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Everything posted by idnib

  1. There's a good thread here. In it there's a link to the AP Course Ledger web site, which at least helps you find the exams.
  2. I think what Sarah is saying is not that all people working low-wage jobs are of lower intelligence, but that most people of lower intelligence work in these jobs. I need a Venn diagram here. Uhh...picture a larger circle of people who work low-wage jobs, and a smaller circle of people of low IQ. The smaller circle, I think she is saying, is mostly within the larger circle. And I'm not defending her opinion. It just bothers me to see that when someone says there are people whose intelligence restricts them to these jobs, the responses are about how higher IQ people also have these jobs. I think she's talking about the folks in the smaller circle, not the rest of the larger circle. Or I could be totally off base. :leaving:
  3. I read more of Ender's Game this evening and there's no way DS is ready. I myself am disturbed by the soldier mentality in young children. The protagonist is only 6 years old. The content of the Jewish leadership discussion ("K_ke Force") put it over the edge for me as far as DS reading it anytime soon. Even though that title seems to be bestowed as praise and is a play on "Strike Force" I have no desire to introduce that word to DS. Plus some other things too small to mention but disturbing nonetheless.
  4. That might be just the ticket. I'll it pitch to DH over the weekend. I can see it now: "But Jane in NC said maybe it helped her enjoy Ivanhoe. Think of the children!"
  5. I've tried Ivanhoe and not made it very far. I might give it one last try before giving up and assigning it in the future to my children and seeing if they like it. Vicarious reading, sometimes the best kind.
  6. Too bad I've had to set aside my spending money for books as a result of joining these threads!
  7. I haven't read Steelheart so I can't comment about that. DS is 10 but I could imagine him being much more ready at 12. He's kind of sensitive though so I guess it depends on that too. Just the bullying at the beginning of the book he would find disturbing. As far as real or fictional violence, I think for DS it has to do with the vividness of the communication. He was fine looking at photos of distant dead soldiers on Civil War battlefields, but clear written descriptions of bullying or fear really put him out, fictional or not.
  8. I finished Everyman yesterday and it was quite depressing. If you do read it, it's interesting to go back and re-read the first few sections of the book after finishing it. Some books about death make you want to go out and live life to the fullest, while some make you want to give up. This book sent me towards the latter direction. :D It did, however, cause me to reflect on my decisions to give up my career for now and focus on my kids. I'm so glad I did that at this point in my life. I also finished Pride and Prejudice yesterday. I really enjoyed it but somehow found it a bit tiring. When I reached the end and thought about reading another, I realized I needed a break before starting a whole new set of characters. The book also gave me some insight into my mom, who has some ideas I've never understood; I now think those ideas are the result of being raised in a British colony. I've started talking like the characters in the books and DS rolled his eyes when I called him "dear child" yesterday. I also watched the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice over the last few days. It was excellent. I now have the video for Death Comes to Pemberly on tap. The book is not very well rated, but I can't resist the Masterpiece Mystery video so the break will have to wait until after I watch this. I started Ender's Game last night. So far I do not like it but will read it through as it was a gift from DH. I'm also pre-reading it for suitability for DS. Right now I'm thinking he's not ready for it.
  9. This was an issue for me with Master and Margarita too. I had to learn a bunch of Russian nicknames. ("Wait, Mikhail is Misha?!")
  10. Yep, it's in my stack for the next few months.
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