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Everything posted by Mom2boys

  1. We went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for the weekend. Dh had written a poem and he intended to ask me on a mountain top, but he got nervous and proposed as soon as we got to our condo. It was actually kind of funny because he still read me the poem, which made reference to being on top of a mountain, which we weren't. But I gladly said yes. :001_smile:
  2. A Cincinnati Reds baseball game. I didn't feel well that day, but didn't want to cancel out at the last minute since we barely knew each other. I thought he would think I was just making an excuse to get out of the date. I figured as long as I didn't eat anything, I would be fine. If only that were true.... I threw up right in front of him in the middle of the sixth inning! To this day I am still amazed there was second date.
  3. I voted "child's bedroom" and "school room" which technically isn't true. Ds11 has a world map with flags on his wall. But my school room map isn't actually hanging on the wall at this moment. It is the giant National Geographic mural map, and when we rearranged our basement, I lost a place to hang it. And, we rarely use our basement school room anyways. I would like to move it upstairs to where we actually do school, but it is just so very large. And dh is already unhappy about the school stuff taking over the house. I liked another poster's idea about hanging the maps in the master bedroom. There is enough wall space there, but it just might push dh over the edge.... Maybe I just need to buy a smaller map?
  4. For 6th grader: Spelling: Spelling Workout Handwriting: HWT Writing: Medieval Based Writing Lessons Literature: Lightning Lit Grammar: ??? Math: Teaching Textbooks 7 Science: ??? History: second half of Sonlight 6 & SOTW 2 Logic: Art of Argument Foreign Language: ??? plus soccer, golf, and choir For 2nd grader: Spelling: Flashkids Spelling Handwriting: Zaner Bloser Writing: WWE Literature: Sonlight 2 readers Grammar: FLL Math: Abeka Science: ??? History: SOTW 2 Foreign language: ??? plus soccer, golf, baseball, and choir
  5. Congratulations. I recently discovered my younger son tests well too. I was so relieved! :D
  6. I would buy Teaching Textbooks. It seems to have high resale value on ebay.
  7. Can you just start a few subjects this week and ramp up to a full load over the next few weeks? That might make it a little easier on you.
  8. We always tell the hostess and offer to bring food. If they don't want me to contribute a dish to the meal, I will offer to bring an alternate meal for my child (life-threatening dairy and egg allergies). We always travel with safe food for him.
  9. My kids really treasure a special outing with just one parent. This isn't just for you. Your kids will always remember getting to go to a game with just mom, one-on-one. And, it is an investment in your mental health. Buy the tickets.
  10. I used the three volume God's Design for Life series this past year with my 5th and 1st graders. It worked well for my 5th grader (we didn't find it dry) but it was over the head of my 1st grader, so we added some simpler, and more colorful books for him. You can see sample pages for God's Design at the following web site: www.rdeducation.com
  11. My ds loved SOTW so much he asked to go through the series again for 5th-8th. This time we are reading the series as part of Sonlight's cores 6 and 7, to beef it up.
  12. Wow, I am so surprised your public schools begin August 4th. That sounds so early to me. Our local schools are starting August 21st, and I thought that was early.
  13. I am the oldest of two girls. My sister has no children and doesn't plan to have any. My family now grudgingly admits that homeschooling does seem to work well for my kids (it only took six years for them to come around!) but they think most other homeschoolers are ruining their children. sigh...
  14. My friends with daughters buy modest suits from LL Bean and Lands End. Now that my son is approaching the teen years, I am paying more attention to what the girls are wearing. At swim lessons this week there were too many tiny suits - on girls, teens, and the instructors. :glare:
  15. Honestly, in your shoes, I would send her to public school. If she really doesn't like it there, maybe that will be incentive for her to obey you at home. And maybe she will thrive in the public school environment. If it turns out that public school is making her, and all of you, miserable, then you can always pull her out at Christmas, right? But it sounds like homeschooling her is not working out, and you have trained professionals advising you to try public school, so why not give it a shot?
  16. I just bought the History Through the Ages Record of Time from Homeschool in the Woods. It comes in a three ring binder format, so we can add pages to it. I looked at Wonders of Old, but it is a bound book, so you couldn't add more pages.
  17. There are Life of Fred books for fractions, and decimals and percents.
  18. My understanding is that if your child is college-bound, they should take algebra in 8th, geometry in 9th, and algebra 2 in 10th, to be well-prepared for the college boards.
  19. I just bought TT7 for my sixth grader. Maybe i should use Life of Fred as a supplement, to explain the whys behind the rules. Has anyone done this?
  20. We bought our play-set as a kit from Lowe's 7 years ago. Dh and fil built it themselves, with help from my then 4 year old ds. He loved that he got to help daddy and grandpa build his swing set. My boys still use our play-set and it was definitely worth the money.
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