and average I am not making a judgement call on my kids...just trying to describe the situation better :) I have dd4 who already knows her letters and sounds and can sound out CVC words fairly well. I had planned to do MFW K with her b/c I already have it. Ds6 knows most of his letters and sounds, can copy short sentences, write his name but does not read well at all yet. He can sound out some CVC words but it is difficult for him. I want to combine these 2 as much as possible. My four oldest are going back to ps so I will only have the 4yo, 6yo and my toddler at home. Should I/could I put the 6yo in MFW K w/ the 4yo, focus on getting him "up to speed" in reading and wait until next year to do something like HOD's Little Hearts? That is my gut instinct. I don't want to overwhelm myself or him and he really must focus on the basics this year. All else at this age (for him) is gravy. I figure we can get in some basic History through books (read alouds), do some map skills, history, science,etc. through the books in FIAR (which I would like to incorporate). Does this sound like a plan? I don't think MFW K would be too easy for him. I also plan to add some ETC books b/c he does like them. Any advice? Thanks.
  4. Four of mine are going back or going to ps for the first time this coming year. Dd12, ds11, ds9 and ds8 (8th, 6th, 4th and 3rd). What would you afterschool? And, how do you do it w/out overwhelming the kids? I mean, don't they already have a ton of homework to do after school? I can see my kids not wanting anything to do w/ school after it is over! However, there are a few things I would like for them to continue or to start...Spanish, a bit of world history (which we can easily do listening to Diana Waring's CDs), more reading than required in the ps, and Bible (which can be done as am devotions). Any advice would be appreciated. I don't want to take on too much (cause then it will feel like homeschooling anyway!) and I don't want to overwhelm them. Thanks.
  5. First day we had my son's hamster, it bit me pretty good, too. It also bled and bled and I just put antibiotic ointment on the bite and bandaged it up. It healed, no problem. He should be fine, but call your ped. just in case.
  6. And what a wonderful, inspirational woman she is! I am so blessed to know her both on board and now IRL! Yeah! Small world story: I have a cousin who lives in Northern VA. His wife and children (and him sometimes) attend the church that her husband pastors. In talking with my cousin's wife one day re: homeschooling, she mentioned her pastor's wife homeschooled and was on a homeschool forum and we should try to connect. She said her name was Chris in Virginia on the board (couldn't remember the name of the board at that time) and I about fell off my chair! I knew it had to be the same Chris in VA on the WTM board! So, during my stay in VA for the past few weeks, we met at my cousin's home for dinner one night and chatted until very late. Just so exciting and had to share. What a blessing she is...thanks Chris if you are reading this and lets not make this the ONLY time we ever meet!
  7. I am still nursing my 13 mos. old. He nurses a few times a day...mostly morning, after his naps and evening before bed. I am out of town this week, will be home Friday evening, leaving again on Sunday evening (continuing that pattern for 3 weeks. I am pumping a little while I am away. Do you think the baby will still want to nurse when I get home? Will he remember me? I am terrified that he'll not want to nurse at all or that he won't remember me! I'm not ready to give up nursing, especially since he is our last! I will just be devastate if he doesn't want to anymore or forgets how! This is a necessary trip for me otherwise I would not have gone. Being away from him and the kids is excruciating! Worrying about him forgetting me has me in tears! Please reassure me that he won't forget!
  8. Best $110 we ever spent. Totally worth it, IMO. We learned so much, were finally able to get a plan together for our money (present and future). It is such a relief knowing where our money is going each paycheck. It might not have changed how much we actually make, but it sure changed our outlook on the future.
  9. In this day of digital everything and easy computer access to most bills, phone bills, etc...what do you keep hard copies of and for how long? I'm finally getting around to cleaning out our files (blech) and wondering what I should actually be keeping? I'm trying to simplify my life, de-clutter, etc. and if I didn't have to actually keep hard copies of anything except taxes and important documents, medical records, school stuff, etc...it would really be nice. So, what do you keep on hand and what do you purge? Thanks!
  10. My dd will be a "young" 8th grader. She won't turn 13 until the end of Nov. When we lived in MD, the cut-off for entering K was Dec. 30 so she entered K at age 4. For her...it was fine b/c she was advanced anyway. Now, socially, I'm worried that she will have difficulty in ps next year. Hmmm...
  11. I have used both. We used MFW ECC a bit this year and it didn't go over well for our family. Great program, well laid out, but not a good "fit" for our family. I still LOVE MFW K and will use it next year for dd4. I like it better than LHTH from HOD although LHTH is really cute (possible geared more toward younger than 4). Just my opinion. We are probably doing Beyond next year, though, b/c I really felt drawn to HOD for my kids that are staying home next year. I do know what you mean when you say more "relationship w/ Christ" focused although MFW certainly does teach that as well. It's just a "feeling". It's hard to choose when both are so good. HOD is also laid out a bit "simpler" for me...I like the little boxes where each activity is clearly spelled out. It's visually more appealing to me and easier to follow. Again, just my opinion. I can't recommend one over the other so I would just say, "pray!". God will lead you to the right one!
  12. I remember, I remember! Surely you all cannot forget all the whining I did for MONTHS prior to Jesse's birth? :tongue_smilie: Happy bday to all our beautiful baby boys! How about some one year pics? I'll have to post one soon.
  13. The best family portrait we ever had taken was when we all wore a white top and khaki bottoms. I know people are saying no white, but this photo really did look good. Baby girl could wear a simpl white dress as a pp already said. Fabulous! I'm sure no matter what you all wear it will be perfect!
