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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. I bought the student book of LLATL Green used and have come to the first book study Star of Light. I am missing 2 pages and wondered if any of you who are using this could either scan and email these pages to me or snail mail them to me (I could send you a SASE). I am missing page 117/118 (it's one page...front and back) and page 125/126 (again this is one page, a front and back). If anyone would be willing to do this for me I would appreciate it. Even if the pages have already been written on, I could white out the answers. Thank you so much. Please PM me if you can help me out.
  2. All previously mentioned sites I have used and all are legit. Some stores do not accept IP's (Internet Printables)...my local grocery store only accepts IPs up to .99. It's frustrating. Sometimes you can find some really good ones. Check out http://www.hotcouponworld.com, http://www.afullcup.com for some couponing tips and a database FULL of IP sources and other sources of coupons. I shop CVS, Walgreens and occasionally Rite Aid for the rebates and extra bucks program, too. I get all our hygiene items, candy, paper goods, etc. for pennies on the dollar using coupons and the rebate or extra buck program. Fun, fun!
  3. Thanks everyone. I'll check into the machines you all mentioned and pass it along to FIL. I'll also pass alone the tip about waiting until Jan. and the hsers discount. Every little bit helps! Thanks again! And I'm doing a happy dance about no more viruses, too!
  4. My FIL has offered to upgrade our old computer for Christmas (read: buy us a new one). I have a Dell right now with Windows XP. I do not want another PC b/c of the Windows Vista problems. Dh has a work laptop w/ Vista and has problems every other day. Not fun. Anyway, I used to have a Mac way back "in the day" :) and I'd like another. What should I get? I'd like something powerful, able to play DVDs, lots of storage, compatible w/ Office, etc. Are there any reasons why I should NOT buy a Mac? And, laptop or desktop? I'd probably not do much traveling w/ it but the convenience would be nice :) But, I don't want the mobility over power, KWIM? I'd rather have more power/storage than the mobility if it is a trade off. Okay...any recommendations or other advice? Thanks.
  5. a few tablespoons of RAW honey (if you can find it) a day. Throat Coat tea is also very good sweetened w/ honey and some lemon. Hope he feels better soon!
  6. I was blessed to meet Mr. Demme, his wife, and son, Johnny in person at a homeschool retreat at Sandy Cove a few years ago. My husband also took our oldest 2 boys to a "Man Camp" in West Virginia where Mr. Demme was the speaker. He is great. We love MUS, here, too. It has really silenced all the negativity in my 10yo re: math. So neat that your question will be in his next newsletter! And way cool that he contacted you personally!
  7. Maybe I should have clarified...I didn't mean foundations, eye liners, mascara (she hates it anyway after the ordeal we had for her dance recital), blush. The eye shadow I have (from one of my coupon deals at CVS :D) is very, very light colors like vanilla, pink and a tanish color (barely noticeable). She is a beautiful girl w/out makeup. When I was in 8th grade, my mother gave me permission to wear makeup...whatever I wanted...w/out any sort of "tutorial" on how to wear it "correctly". The end result? Do we have a clown smiley? Yep, I ended up wearing neon blue mascara, blue eye liner, blue eye shadow, dark pink blush and lipstick. Blech.. I shudder to even think of it. My mother never said a word about how horrible I looked. Probably b/c she was never very conscious of what colors went well together or w/ what type of skin/hair. So, picture this pale skinned, freckled, red-head wearing all those colors. :lol: Are you laughing yet? Anyway, I vowed that if I had a little girl, I'd teach her how to apply and wear make-up appropriately b/c I never learned until I was married and in my 20s...at least the neon blue phase died out after the 80s. :lol: Anyway, thanks for the opinions. I think I'm going w/ the pale lip glosses, nail polishes and accessories and some of the body washes. I'm not sure on the eye shadow yet.
