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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. So, I'm now pretty sold on Phonics Road. This week anyway. :glare: I think I really do have bipolar curriculum disorder. :) Anyhoo...I really, really like what I see, what I've read about PR. It makes sense to me. I have AAS Level One and Two. I like the aspect of the letter tiles for ds6 b/c he is so hands on and manipulative driven, kwim? Would using AAS with Phonics Road be too redundant? Tina...I know I already asked you this in a PM but I'm simply looking for more views, kwim? Thanks everyone for being patient w/ my curriculum neurosis.
  2. Okay, can somebody be diagnosed with bipolar curriculum disorder? :) If so...I'd have it for sure. After going rounds over this...I think i have decided on....Phonics Road! Yeah! Now, if I can just afford all the levels. Yikes it is expensive!
  3. Depends on the district. Around here the swear by Everyday Math (BLECH!) so anything you use at home would be better if they use Everyday Math IMHO! Some use Saxon. Some another program. Check w/ the district.
  4. Thanks for all the thoughtful responses. I certainly didn't mean to turn this into a debate over theology. But, the verses that follow Romans 8:28 are some of those debated over so I knew it might evolve into a theological doctrinal debate. I'm not throwing tomatoes at anyone b/c I don't have any answers...I'm still searching. I can't say for sure one way or the other which point of view is correct and which is not. I'm simply going through a rough time spiritually and knew that there were a lot of Christians on the board who might be able to offer their own view on this scripture. Keep it coming...and let's try not to turn it into another debate. :)
  5. So Tina, is Phonics Road EASY to implement and use? I don't need another curriculum that takes me forever to implement, study and figure out. KWIM? Can I use this w/ another program like MFW or HOD should I decide to go that route w/ my ds? I was actually looking into MFW 1st and they have phonics incorporated. I'm so confused! Can you tell?:)
  6. Okay, so now I am looking at The Reading Lesson, which advertises that it is much like the methods of 100EZ except the pages are alot less cluttered. Any reviews on that one? I'm hopeless, aren't I?
  7. Having been through the humiliation of a Ch. 7 Bankruptcy, I always caution people about going that route w/out first looking at EVERY other option. It seems like the "easy" way out...to stop the collection calls every.blasted.day, to start "fresh", to get out of the mountain of debt that has you enslaved, etc. Trust me, bankruptcy is NOT easy, it doesn't allow you to start "fresh" b/c it is always hanging over your head even after 10 years and it has been (hopefully) wiped off your credit report. I would recommend you check out some of Dave Ramsey's resources FIRST. He talks a lot about bankruptcy and the alternatives to it. We made some foolish choices that led to our Ch.7. Others simply get "stuck" b/c of medical bills or other unforseen expenses...not foolish decisions. Whatever the case, I truly believe that there is a way out that doesn't necessarily have to involve bankruptcy. Good luck to you...this is a tough decision. PM me if you'd like more info on Dave Ramsey and his resources.
  8. Encouraging so far. I'm just so frustrated and torn btwn curriculum for teaching reading. I can't get my head on straight. Ugh. I did not like OPG...at.all. Just my preference. Ds loves the ETC online program. But I want something we can do together. Websters spelling/phonics just looked too "blah" to me and too "different" I guess. And then there is the question: Do I teach spelling while teaching reading? They are two different skills are they not. I am just so blasted confused. Somebody please, please help me and set me straight before my heads spins right off my shoulders! So much to choose from and so many methods. Did I mention I also have AAS to use? Any body ever use that for teaching reading?
  9. I just got a copy from my library and have been flipping through it b/c OPG was just not "clicking" with ds (and I just didn't like the "scriptedness" of it). I see that 100 EZ lessons is scripted too, but I can get over that. My question is on the way the letters are written (Distar Orthography). If you have used 100 EZ lessons to teach reading, did your child have difficulty reading "normal" print in actual books...meaning print that wasn't written in the Distar Orthography? It would seem to me that having learned to read with all the symbols as a "cheat sheet" of sorts, that when reading normal text the child might become confused or frustrated. Does that make sense? did you find this to be the case? And, is you used 100 EZ lessons for reading, did you also use another written phonics program (like ETC or McRuffy or another)? Thanks!
  10. Donna, I will most certainly pray for you and if you ever want to talk or vent or need someone to pray with you...please PM me. I'm a good listener. :) As for why I asked this question...here goes. I'm struggling right now, too. My faith is hanging by a thread. I'll just put it out there. I am not a Calvinist, but have struggled for years of the question of predestination. So, to answer your question, yes, that part bothers me b/c I don't know for sure exactly WHAT Paul means there. Predestined as you interpret it or predestined as to heaven or hell? Anyway, my counselor is moving in the Fall to AZ and I am struggling with some of the most intense grief I have felt in a long time. In the middle of some of my most difficult struggles...she is abandoning me. I mean, she's not doing it on purpose, but you kwim. It might not seem so important to anyone here, but my grief and anger is very real and I am trying so hard to take comfort in that verse. My counselor actually suggested that I meditate on it. But, I'm just not sure that her interpretation of it is true. It's one of the "happy ending" interpretations and I just don't think that is what the meaning is. I think that the "good" is as Heather stated. It is God's definition of "good" which might not jive with ours, kwim? So, please continue to post everyone. It's really helpful to me. Whatever doctrine you are (Calvinist or Arminian or none-of-the-above :)).
  11. ROTFLOL! I am that PITA that the school hates. I'm not looking forward to the "fights" we will likely have this year. I have 4 going back...3 different schools. I'm familiar with one and they with me...so it should be okay. The middle school? I'm already peeved at the 7th/8th grade building admin. b/c of the way they treated my dh when he enrolled dd last week. Lucky for us, he's in public education and ripped them a new one (so to speak). Anyway, I am so not looking forward to this coming year.
