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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Hmm. I might have to read this. After reading Hard Road West to understand how they got there, perhaps I should follow up with an account of what happened next.
  2. :seeya: I am still alive but not online much as we continue packing for our move. I've reached Episode 9 of Ulysses and am still really enjoying it. Someone (not me) on goodreads mentioned their new favorite phrase after reading it this past week is "sh_te and onions" and I have to agree. Useful while packing, I have to say. I am still plugging away at 1Q84 as well. I'm going to have to pick shorter books in February if I am to keep up the pace.
  3. I'm not sure I would have homeschooled if I didn't have WTM as a map to get started. I'm not very imaginative, I guess. :laugh: I have a few times changed it to match our family's needs, but when I've strayed too far I've always ended up regretting it and going back. It just works for us. I did find it intense in the beginning because I was not confident enough in my abilities to change it at all. After 2-3 years I started making small adjustments that made it much less intense. The impetus for that was watching SWB's video on doing dictation with her son. It made me realize I was being too rigid and making DS do something he could not at the time. Once I provided more scaffolding that what the script told me to say, we were back on track. It seems silly now that I didn't realize that. Recently we had DS evaluated for an issue and as part of the process the evaluator went over the (mostly) PHP materials + Singapore/Beast. I will always remember when this rather stern woman used the word "superb" to describe the homeschooling we have been doing. I felt so grateful at that moment for the books, the materials, the lectures, the boards, all of it. :hurray:
  4. Posted 25 January 2015 - 10:35 PM by Dicentra Other Physics Resources Physics Subject Test AKA SAT II in Physics https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests The Physics Subject Test assesses your understanding of concepts from one year of introductory physics on the college-preparatory level, as well as reasoning and problem-solving skills derived from lab experience. If you’re thinking about pursuing a math- or science-based program of study (such as science, technology, engineering, or math), taking the Physics Subject Test is a great way to demonstrate your interests on your college application. https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/subjects/science/physics The Physics Subject Test is 60 minutes long and asks 75 multiple-choice questions. Every question has five answer choices. There are some independent questions, while others are grouped and ask about the same graph or picture. Perhaps surprisingly, you can't use a calculator on the Physics Subject Test. Calculus is not required. free Kahn Academy practice: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-subject-tests/subjects/science/physics/sample-questions/1 MarkT and the Hive see: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/670046-physics-sat-subject-test/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/469092-recommended-free-online-study-materials-for-sat-physics-subject-test/ *Courtesy of quark :) MODERN PHYSICS LIVING BOOKS/ MASS MARKET BOOKS: http://smile.amazon..../dp/0387914951/ http://smile.amazon..../dp/0387950710/ http://smile.amazon..../dp/0387948007/ http://smile.amazon..../dp/0387955666/ http://smile.amazon..../dp/B00D821IQ2/ http://smile.amazon..../dp/0465023312/ http://smile.amazon..../dp/1107604680/ *Lewelma's Physics for Poets thread - http://forums.welltr...s/?fromsearch=1 *Khan Academy has physics videos: https://www.khanacad...science/physics *FREE conceptual physics textbook with student guide and instructor guide by Cassidy, Holton, & Rutherford *Note from SilverMoon: "The free Cassidy book, Understanding Physics, only gives the first portion of the instructor materials for free, and the publisher will not sell the complete IG to homeschoolers. You can buy the student text on Amazon too. " http://www.dcassidybooks.com/up.html *How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life by Louis A. Bloomfield (conceptual physics text) http://www.amazon.co...ASIN=1118237765 *K12 offers Comprehensive and Honours Physics courses: http://www.k12.com/c...se-list#science *Quality Science Labs also sells a Physics lab kit and lab manual: http://www.qualitysc...m/physics-labs/ Curricula Co-ordination: http://www.qualitysc...la-coordination(physics is right at the top) *The Physics Classroom http://www.physicsclassroom.com/ *Physics Bowl http://www.aapt.org/...ms/PhysicsBowl/ *HippoCampus has physics videos: http://www.hippocamp...oCampus/Physics *Labpaq (Hands On Learning) offers physics lab kits for sale. You can fill out the form at the following link for more information: http://holscience.co.../homeschoolers/ List of the experiments: http://holscience.co...ptions/physics/ *The Great Courses has physics courses: http://www.thegreatc...sult/?q=Physics *A homeschool mom (I believe she is on this forum!) has done high school honours physics at home and made a website sharing her entire course. She uses Foundations of Physics, 1st ed., CPO Science (Tom Hsu, PhD), GCE ‘O’ Level Physics Matters Practical Book (Charles Chew, PhD), and Hands on Physics Activities With Real-Life Applications (James Cunningham and Normal Herr). Her site includes a week-by-week schedule with readings, text questions to complete, additional websites to check out for each topic, and the correlation of labs to the text. She gives tests and might even be willing to share them if you e-mail her and ask nicely. Here's the site: https://donttouchthe....wordpress.com/ Here are the resources needed: https://donttouchthe....com/resources/ Here's a link to the CPO page: http://www.cpo.com/h...72/Default.aspx Pretty awesome! *Junior High Physics Curricula