  8. My dd is turning 12 on Saturday. She's been asking recently to be allowed to wear a little makeup...clear/light colored lip glosses mainly. I was wondering what the Hive thought about make-up for a 12yo. She is still so "young" in so many ways and certainly no interested in boys at all (that I can tell). I just don't want her to grow up too fast and yet I don't want to keep her a little girl forever either, KWIM? I'm asking this question b/c I'm putting together a little "beauty basket" for her for Christmas and was curious what to include. I have some nail polishes and nail gems (she love nail polish), some very light color or clear lip glosses and I'm wondering what else to include? Light colored eye shadow? Too much? Perhaps a new hair brush, some girly body washes, etc.? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  9. Thanks everyone. I know the issue isn't food allergies (but thanks for pointing out that it could be!) b/c he hasn't had any reactions to solids (what little bits he actually swallows!) or anything in my milk. He doesn't have gas problems or foul smelling poops or anything. Now, he has been teething and his poops have been more green than yellow and more runny. I am *thinking* that the milk is not coming fast enough for him b/c he nurses furiously in the beginning (pulling, and squeezing and really working hard) but relaxes a bit more when my milk lets down. I do try to hold him close and not let him pull quite so much. I'm wondering if my supply just isn't what it used to be and he's not happy with that. More I think about it, the more I think that's what is going on. He nurses this way in private or in areas w/ lots going on and in any/all positions. So, hmmm...any ideas for an increase in supply? I don't think I'm drinking enough and I certainly could use more healthy snacks in my diet. I do have some Mother's Milk tea so perhaps I'll try that. Any other supply boosters (I know of fenugreek). Thanks again!
  10. I figured I would be able to get lots of advice from this board so here is my question/situation: I'm nursing my 6mo. I've nursed all 7 of my children (him being the 7th) w/out problem and up until just recently was still nursing my dd3. I had to stop that. My situation is this: Little dude is not a very calm nurser. What I mean, is he "wrestles" with me at each and every feeding...pushing and pulling, grabbing, etc. and he has quite a strong "suck" and pulls back alot while nursing and quite frankly, I feel like one of these days he's going to take it with him! I want to continue nursing for at least another 6 mos. but I am so sore that I've resorted to forcing a bottle on him sometimes (and he HATES the bottle). What can I do about this? None of my other kids were quite so "hyper" and "violent" at the breast. I *think* that I am producing enough milk...I have let down at each feeding and I can see milk in his mouth and hear him swallow. He seems satisfied although he has never slept through the night (not even close!). Next question concerns starting solid foods. We started giving him cereal and baby food about a month ago. He still had quite a strong "gag reflex" so we stopped. He is 6 mos. old now and we are trying again. He still refuses it. He gags, spits it out, "purses" his lips so we can't even get the food in. I'm a zombie b/c he still wakes several times a night to nurse and I just can't go on like that. What would you do? He refuses bottles as well although I do try to give him one w/ cereal mixed in sometimes. He won't even take one from the kids or my dh. Stubborn child (wonder where he gets that from :D ) Thanks for any advice you all might have. I'm at my wits end.
  11. and that includes ALL of you! Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John and Stasi Eldridge is a book that I am reading with some friends from church. We meet every 2 weeks to talk about it. This book is incredible. Every woman (and her husband) should read it. I can't recommend it enough. It has blessed me beyond measure and I wanted to share it w/ you all b/c you all have blessed me so much. It is on sale until Monday evening at CBD...part of their Fabulous Friday markdowns. It is only $5.99. Anyway...simply a wonderful book. I just had to share.
  12. I'm about to place an order and wondered if anyone had a code for free shipping so I could save some money. Thanks.
  13. Are you a member of any of the MFW Yahoo groups? They have been very helpful to me this year. ECC is going slowly for us as well and after the first 2 weeks (yes, I did say 2!), we took a break to do our Election lapbook. I'm trying to figure out myself how to make ECC more doable and fun. My dd11 doesn't mind it at all. My boys (10, 8 and 7) all grumble and complain when I say it's time to do Geography. On the MFW ECC Yahoo forum, most people say that the 1st 2 weeks are time-intensive and tedious. But, from there, it gets better. I sure hope so. I had such high hopes for ECC. Part of it is me, though. I haven't been as organized as I wanted in preparing ahead. Some ideas that people have given me: Make a running list of any activities that you don't get to in a certain cycle and do them on a Saturday or another light day or take a Friday "off" and just do the fun stuff (Science Exp., art activities, music, etc.). After we get back to ECC next week I'm going to see how it goes but I might just save activities like suggested. I've been using some of the GeoMatters notebooking pages. I bought the set during their big sale a few months back and instead of those Vocab index cards, I use the pre-printed Geo terms notebook pages. The definitions are already on there (not all are there, though) so my kids just draw a picture of the term and perhaps write a sentence or 2 about it. I know how you are feeling, though, b/c ECC has been a disappointment to me, as well. Others RAVE about it, but for us...it's just so-so. My advice? Give it a few more weeks and see how it goes. But, if you just did GtG...it might be rather redundant. So....you could jump-ship and just do SOTW and do some of the science or art from ECC. Hope you find your "groove"!
  14. Thanks everyone. I think it was indeed...supercook.com that I was thinking of. However, these other sights look great, too! Okay, now to figure out dinner...one hotdog, a few grains of rice, peanut butter and the heel of a loaf of bread...:D Okay, just kidding, but ya'll know how it gets sometimes right before payday? Thanks again for the websites!
