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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Probably not the healthiest meal. You know like salmon, broccoli and quinoa but very tasty[emoji2] Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  2. Let's not forget that if the fridge, oven, stove breaks there is no money to fix it. I've had only a cooler and only a small, nothing fits in it microwave a time or two. It made it hard to get through a couple weeks. If it was a permanent situation I would have given up too.
  3. Pizza is the plan for Friday. I will look carefully 😄
  4. Many, many suppers of gravy bread. We had fried potatoes w/onions almost every meal. My parents were children during the depression. Compared to my grandparents ( who still had no plumbing in the 1970's) they were wild spendthrifts 😀. My grandmother taught me all the wild greens to eat. My other grandmother was a cornbread and beans lady. All. The. Time. I did learn all those cooking/scavenging skills that most people just don't get a chance to learn. Yet another way unhealthy choices may get passed down. If your mom made Doritos and hot dogs and you have memories of it you're probably going to make your kids the same thing. *I may have made fried cube steak, fried potatoes and green beans tonight. Not great but it is rainy and I needed comfort. The cube steak was marked down to $2.18 for a package of 4. See how that works.
  5. Tonight's plan Dh will eat leftovers from last night. Kids are having meatball subs to use up 1/2 pkg meatballs, open pizza sauce and 1/2 pkg provolone on some hoagie and hot dog buns. I'll have a lonely piece of fish that is in the freezer. We'll have a fruit salad of leftover berries, bits and bobs.
  6. This really depends on your state. We allowed all milks except lactose free which required an Rx.Edited to add -yep, whole milk still available here. So much depends on the state rules https://secure.in.gov/isdh/files/IndianaWICProgramBooklet2016-ENG.pdf
  7. In my years working for the government in a food program, I saw many people who felt food was an affordable way to " treat" themselves and their children. A bag of chips or pop then becomes associated with love, care, specialness, etc. Of course, I think all this is multi-factorial. Cost, availability, food ways and habits and psychological attachment probably all play into it.
  8. Thanks to all. I'm going to set her to trying the alums problems. She likes puzzle and challenges and is a bulldog with problems. Her perseverance is legendary. It'll form character at the least. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  9. That's where I'm at I think. Doing pre-al won't really hurt anything. She has tons of time yet. Thanks everyone. Let's hope I'm bright enough to keep up or her 20 yo brother will have to be her advisor for this. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  10. Last night I used up a bag of picked chicken. Tonight is cube steaks with crash potatoes (because I must use up those red potatoes) and "vegetable medly" which will be some frozen zucchini, half a package of frozen green beans and some bell peppers that are shrivelish (hey a new word) with garlic butter.
  11. :grouphug: I am so sorry for your family's loss. :grouphug:
  12. My favorite treats, a new book, a bubble bath and instruction for the kids to go watch a movie or something. I might take us out to eat dinner or order pizza ( something we never do).
  13. http://www.amazon.com/Homeschooling-Familys-Journey-Martine-Millman-ebook/dp/B001EYD1N4/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459245165&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=Homeschool+Milliman Homeschooling :AFamily's Journey Not a how to, it just convinced me normal people homeschool.
  14. My 6th grader has finished CLE math. I had her take the pre-test for AoPS and it says she's ready for algebra. I think, despite the test, that this program is different enough from what we've done that pre-algebra is the place to start. Am I right? She does math mostly independently. She gets concepts easily but is not especially/unusually mathematical. I'm only looking at this because 1. She has asked to be challenged. 2. At this point she is looking at dentistry as a career and a good grounding seems wise. Opinions?
  15. I missed this and have been busily eating out of the freezer with no fanfare 🤓. Tonight us a chicken salsa casserole using up chicken I picked from a carcass and 1/2 jar of salsa.
  16. Bubba brand. Darn near indestructible and keeps it hot. http://www.bubbabrands.com/products/travel/
  17. I use right that way. Awesome purse, right? Awesome purse, eh?
  18. My very Hoosier rural grandparents said it. My parents substituted the very " modern" she's a card.😛
  19. Lead a mother's meeting I do Visit with oldest dd who is complete nag for Easter 😀 Continue to argue with insurance company Register kids for soccer and SAT Conduct a birthday part for 14 yo with lots of boys and noise and pizza( his bday is next Monday but his pals are on Spring break this week)
  20. Yep, I consult the mirror. Body shape beats age . I tend to wear swingy maxi-ish casual summer dresses but will go quite above the knee in more formal things. I do always wear dark tights or leggings if my legs show because while I look pretty good I have varicose veins so....again consult the mirror.
  21. I am extremely animated. Probably too much. I actually do much better with a group to talk to than just one person. I don't, however, express " deep" thoughts to people I don't know well. I like to keep things light. Not fake but not air my personal problems if you KWIM.
  22. I was awake at 3am and saw this. Some weeks my heart breaks for the world. There has been senseless death locally, in my state and now this. -sigh-
  23. :grouphug: Yes, I prayed for the pain to be over. Do not feel guilty! You are praying out of love. God knows your intentions and knows why you feel like you do. You are a good daughter showing love. I wish I could reach through and hold your hand. I'll pray for you all. It is very, very hard.
  24. With #4 we went swimming. I believe a combination of water slides and bad nachos brought her here 😀
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