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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Depends on if you live in Colorado ;)
  2. I run all alone in the country all the time. Coyotes/dog mixes are probably the scariest thing I could meet though deer and I mutually scare each other often. Combines, however, are dangerous! There is never anyone at our park unless my kids are there. I let them go by themselves. We live in a teeny tiny town though. I did walk trails alone when I lived in Indy but I was 23 and indestructible I thought.
  3. A proper fitting takes personal preference and comfort as the MAIN POINT! I would return it and make a bit of a stink frankly. They work for you not vice versa. I wear this. I do not have a mastectomy, this was just the most comfortable last time I bought bras. http://www.amoena.com/Products/Pocketed-Lingerie/Everyday/Silvia-non-wired-bra/Silvia-non-wired-bra-Nude
  4. Kim~I hope it eases up for you. This time of year can be crazy and gross tests with unpleasant drinks does not help :grouphug: I did manage a gentle 4 mile walk with dh yesterday. I felt better this morning so a little yoga and a gentle run. Fitbit people~~do I want one? if I'm in fairly good shape what knowledge will I gain? I'm interested but I'm also trying to simplify. Do I really want another gizmo?
  5. Nothing so far today. I just felt " off" last night during weights and yoga. This morning I'm headachey and my hip hurts for some reason. Soo maybe this evening something.
  6. Fried rice or stirfry( no need for oil to " fry", purchase Frozen stirfry and chicken already cut if needed for time) Bean or veggie quesadillas or fajitas Veg soup or vegetarian chili in crockpot "Mexican" baked potatoes. -bake a good sized potato, top with salsa and no fat Greek yogurt Veggie frittata-use egg substitute or whites if yolks are a factor Breakfast for dinner- egg scramble, oatmeal or toast, O'Brien potatoes without oil, smoothies Fish tacos
  7. Candm- congrats on the race Slache - I've been there so congrats on better waking times and de cluttering. Soror- so glad it wasn't 500. Was feeling woefully inadequate Sunday and Monday were just yoga. We finally (literally after 20 years) boughten a bed frame and new mattress. That meant major bedroom cleaning, de cluttering etc. which did my allergies no favors. Today elliptical and tonight is weights and yoga class.
  8. This is why we never take the kids anywhere. No expectations or consequences.
  9. Because I never had access to that stuff? Honestly, I had no $$ to purchase it, took my lunch. I probably would have if I could have but....other than at someone's party or something I didn't eat junk. I probably drank too much coffee though. When I think of when they let me start to drink coffee. Oy.
  10. I actually had a kid say chewing is too much effort. I have had success with a protein shake I make and take to him. He honestly can't be bothered to stir protein powder in. A smoothie with an actual blender would never happen OP- I have convinced them to have a glass of milk in the morning after about an hour. Not the breakfast I prefer but it is better than nothing.
  11. Two of my boys are like this. If they have to fix it they just don't eat. If I make food and we sit down together they consume loads of food. They honestly dislike cooking/ preparing food that much. My third son seems to have lived through two years of college entirely on fast food, cheese and crackers and salsa and chips. I always had family meals, healthy food available, purchased fruits&over etc. I have no answers.
  12. Normally nothing. If I really want a good time I do quite a bit of jumping and some stretching before hand.
  13. I just did this last weekend. Really. It was awesome. If I do teach it will be very sporadic but I wanted to do it.
  14. Working out is just what I do. That said when it's 10 outside the walk to the bedroom to get dressed is longer than the run.
  15. Headbands on me just result in a poof behind the headband. If I don't have product or it's been a few days since I washed I use the messy up do thing. Sometimes a loose French braid down the back and tucked under.
  16. Because eating, losing weight, gaining weight, emotions, social cues and expectations, etc make weight loss an extremely personal and variable thing. What works beautifully for one can flop with another. I truly believe there is one way to lose weight and it is different for everyone.
  17. I think honesty is very frightening and difficult and it takes a brave soul to be truthful. Agreeing or disagreeing with decisions doesn't diminish that bravery.
  18. My kids missed the memo on " homeschooled" behavior so usually strangers don't know. * I know homeschoolers are individuals it's just many others have a stereotyped (especially in this area) idea we are all like the Duggars.
  19. Laura-just amazing Soror- hope the yoga works out. And watch the shoulder Lucky mama-you'll be on a flexcam soon In an effect to shake things up I did a kettle bell workout, tried a recumbent stationary bike...and then caved and took a short run. Tomorrow is jam packed and scheduled to be cold and rainy. We shall see what I manage. In other non-fitness news I went to Goodwill (with a coupon :grin: ). I need to weed down to my spring/early summer stuff and send some things on to donation. Not sure when I will find time to do that.
  20. I read about him somewhere along the way. Interesting stuff.
  21. Agree on price. Have them sign title. Make sure they HAVE the title. Plate and insure your car. We only buy private party. No problems. I have found you can dicker them down on price if you have cash! Ex. If they are asking $5000 I say " I have cash if you'll take $4000 today." They counter offer etc and we usually meet abou $4350. I only do this if I'm perfectly willing to walk away.
  22. I have a really hard time spending money on anything but especially myself. I don't think it's a control issue as much as a fear issue. If I spend this money on myself what if the car breaks or the house needs work or....We have savings. We live frugally, but it is ingrained from my childhood. Spend as close to nothing as possible.
  23. Copelia being rehearsed here. Two weeks to show. redsquirrel-I'm sorry you feel poopy. Uff Da- so glad all is well. I ran and am off to yoga later tonight after I get home from ballet. DH got stuck with soccer.
  24. Let's see. Managed a four mile walk with dh. He was off work to run girls to co-op so I could take ds the hour trip to the orthopedist for his broken arm. Then I scrambled to get 16 yo to soccer practice ( and knew ds is dying inside because he can't go). I also am obsessively asking 11 yo how her head feels. I am off now to do some calming yoga in my bedroom and then collapse in a heap.
  25. Mabelen~I hope all turns out well. I am so sorry you had to post this and sorry there are moms with answers but we are having some tests done on dd right now and this discussion couldn't be more timely for me. I'm freaking out a little on the inside. Everyone's kind advice is what I needed today so Mabelen and ladies know you've helped someone else too.
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