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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Agree on Lee Child. I don't even like these types of books generally and I love Lee Child's Jack Reacher series.
  2. Reminds of me of this story I read in the LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-c1-cal-freshmen-20130816-dto-htmlstory.html
  3. Yeah, that's weird. I'm not one to get worked up over being exposed to germs, but I would follow the hosts' lead. If they apologized and said Billy won't be joining us but we'd love to have you anyway, I would go. If they said not to come, I wouldn't come. At some point, you have to respect the hosts' wishes and trust they know best since they actually have boots on the ground, so to speak. And you have to have enough self-respect to not take yourself where you're not wanted. Good grief!
  4. I would get a new realtor. 6 days is too long. I could see how you might be pushed down the pile for a couple of days, but not 6 days. When we sold our property we had a fantastic realty team of 2 people and I still consider them our friends. Our house was on the market for 5 months (thanks, 2008!) and they never lost focus, talked to us themselves, and returned calls within a couple of hours on the rare occasion they didn't answer the phone. I was completely shocked when I later learned that they had moved close to $50 million in homes and condos that year. I thought maybe they had 3-4 other clients during that time. Love them.
  5. I was also going to suggest WWE. It doesn't address all of your concern, but a fair number of them.
  6. What does the "B" in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for? Benoit B. Mandelbrot.
  7. Yeah that makes sense. It would be hard to not check, I guess. Sick.
  8. I agree with the whole picture of computer searches, I just think they should leave the PSA out of it and focus on the rest. It's okay. I'll live. :) I've visited the child-free stuff after my friend told me about it and how much they seem to hate children. It was pretty annoying, although I can also see how it could be annoying to not have people believe you when you say you don't want kids. Meh.
  9. Looks like Santa Monica? I'm embarrassed to be a Californian.
  10. Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying. I was saying if he plotted to kill his son he would have been better off never coming back to the car at all, so as not to raise the "why didn't he see/smell him" discussion in the first place. That's what's weird to me. Unless he's a complete idiot and he forgot he was in the middle of killing his son when he went back to the car. Or he's a genius and his plan was to say the fact that he went back out proves it was not deliberate because who would do that?
  11. Yeah, but for me it's the principle of the thing. It's one thing if people have done web searches, looked at detailed maps where a body was found, searched for "chloroform" (I'm looking at you, Casey), etc. I just don't think we should publicize the idea that if you watch an PSA and then you back over your child or they eat unlocked prescription meds it will be held against you. We want as many people as possible to watch them, right?
  12. What I can't figure out is if he had some sort of plot to kill his son, why would he go out to the car at all? Didn't he realize that would make his story less plausible? (I'm not defending him, just saying this doesn't make sense.) Also, I find it scary that if you view a PSA for something and then do that thing, your viewing of the PSA can be held against you. I'm speaking more generally here. Just something to think about; I don't think the goal should be to have people avoid PSAs!
  13. I would recommend looking at http://wordpress.org/ and http://www.dreamwidth.org/ . Both are pieces of software which you can download and use to make content. You can then upload the content to a hosting service, a place running a web server, which will distribute your content to web browsers. Alternatively, you can get a hosted service for either of them. (This is easier.) For that, someone hosts the software for you on their web server and you can use it to create and present your content.
  14. You're gonna need a whine cellar to store all the whine.
  15. I think for standing tasks and not just walking, the ergonomics make such a big difference. DH is tall and while his legs don't tire easily, if he's hunched over the kitchen counter chopping, his back and neck get tired. I'm too short for our counters so if I'm going to be doing a task in one place for awhile I stand on a little stool. Chopping lots of veggies, for example, gets tiring for my shoulder because I have to hunch it to get the knife high enough to cut the veggies. I just put up with it for small tasks, but I will elevate myself if I intend to work in the same place for awhile. Also, gel mats. They are your friend if you want to stand longer, as are clogs. So when you're setting goals, consider the ergonomics. You may find you can do more than you thought with the proper posture and support. :grouphug:
  16. And is dc's interest in learning to code/run a web server, or just getting content out on the web?
  17. How old is your dc? I would have a different answer for how to go about it if dc is 9 vs 16, for example.
  18. I'm in my 40s. Stuff around the house like doing dishes, maybe a couple of hours. Not that I do a couple of hours. I don't like housework so I am the queen of the 15-minute timer. I'm very short and a lot of things are not ergonomic for me so it gets tiring. I'm always surprised at how much more I can walk in a busy city or in mountains. I think engagement is a big part of it. In either of those environments I can walk for at least 3-4 hours without resting as long as it's not steep. Walking in a boring place? I feel tired sooner. It's weird. ETA: Floor surfaces make a difference for me. At our previous house we had a stone floor in the kitchen and it had no give at all. It caused my legs and feet to become tired much faster unless I wore clogs. Our current house has linoleum and it makes a difference.
  19. Awesome! DH did it last time so I understand what an accomplishment this is. (He hasn't finished, btw.)
  20. OK I just watched an HGTV show for the first time after reading this thread. Yeah, some pretty entitled people.
  21. We're having potato gratin tonight. Maybe that but add diced chicken?
  22. I guess I'm the outlier. If FB is 13 and older, and kids can start driving at 15.5 (around here) I think it's a good warning. Some countries have stronger more graphic PSAs than the US does. It's important for people who drive to see what the outcomes can be.
  23. Also, please consider trying to find another homeschool mom who might be willing to help a bit if you have to leave. I know if you were in my area I would be happy to get together with your DH/kids for a couple of hours each week and help them plan the upcoming week in terms of tasks and resources.
  24. I'm an explainer too. :) It just doesn't always resonate in the moment with a 3.5 year old. It seems sometimes they absorb it and it firms up in their minds over time.
  25. I skimmed the replies, but... I don't think it's unrealistic for some kids that age to sit that long. Others, not so much. What I do find unrealistic is that you try to give detailed reasons to a 3.5 year old. It's nice to try, but if it doesn't resonate with them, a sharp "no" and quick removal will usually get the message across. At that age I think it's more realistic for them to learn through cause and effect than through explanations of disturbing people by rocking your chair, etc.
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