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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Just enter code "SANTA" at checkout to receive your discount. Lots of restaurants to choose from but there ARE restriction. Most specify a minimum $35 food purchase/2 entrees to use the certificate w/ 18% gratuity added BEFORE discount. I'm not real thrilled about that, but a $40 meal for $15? Not bad for a nice date night w/ your hubby! I needed some last minute gifts for relatives anyway so this is really cool. HTH somebody! Oh, you can print the certificates right from your home computer!
  2. I was CHEERING and dancing in my living room! I sooo wanted Michelle to win. She had the beauty already...radiating from the INSIDE. Now...she has a knock-out body to go with it! My whole family watched the show and we all were rooting for Michellle.
  3. We just finished the 13 week Financial Peace University course at a local church. Wow. We've been using the envelope system since the beginning (3 mos. now) and at first it was very depressing but now...it's actually very liberating. We know what we have to spend at a glance and what we can and can't do (eat out or not, buy a new dress for dd or not, go to a movie or not, etc.) It takes tweaking each pay, but we have it almost "right" after 3 mos. Budget is still extremely tight and we haven't even reached our first goal...$1000 in the bank for emergencies but we've not had to use the credit cards and have actually been able to save money not only for the Emergency fund but for car repairs and tires (something we would put on a credit card in the past). It also helped to make my dh realize that we desperately need to bring in more income. He was in denial before. Our kids even have their own "envelope system" for their allowances and any birthday money or Christmas money they get (they have envelopes for Give/Tithe, Spend and Save). They are really into it.
  4. Well, I had hoped to finish out this week before breaking for Christmas and New Year, but after I went down w/ a killer migraine this afternoon and got my monthly visitor this evening...I'm done. So, instead of the normal academic schedule, I thought we'd just read and bake! I'm tired of the "normal" Christmas cookies...chocolate chip (and variations thereof), sugar cookies, oatmeal/raisin or oatmeal/craisin which were yummy last year! Anyway, have any cookie recipes that are simple and YUMMY? Thanks!:)
  5. Upon entering our house from my neighbors this evening, my dd3 marches into the kitchen opens the refrigerator and announces to her older sister, "I'm so hungry. My tummy is barking!" :lol::lol: Get it? Barking...growling? :lol::lol: I so needed a laugh like that. Thank God for 3 year olds!
  6. I found this on Retailmenot.com Use code #153302 to receive $10 off of a $30 purchase. Found in the Kit DVD. The code has an 84% reliability rating so it will probably work! Good luck!
  7. Thanks ladies! Well, we are NOT getting the iMac as I had hoped...FIL decided it was far too expensive and not worth it when compared to all he could get w/ a regular PC (he obviously doesn't know Macs). I'm bummed, but who can complain when the computer is being given to us? I'm just grateful, KWIM? So...it seems an iPod is the way to go based on the replies. Okie-dokie...off to see which one I want!
  8. My dd12 just bought a DS (used) w/ her birthday money. She only has one game...Pets Dogs 2. It's rather cute. You have a puppy that you purchase furniture, toys, and other stuff for using money that you earn by playing games...I think I've heard my dd playing Crazy Eights, bowling, Go Fish, etc. on the DS. I will say, that we just purchased a 3-game combo for my ds9 who has the older Gameboy Advance. The DS's will play the GameBoy Advance games (at least my dd's does). One of the 3-game combos has Risk, Battleship and Clue (I loved those games) and the other has Payday, Life and Yahtzee (loved those too!). They were fairly cheap. Make sure his Lite can play the Gameboy Advance Games first before you purchase. My son also enjoys this racing game called Corvette. HTH...good to "see" you on the board, Bill!
  9. I'm looking into purchasing an iPod w/ some Christmas money. Should I get an iPod or something more "generic"? I've heard of Zunes but don't know much about them except they look strikingly similar to the iPods. Can anyone compare the 2 or recommend something else? I'd like to use it for photos, music, videos and audiobooks. I heard that w/ iPod you are limited to iTunes for music. Is that true? I'd rather not be limited. Okay...many thanks for your recommendations and descriptions/comparisons!
  10. So, after this conversation w/ my step MIL who seems to now know everything about homeschooling b/c she has a few friends who homeschool in her neigborhood....I am questioning how much writing is enough...specifically for my 5th and 7th grader. 7th grade dd does LL7 and has a paper to write for each Unit. She does LLATL Green which includes dictation. She will be writing a country report as part of MFW ECC. I allow her time for creative writing on her own (stories, poems, journaling, letters, etc.). Is this enough? Should we be doing more? I had thought about going back to Ancient History based Writing lessons from IEW (which she didn't finish last year) or ordering Jump In for the spring. How about 5th grade? My son does Writing Tales 2. He writes creatively on his own (stories, movie scripts, letters, etc.) and does dictation w/ LLATL Purple. Is THAT enough? He'll do a smaller country report w/ MFW ECC later this year. What am I missing? Anything? I'm just so frustrated and doubting I'm preparing them sufficiently for upper level writing. Thanks.
