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Everything posted by bookfiend

  1. When I tell you to kill something, you kill it! DS, just rescued a cockroach and released it outside. :001_huh: Off to call the exterminator....
  2. Yeah, I didn't come up with breast feeding either, and I was all.... :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:
  3. A husband to arranges a tea cupboard just has so many implications on this board, but I'll be good. Enjoy your tea together. :D
  4. I write Homeschool which implies (to me) an educational choice/philosophy/movement; whereas, Home School seems to relate more to the place where school is conducted much like Public School and Private School.
  5. :iagree: Seconded. I would be certain that obedience and home authority issues are well-addressed before assigning behavior to sensory issues which is a big catch-all category these days. I'm not interested in starting a dispute about the validity of sensory diagnosis and won't be commenting on it again.
  6. We do a version of this every year. I try to cook only with what we already have in the pantry and freezer (buying milk, bread, eggs). I'll join you and aim for other home categories as well! Thanks for the encouragement.
  7. We do hour lessons ($30/hour) every other week. I like this schedule because the lesson seem more productive and realistically we are only getting in 3-4 practice sessions/week. A tuner is a necessity. Also, accoustic is going to be harder on the fingers than electic. Short, frequent practice is best until he develops tougher finger pads.
  8. I don't know how school adverse or welcoming your daughter is, but how about initially placing her in 2nd grade instead of 3rd? This would be the same as if she started kindergarten at age 6 instead of 5 - very acceptable. Then if she excels, you can always bump her up a grade, built in success instead of a worry about struggling. Just an idea. I, too, have missed you and wondered where you were. Sorry about the tough year. May you be blessed in your new home.
  9. Melt some chocolate chips and stir it into the batter, or add a package of chocolate pudding mix and a little extra milk/buttermilk/sour cream.
  10. I'm late chiming in and didn't read the other responses, however, we started the tradition of opening one present on Chrismas Eve morning, after breakfast. For us it was PJ's, but really the purpose was to practice good present protocol. We still have a reminder talk about opening the gifts, waiting, enjoying watching others open gifts, expressing gratitude, what to do if you don't like a present/already have the same present..... It's less about opening the present and more about a teaching opportunity.
  11. Use as planned and label some from Santa, some from Mom and Dad.
  12. You choose how you want to view her note. If you view it charitably, no harm done. If you view it as rude, it will be just one more thing to pile onto the reasons you "don't get along." IMO, it needlessly adds to bitterness.
  13. I've just rediscovered my Waterman fountain pen. I use it at home only. In my purse, I keep a Pilot Precise V5; however, I'm excited to discover all of these new pens! I almost always try to sign anything with my own pen. I don't want to touch that nasty, germ-laden pen they had you with the Visa slip. And don't get me started about having to sign with the stylus on the electronic pad. How many people touch that a day ?! Yuck.
  14. Before giving up gluten, try eliminating the calciferous veggies and cukes.
  15. One more for the chronicles of "Absurd and certain ways to implode a political career." I can't believe the stories about politicians' private lives this year.
  16. So when these universities are accepting your money, they are also promising enrollment to the program of choice?
  17. To increase their sales quota? Maybe it is an internal thing at that company.
  18. Those are terrific pillows, the ones we had lasted 3 yrs - which is long for down. Try positioning the pillow more to the rear of your head and less under your neck.
  19. Don't quit! You can do it! We can graduate you to Beekeeping Professor by New Years. POST! POST! POST! (wish I had a little cheerleading smilie, anyway you get the idea) :D
  20. Which one had the big round drum that you turned with a crank handle? If you were the good student, you got to go make copies.
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