  14. I'm enjoying all the discussion. Someones asked what I was being unreasonable about so I'll give it a go: I am a perfectionist. I was brought up in a family where perfermance was valued and affection/attention/love was given for a good "performance" (academically, musically, sports, etc.). I constantly feel like I am "not enough" or not doing enough. My house isn't clean enough or organized enough, my kids aren't well-behaved enough, I don't pray enough or read the Word enough (there is some truth to that though :tongue_smilie:), I'm not educating my children well enough...the list goes on. I put a lot of pressure on myself. We have a ton of modern day conveniences, true. It makes our life "easier" but all of the outside pressures that society puts on us sort of nullify it if you KWIM. We try to be supermom and do it all. Homeschool, work, ministry, be a good friend, wife, etc. We want to do it all and do it all well. Well, I do anyway. I'm not complaining. I'm just "musing". I don't get any help...partly b/c I don't ask for it and partly b/c it simply isn't available! My folks are an hour away and older, my neighbor is great but she now works full-time, my other friends all have busy lives, etc. It's just me. Esp. when dh travels. I don't know how you "army wives" do it when dh is deployed for long periods of time. :001_huh: I'd go crazy. Anyway, keep the discussion coming. It is helpful!
  15. I have 7 kids...most of you know that. And, most of you know I am having a difficult time raising them, schooling them and keeping sane. My life and my struggles have been an open book for you all to read, critique, advise, criticize (thanks for not doing too much of that :D), pray about and sometimes, laugh at. My counselor told me today that my job was the hardest job in the world, that I put way to much pressure on myself, have unrealistic expectations of how my family should operate and that society today is just different than it was decades ago when large families were "in style". What do you all think? Is she just making me feel better or is it really just more difficult today than "yesterday"? I'm not cut out for this job. My skills are not a good match for my job (homeschooling, raising Godly kids, disciplining children, etc.). I am a nurturer and so I do some things well...babies, nursing, cuddling, patching up boo-boos, etc. I am not gifted in organization, scheduling and sticking to one, keeping a neat home, cooking, etc. It's not my forte. I'm not complaining or asking for sympathy. I love my kids. And if love were enough, they would be just fine. But love is not enough. Feel free to chime in on my musings if you feel led. I do believe that children are a gift from God and that He doesn't give us more than we can handle. Why then, am I having such a hard time with this? Anyway, what do you all think?
  16. It's so difficult when your first child (or any of your other children) is easy isn't it? My first child learned to read early and kept on going. My second child wasn't so easy and the third even more difficult. Then comes #4 and he learned to read on his own w/out any help from me. Now there is #5 who is 6yo and barely knows his letters and sounds and refuses (and I mean refuses) to sit w/ me to learn to read. It doesn't help that his 3yo sister can already read. :glare: They are all so different and as parents it is so challenging to not compare or think that one should do what the other did just b/c they are "that age". Give him some time and lay off the "formal" teaching is my opinion. Watch Leapster Letter Factory. Play w/ the Fridge Phonics. My 6yo's favorite "letter game" is when we go out to jump on the trampoline together and I call out a letter or letter sound and he has to say what the letter sound or letter is that matches. If he gets it right we both jump wildly and then move on to another letter/sound. It's really fun. Your son is not even K age yet. Just have fun and don't worry just yet. They all develop at their own pace.
  17. Hey there! Welcome back! So good to "see" you 'round these parts again!:D
  18. If you have to test your dc, where do you order your tests? It's almost June and I must order them and test my 3rd and 5th grader SOON! Thanks!
  19. Praying for his protection right now as well as the protection of those he works with. Please post when you hear something.
  20. I am a reformed curriculum junkie, but it is a constant struggle. :) I still read up on the latest and greatest, pondering ways to somehow use it in our school. My kids get glassy-eyed everytime I pull out a new book. Poor things. But, I have realized the error of my ways and am purging, selling, purging and selling. I don't frequent the curriculum board like I used to. I am still, however, hopelessly addicted to books of all kinds. I love books. I get giddy when I find a great book on the library sale shelf or at Good Will. But, I'm running out of room so I will need to stop the madness soon.
  21. I,too, think it wonderful that you want to help in spite of this woman's negativity toward you...what a way to show the love Christ! I agree that gift cards would make the most sense financially if you want to be anon. That is, if it is financial help they need. We've done that before when we've wanted to remain anon. Giving anon. doesn't degrade the value of the help...it shows true love when you simply want to give and not be recognized for the giving. Giving is never bad.
  22. Here is what I mean. I would really like my kids to continue learning through the summer. A few things will be a definite...math drills and reading being two. They know that. What are some fun, educational things we can do to continue the learning atmosphere but at the same time not having it feel like actual "school". My older 2 will be going back to ps next year and I KNOW they would like a summer break, so would not be very agreeable to schooling through the summer (neither am I!). Any ideas? I'd like to get get in some science and history as we didn't get much of that done this year. Thanks for your suggestions.
  23. We are decluttering, too. I wanted to have a yard sale or sell stuff somehow to make extra money, too. I had bags sitting around just waiting. Then God spoke to me one word..."PURGE". In prayer, he told me He would take care of the money but to just get rid of all the clutter. See, for me, clutter just steals my joy...it sucks the energy out of me, makes me cranky. So, I'm just bagging up junk and either trashing it or donating it. That extra $200 or so isn't worth the effort for me.
  24. I just love Jentezen Franklin's books! I just got finished reading Believe that you Can. Awesome book. About fasting...I have many friends who fast regularly. I've never been able to fast for a long length of time (due to pregnancy or nursing :)) but have done Daniel fasts. Jordan Rubin (author of the Maker's Diet) actually recommends fasting one day each week (just water) to cleanse your body of impurities. Once I'm finished nursing, I'd like to try that. Spiritually speaking, fasting can bring about some tremendous breakthroughs and is very biblical.
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