  11. :glare: She calls to talk about Christmas gift ideas for my older 2 kids and about the computer that she and my FIL are so generously buying us. Great people. Very generous...and very opinionated. :glare: I *thought* they supported our decision to homeschool. Well, step-MIL goes on and on about her nieces and nephews in public school and how much work they have to do and that they are writing 10 page reports EVERY WEEK, have 2 1/2 hours of homework each night and blah, blah, blah. I just listen and brace myself for "the question"...."so, what are YOUR kids doing?" :glare: Well, as I have learned not to compare apples to oranges, I just tell her that we don't necessarily follow public school curriculum or guidelines and that my dh and I feel we are sufficiently preparing them for upper level work. Well, not good enough. What, EXACTLY, are you doing, she asks. Again, I tell her that my philosophy on writing in the elementary and middle grades (after doing much research) doesn't mesh w/ the public school philosophy. She starts ranting about college and how it doesn't matter that I don't "agree" w/ public school b/c in college the playing field is "leveled". Okay, I get that, but who is to say that the public schools will necessarily prepare my children more or better for college? Sorry, just had to rant and vent. As if I'm not already doubting that we are doing enough, right? Thanks for listening.
  12. Thanks everyone. Some things I do have in place: a written checklist (I must be more consistent in making sure all items are completed, though), frequent breaks for this child, plenty of "free" time to build, play ball, do some sort of physical activity or any other activity that he enjoys (not video games or TV). As far as whether these tears are real or simply manipulation...I think they are real and are linked to those subjects that require right or wrong, clear answers (like math) and also to subjects that he finds difficult or "boring". Like reading. He hates to read aloud. His confidence in his reading is lacking. He recently ASKED for a recommendation on a good "series" sort of book that was adventurous or some sort of mystery. I jumped at that chance and he is starting Lord of the Rings...HIS choice. We are making progress. As Pam H said, we've had some discipline issues in the past...major discipline issues that we are addressing with fervor. The kids are reacting to stricter rules and stricter, more consistent discipline but I am hopeful that this will result in the "fruit" that we hope it will. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions and thanks for the website rec. (Diane Craft). Off to check that out...
  13. You can probably find a ton of used games on Craigslist as well. Many people are selling their used games to make money to purchase new ones for newer systems (i.e. selling Gamecube games to purchase Wii games). We inherited a GameCube from my SIL and it's fine for my kids. I wouldn't have ever spent money to purchase a video game system...still won't. My kids purchased their own Nintendo DS/Gameboy systems or came by them for free from friends who were done w/ them. Anyway, just wanted to mention Craigslist in addition to the GameStop recs.
  14. I have to agree w/ LBC re: seeking out a good Christian counselor. I started seeing one several months ago...I was actually dragged there kicking and screaming (well, not literally but you get the idea...I didn't want to go!) by my husband who'd had enough of my depression. Anyway, it was the best thing he could have done for me. I've been able to work through lots of "junk" w/ the help of this incredibly caring yet professional counselor. She's very good at what she does AND she has compassion as well. I have a long way to go but with her help and God's help, have come so far. I might also recommend some good books that are helping or have helped me: Captivating: Unveiling the Mysteries of a Woman's Soul by John and Staci Eldredge Lord, I Want to Be Whole by Stormie O'Martian...a terrific book on emotional healing that I just started reading this evening and can't put down. Get Out of That Pit! by Beth Moore...another good read. I've come to learn that seeking professional help is not admitting a weakness, which I thought before and the reason I never/could never seek help on my own. I see it as quite the opposite now. Anyway, good luck to you...I'll be praying for you!
  15. I almost bought PP for my ds5. I'll look into it again. Perhaps my libray has it...anything would be helpful at this point b/c we simply cannot afford the $$$$ for vision therapy. DD12 needs braces and we've been putting that off b/c of the $$$. Yikes.
  16. He gets too many breaks if you ask me. 5 minutes btwn. each and every subject...even those that take him 5 minutes to complete. He goes outside and shoots hoops or jumps on the trampoline or builds something or whatever. I'm strict about the tv being off during the school day (unless it's my dd3 watching Letter Factory or something like that).
  17. We did have his eyes checked and he has reading glasses now. Problem is, he says that there is no difference from when he wears them and when he does not. We make him wear them anyway. I am looking to take him to a specialist b/c I'm wondering if he might have some vision tracking issues. Challenge there...can't find one close by who accepts our insurance. There is no way unless by some miracle that we could afford the out of pocket for even the evaluation, KWIM?
