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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. The above uses the FBI definition of a mass shooting as involving four or more deaths. A different methodology is used by ShootingTracker.com, which counts injuries as well (four or more injuries and/or deaths). As of 9/29, there have been 294 mass shootings this year. http://shootingtracker.com/tracker/2015CURRENT.xlsx
  2. Try to determine how many classes he teaches a semester/year, who can take the classes (juniors and seniors only?), and if his classes are difficult to get into (do seniors fill the classes first?).
  3. I am just sick by all these shootings.
  4. I don't have experience with that particular school or department, but I do want to share how we compare departments at different schools. You may already do all these things, in which case this will help others reading along :) We use the department website to read professor bios, check prof research topics to see if anything sounds interesting to dd, look for information on the size of the department (both faculty and students in that major), compare the list of courses with the courses actually offered that semester/year (can take some digging), check textbooks used in classes, look for information about internships, research and study abroad opportunities, and so on.
  5. Happy anniversary :party: Rainy again. I expect this will continue for days. I just hope we don't get high winds and/or floods from the hurricane. Made a quadruple batch of pumpkin muffins this am :) Still ahead: --rest of daily and Thursday things --grocery shopping --write psych test for tomorrow --bio/psych/gov/calculus --emails (some done) --register for SO coach training session --keep an eye on wind forecast; tie/support young tree if needed --finish essay for dd's application
  6. I outsource because --there is no way I could teach Arabic at a high enough level! --i honestly hate analyzing literature and grading that kind of writing.
  7. I won't be home until 2 Eastern but I'd be happy to scan and email for you.
  8. Well, in that case, continue homeschooling and outsource the classes you're not comfortable teaching to online providers :)
  9. Wed---super busy today plus it's raining. I may only get my training session in. Last PT :party:
  10. I was able to snag a cancellation appointment for dd's GI, so we're going today instead of in November! So: --last PT appointment 9 (going a few min early; dd will sit in the waiting area) --fly up 95 to the children's hospital for appt --fly back down 95 to drop dd on campus for Arabic --change at the gym; training session --dh Chinese 5 --dd MUN 6 And --daily and Wednesday things --prep bio lab for Friday --email middle school SO coach/es about training session and registration --receive final count of kids registered for science fun festival (may need to wait for that tomorrow) --if I have the numbers, make final decisions about events and volunteers --and then email all volunteers
  11. Ok, people who use BeachBody videos: How does one choose which one to follow? Maybe you could help me out. I want to mix up my routine (lifting at the gym 2-3x a week, bike/elliptical/bit of rowing machine/walking for cardio 3-5x a week, pilates 1x a week). I cannot do anything high impact, so no crazy jumping on/off boxes, no burpees either (yuck). I do not have full rotation back for one shoulder. I do have strength back---I can plank on one hand again. I cannot do the side plank when you rotate your body so that one arm points straight up. I cannot do proper pushups yet (still on an incline). I have hand weights (3/5/8/10/15), bands, and an exercise ball at home. Also, if you have used BeachBody on Demand, have you had issues canceling after the free 30 day trial? I am leary of "free" things that must be canceled by phone instead of online. Thanks :)
  12. Hi redsquirrel :D A mile! :eek: That is awesome!
  13. Oh sweetie, I can only :grouphug: and cry a little bit for you. Please call that hospice organization in the morning. Hospice was a great help to our family. I am so sorry.
  14. I am thinking dd will take the ACT w writing instead of the new SAT, especially if she does graduate early. I really don't feel loke prepping for a brand-new format.
  15. Are you sure that he could not take classes as a non-matriculated student? My dd is taking language classes at a university under the "Continuing Education" umbrella, even though she is a high school sophomore. We do not have a dual enrollment program in our state. We are paying her tutition costs in full.
  16. Yeah I wouldn't be able to do that. I was posting from PT this morning. I'm heading to the gym in a bit after dropping dd at class. I'll probably do 45 min or so of mixed cardio (bike and rowing machine, I think) with some core work mixed in. Shoulder is a bit sore from manipulation.
  17. Yep, left shoulder. I still don't have full rotation but now I can left my arm straight up above my head. Behind the back and to the side, well...
  18. Nope. :lol: Loved them dearly at that stage, but I was exhausted and lost part of myself.
  19. I'm not sure if this in on Audible---History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective (Gregory Aldrete) is a fascinating 48 part survey that covers more than just the usual ancient history regions.
  20. You guys, I wide-squatted with a 40lb kettlebell today (the heaviest at the gym). My trainer says we'll start with a bar soon :party: And this is my LAST week of physical therapy :party:
  21. I am planning on starting piano once dd15 is in college :) I appreciate all the responses!
  22. --dd to campus for Arabic --training session at gym while she's in class --allergy bloodwork 4pm --dh Chinese class 5 --dd ballet 7:30 --daily and Monday things --psych, gov, bio lab --plan week --lots of gardening in advance of rainy week --prepare egg roll filling (ground turkey, cabbage, carrots, ginger, garlic, etc) --roll and bake egg rolls
  23. My usual Monday training session plus whatever cardio I can squeeze in :)
  24. :grouphug: I am so sorry, Lisa :grouphug: I began exercising regularly after my parents died. I think that enables me to deal with all the stress. Be gentle with yourself.
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