I know that sometimes these courses are considered to be high school level (and some are labeled as such) but without a math component, I don't think they can be honestly called "high school physics". If a math component is added in from elsewhere, that could bump them up to high school level. *Noeo Science: Physics III http://www.logospres...om/physics-iii/ *Queen's Homeschool Physics https://www.queensho...94a8fbc93dc8ab2 *The Physics videos from Georgia Public Broadcasting at http://www.gpb.org/are high school level. You can buy the teachers material for them pretty cheap too. Physics Fundamentals from Georgia PBS now have teacher materials behind a paywall rather having to contact them. $20. https://sellfy.com/p/brgJ/ *Virtual labs: https://phet.colorad...ategory/physics *Thread with links to study materials for the SAT Physics subject test: http://forums.welltr...s-subject-test/ *PhysClips physics animations: http://www.animation...cs.unsw.edu.au/ *Education Portal physics courses: http://education-por...urse/index.html *Life of Fred Elementary Physics (not really high school but would be a fun supplement for conceptual physics): http://www.ztwistbooks.com/node/35 *From JanetC: AReader.1's reviews of physics textbooks: High School part 1: http://www.amazon.co...thor_title_full High School part 2: http://www.amazon.co...thor_title_full Calculus Based: http://www.amazon.co...thor_title_full LoriD's physics lab list: http://forums.welltr...e/#entry3306269 Flipping Physics: Fun videos. As with Dan's stuff above, taught by an experienced teacher who understands where kids get mixed up. Spends an incredible amount of time on the demos and has a great sense of humor. Only covers mechanics so far, with algebra and calculus based options. http://www.flippingphysics.com/ Low Cost Physics Activities: http://jabryan.iweb....lowcostphysics/ Mechanical Universe: http://learner.org/r...s/series42.html Filmed at CalTech. Honors high school or calculus based level. See AReader1's book reviews above for links to high school and college level textbooks to go with this. Ideal Physics is the perfect "study buddy" app for any physics or engineering university student. This app gives you the tools you need to expand your understanding of the physical sciences. Its simple navigation allows you to quickly find and delve into a particular subject area, ranging from astrophysics to quantum mechanics. Each subject area contains key equations, notes, illustrative images, practice problems with answers, and step-by-step solutions. These practice problems will provide the foundation for exceling at homework and upcoming exams. Find the app for Android at: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details%3Fid%3Dcom.physics.matt.myapplication%26referrer%3Dutm_source%253Dgoogle%2526utm_medium%253Dorganic%2526utm_term%253Dplay%2Bstore%2Bideal%2Bphysics%26pcampaignid%3DAPPU_1_Mt-jV7f9HImKjwSqlrPYAg&ved=0ahUKEwi33t_jg6nOAhUJxYMKHSrLDCsQ8oQBCBwwAA&usg=AFQjCNHOAaohEdtsNPszsDC9yoMLOqLEZg&sig2=DaKkh_se5aBb07CUD69y5A -------------------------------------------- Connie in Ontario, Canada
  5. Sending good thoughts to Rosie and her daughter. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  6. I bought them for level 1 and never used them. I might even have 2 copies, the book and then the loose pages. I decided I didn't want to test kids that young on history and we had more fun having a discussion.
  7. You wouldn't have any objection to wearing a live streaming GoPro, would you? You have some of the best encounters.
  8. I tried to make a Zentangle last night. Who knew hands could be out of shape? My right hand is still sore this morning. :huh:
  9. Thanks LF. I also was getting a weird message, but not the one you mentioned. I can't remember it now but it was also something I had never seen before. It's working now.
  10. I'm in episode 7 of Ulysses now, but I cannot access goodreads to read the discussion. Is anyone else having a problem with goodreads? I've reached about 1/3 of the way through 1Q84. I am really enjoying this book but it's long. The copy I have is 1157 pages and I think I'm only going to end up with a tally of 3 books in January.
  11. :toetap05: Wake him up and tell him The Hive is waiting. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Does that mean you are still looking for a "what happened to people after the war?" book? Not that I have a suggestion, just wondering if Dawn fulfilled what you were looking for.
  13. "It's an accommodation, not a reservation." Someone told me this once when I had the same question.
  14. Well I've been trying to use the techniques from The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up as I pack and declutter. It's working well for the kids. I've used variations on the "does this item bring you joy?" question with the kids: "Does it make your heart feel good?" "Do you get excited when you see it?" "You don't look too excited we found this. Can we let it go?" "Does this item make you happy?" Using these techniques, the children have really only had a few things they've insisted on keeping. On the other hand, it's only kinda sorta working for me. I'm getting better traction by using a much more prosaic question: "Do I seriously want to pay someone to move this for me?"
  15. Gotta run but as a Muslim, I think he's blowing hot air and he sounds ridiculous re: innovation and ingenuity. Neither of those are words I associate with madrassas, at all. Yes, there's an emphasis on the Qur'an and memorization. There's also an emphasis on beauty, such as that found in recitation, calligraphy, etc. They tend to be strict and have a healthy dose of respect. The better ones have a nice study of Islamic history, which is often missing from western curricula. But a lot of madrassas are not very good, and the word really just means "school." Sorry I have to run but I'll check in later and see what direction this conversation took. :)
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