  18. We purchased a nice set for my ds10 and ds9 a couple years back. The sets were well-made and reasonably priced. I believe we purchased them from Cabelas (http://www.cabelas.com) for around $20. The boys LOVED them for a few months, then got tired of them. They were real bow and arrows (blunt tip arrows, though, not sharp) so we had to be very careful about them following the safety rules. Great gift for a young boy...just make sure you drill the safety rules w/ them so nobody gets hurt. :)
  19. Some groups my dd12 enjoys listening to: Casting Crowns, Avalon, ZoeGirl, Barlow Girl, Jeremy Camp, News Boys, Rebecca St. James, Some groups my ds10 enjoys listening to: Third Day, Skillet, DC Talk, Toby Mac (he likes the louder, more guitar heavy music :)) HTH
  20. Ds10 is in tears every.day. over his schoolwork. Before you ask...it's NOT too tough. He is technically "behind" with math since we started him back at the beginning w/ MUS Alpha last year b/c of his difficulty retaining his facts. We still have this problem, but we're working on it. My problem/his problem is the attitude I guess. Tears. Every. Day. I streamlined, thinking I was asking too much. So now he does the following each morning: LLATL (one lesson), handwriting from Reason For Handwriting, Explode the Code (he needed some extra help w/ his phonics for spelling purposes), 2 pages from MUS Delta and he spends some time in creative writing (b/c he likes to write stories). In the afternoon, we do our MFW ECC which includes Geography, Bible and Science (and music and art when we get to it). He also reads a chapter from whatever book he is reading for school (right now that is Farmer Boy). Reading for him is a struggle. So, as you can see, he is not doing TOO much. In fact, I fear I am not challenging him enough. But, I just can't stomach the fighting and attitude and tears anymore. Some help from those who have btdt would be so appreciated. This kid is a relatively well-behaved, helpful, creative, sweet, intelligent, etc. child. He wants to go back to ps b/c he thinks the workload will be less (HAH!). We are considering that for next year, but I want him to be prepared. Okay, enough rambling...wwyd?
  21. Well, when dd12 was 10, she asked for an AG doll. I refused to pay that much for a doll. So, dd10 saved every penny of her birthday money from relatives and purchased a doll on her own. 2 years later, she asked for the new AG doll of the year and I just looked at her and shook my head. So, again, she saved every penny of her bday money and purchased another doll herself. The dolls mean more to her since she purchased them. She still loves the dolls although she doesn't really "play" with them much. For Christmas, she is getting an outfit for one of the dolls w/ matching pjs for her (clearance items...couldn't resist!). She'll be thrilled. Can your dd save enough to purchase one herself? Does she get Christmas money from relatives? Perhaps you can work on a matching situation where you match her dollar for dollar for however much she can save in a certain period of time. Just a thought!
  22. Okay, 10 things is a bit too overwhelming for me so here are my 3: 1. Help ds5 and ds7 clean their shared room so I can put their clothes away in their drawers. 2. clean my room which consists of putting summer clothes away in boxes, folding and putting away the clean laundry (hah!) and vacuuming for starters :) 3. Help dd12 and dd3 clean their shared room which consists mainly of organizing dd3's toys and books, putting her clothes away/finding a place for her clothes as the hanging closet organizer is simply not cutting it anymore (it was one of those hanging organizers for infant supplies). There...I'd be happy if ONE of those got done today :glare:
  23. Just a thought b/c I've contemplated the same thing. I'm not a born organized person and have the same struggles. My house is in a constant state of disarray b/c I can't seem to maintain control of all my clutter, the school papers, materials, books, toys, clothes, etc. I can't afford to pay a prof. organizer...period. But, I do have friends who are born-organized people. I've contemplated putting out a "cry for help" and simply asking one of those friends to come over one day and help me find solutions to my biggest challenges. Do you know anyone who is born-organized or simply does a good job maintaining her home? Perhaps you can swap services w/ her? She can help you organize and you can help her do something that you are gifted at and she is not, KWIM? Just a thought...
  24. My dd purchased her Nintendo DS from someone on Craigslist and we sold a propane heater...which my husband ended up shipping via UPS to somebody in a different state even though his wife told him not to do any sort of shipping w/ Craigslist. But, did he listen? No. Did he learn a lesson? Yes...he "guestimated" the weight for shipping and quoted the guy a price based on his guestimate...well...his guestimate was off to the tune of $25...NOT in our favor. Grrrrr.......We ended up eating that $25. Deal locally...lesson learned for dh.
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