  15. Nope, not allrecipes, but I do love that site. Thanks! I googled "recipe match" and came to this site: http://www.recipematch.com I *think* this was it, but it has been a while since I used it. In any case, it is the same type of thing I was talking about! Thanks!
  16. you can type in what you have on hand in your pantry and it generates recipes for those ingredients. Somebody on this board posted it a while back and I forgot to save it in my favorites. Anybody know what I'm talking about? :confused:
  17. you can type in what you have on hand in your pantry and it generates recipes for those ingredients. Somebody on this board posted it a while back and I forgot to save it in my favorites. Anybody know what I'm talking about? :D
  18. I was gone, but I'm back b/c I read your thread and can relate (not to being the pastor's wife, but to the budget challenges). DH and I are taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Univ. classes at a local church and so far they have helped tremendously. No, we don't all of a sudden have more money. BUT, instead of just wondering where our money went each paycheck, we are TELLING our money where to go each paycheck. You must take the amount your dh gets paid for each paycheck and allocate that money to a particular category...mortgage, utilities, food, clothing, telephone, cable, etc...making sure to take care of your "four walls" first (that is, shelter, food, clothing and transportation). We wrote down all the bills that get directly debited from our account or that we write checks for (mortgage, utilities, phone, cable, Compassion International sponsorship, credit card payments, etc.) and figured out which paycheck each bill would get paid from. KWIM? Then we figured out about how much we spend on food, gas, clothing, entertainment, school supplies, restaurants, etc. and gave each of those categories a dollar amount until our paycheck had all been "spent". Am I making sense? We use the cash envelope system now for everything that isn't automatically deducted or paid using a check. So, we use cash now for food (including restuarants), gas, clothing, entertainment, "blow money" (eveyrone must have some blow money, right!), gifts (saving for Christmas gifts or birthday gifts, etc.). Each paycheck we take cash out of the bank and put it in the appropriate envelopes. When the envelope runs out of cash...we stop spending. Now, of course, the first few months take a bit of "tinkering" to get it all right. This past paycheck, we had to "borrow" some money from another envelope for food b/c we went over budget (we're still figuring it all out!). Anyway, PM me if you'd like more specific info. Like I said, this has solved a ton of our problems. Now if it would only solve the problem of too little money to cover ALL the categories...That's a different story. But, knowing ahead of time how much money we have allotted to each category is very freeing. It isn't stress-free yet, but it alleviates so much of it. I'm sorry you are having such difficulties. Oh, I forgot...dh and I each get a certain amount for "blow money" each paycheck. That is our own personal "allowance" to do with what we want. No questions asked. The rest is in the family budget and we decide together where it goes, KWIM?
  19. You beat my biggest by over a pound! Congrats...glad you are both well. :D
  20. Great suggestions. Thanks everyone. I'll look into Calvert, although I'm unsure his keyboarding skills are advanced enough for it. Word attack seems a bit easy...are there other levels? I have Simply Spelling...could I just use that? It is not rules based, but many love it. I'm also looking into the recommendations of MFW since we use that curriculum for Geography. Thanks again...back to the drawing board. :D
  21. The "draw" of this board is simply too strong for me...just can't stay away. :D Anyway, as it seems we are not making any rash decisions to put the kids back in ps right now (holding off until Spring and we'll make the decision for next year), I have a question about spelling. I must streamline my day. I had purchased AAS thinking it would be a good fit for my ds10 as he struggles w/ spelling. Well, it might be a good fit for him, but I simply don't have enough time in my day to learn how to implement this program and make it work for us. Another big issue is finances. I can't afford to keep buying it. AND, the money I could make from the sale of what I already have would be beneficial to our budget right now. I have Simply Spelling. Is that good enough in combo w/ ILL (which he already uses right now)? I'm also thinking of just making spelling lists w/ words that he misspells in his writing throughout the week. Is this an "okay" plan? The "rules" person in me is just cringing. Can a child really learn how to be a good speller if they aren't using a "rules" based spelling program? The draw of AAS was that it taught spelling using rules. I don't want to shortchange my son, esp. if he might be attending ps next year, but I MUST (I repeat: MUST) streamline my day and make it easier. Any thought? Thanks.
  22. Just came back to check a PM...thanks for the well-wishes. I might be back off and on...just to check on you all and see how you all are doing. But, if the kids go back, I'll need to take a break to re-group and I'm afraid that reading the boards might make me too sad. Take care everyone...I'll miss you all.
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