  12. Seems people are either extremely happy with it, or not so much. I've used LHTH with my 3yo and LOVED what we did of it (we didn't finish, but not b/c we didn't like it). I am considering BLHFHG for next year (can't afford any more curriculum right now) and really just love the layout of the TM and the ease of use. Love the focus on the Bible. I really don't have anything bad to say about HOD products. So glad it's working well for you!
  13. First, you don't have to be a Christian to answer. I'm not excluding anyone. How does Romans 8:28 apply to your life? If you could put it in your own words, what would it say? This is a verse I have been meditating on for quite a while. I've been asking God to open my eyes to the true meaning and for it to sink deep into my heart. Amidst all the trials and challenges that have been going on in my life and the lives of some of my close friends, I have been questioning the true interpretation of this verse. A search on the Internet found numerous interpretations (some I found a bit wacky). So, if you would think about this, and post what this verse means to you I sure would be appreciative. Thanks.:)
  14. Hey stranger! First of all...contratulations...I had NO idea you were expecting again! Yeah! Second...I JUST found this neat little bird song resource at Good Will last night! It's called Common Bird Songs by Donald J. Borror. It is a thin book, about 60 or so pgs and comes with a CD of the different bird calls mentioned in the book! About 5x7 in size. HTH...You might find it on Amazon.
  15. Could it be that he has difficulty copying someone else's writing? Kids sometimes tend to do that with copywork...copy the writing EXACTLY as it is written (unless it is typed of course) whereas in dictation they are more focused on the spelling and write using their own natural handwriting? Just a thought...
  16. Good to know. I would be using it as a tool, not as a teacher. It just sounded interesting that it took them through the entire process of writing from draft to final copy. For us, it wouldn't be for a grade b/c the dc would be turning the paper in to a real teacher or to me for "grading", KWIM? Thanks for your input...I wonder if the "kinks" have perhaps been worked out by now?
  17. All 4 of my older boys went through a Ben 10 phase. They got Ben 10 watches for Christmas, they played Ben 10 with each other, got Ben 10 figures, the whole shebang. Then we ditched Cable. And Ben 10 fell by the wayside. IMHO...it wasn't a bad show and we are pretty conservative about what we let them watch. I didn't find it too, too violent.
  18. Anyone ever use this? HS Buyers Coop has it as a group buy and the price is decent considering I can use it for 3 students. I've been looking for something to supplement what the dc will be doing in ps for writing b/c while I think the quantity will be dreadful...the quality of instruction is likely to be fair at best. It looks like a pretty cool curriculum and something that could even benefit them as the have reports or essays to write for ps. Any reviews?
  19. Didn't see http://www.pennywiselearning.com mentioned. I've had good luck with them.
  20. PA only require state testing but you do NOT have to use the PSSA's. You can use a simpler test. I forget what was recommended to me, but it did not include science. Don't worry about that. As for CKE series...we like the Biology but i agree it is not "complete". But, what is complete at that age, right? lol...Anyway, we have the Earth and Space and I like the looks of that one even better...too bad most of mine are going back to ps this year :( Keep it simple. Why not try just Nature Study with Barb at Harmony Arts?
  21. Honestly, I just don't want a new therapist. I don't want a new psychiatrist. I don't want to rehash the past year with somebody new. This is perhaps God's way of saying enough is enough. KWIM?
  22. You all know I am in therapy now...it's no secret. I've been seeing the same therapist since Sept...almost a year now. We are very close. Yesterday she told me she was moving...to Arizona...sometimes this fall. Her husband and son are already there and she is only here until she can sell their house and get her license to practice in AZ. It will be before Christmas, but she won't know when until the house sells. Then there will be 30 days until she moves. I'm not handling the news well at all. How do you deal with something like this? I'm just feeling so lost.
  23. The great thing about this age is that anything can be schoolwork to them! As the pp said, puzzles, art supplies, workbooks, coloring books, pattern blocks, cuisenaire rods with the cuisenaire alphabet book, teddy bear counters or whatever you have...you get the picture. Have you tried the workbox system? Perhaps you could get a few inexpensive plastic shoeboxes to fill with an activity for each one and tell her that is her "work" for the day. Once the boxes are empty her "work" is over and then she can play. I know I'll get tomatoes thrown at me, but how about some ed. DVD's? Letter Factor and Word Factory are among my dd3's favorites! She could watch them for hours. I know it is draining. My dd(almost 4) is the same way. Whenever ds6 does his work, she must do her "work" too. We are starting MFWK with her this year. She can already read CVC words and I don't want to hold her back. But, I want her to have plenty of "unstructured" play time as well. It's all about balance, I think. Ohhh...legos, box filled with craft supplies for her to assemble as she wishes, dress up stuff?, etc. Have fun!
  24. I wouldn't spend the money right now. That's just my opinion b/c my budget is tight. :) Keep PreK light and fun...not that Sonlight isn't...I don't know much about Sonlight. You might want to check out HOD's programs for her. Of course, it might be just as expensive as Sonlight. i don't know! Just a though. HOD included hands-on math activities, science, history, story time, etc. There was a good discussion on the board recently about HOD.
  25. Serl's PLL is recommended for grades 3 - 5. Personally, I think it a bit much for a 6yo or even a 7yo. I've not seen the Sheldon free book to be able to compare at all. If your son has finished R&S2...he is already "ahead" of his level, I would think. I would think if you want to slow down, that WWE is enough. Or, just use the free book you printed, alternating days. Don't overload him and wear him out...he is young. There is plenty of time for all this as he gets older. Just my 2 cents...b/c I feel like I overloaded my dc.
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