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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Please let USNA know I'm waiting. Thanks. Oh, and congrats on Virginia Tech!
  2. I wonder what the reason is in this case. To give OP a chance to work out a payment plan? To give her a chance to find a new place without an eviction on her record?
  3. "Oh wow, do you realize you said that out loud?" Repeat as needed.
  4. Based on your experience, I shall follow the original order! Just to verify, you're talking about the column on the left at this link? Or do you have a different suggestion for subsequent books?
  5. I think I'll be reading Chronicles of Narnia. I have never read them, even though DS did a few years ago. I feel kind of bad about that. My role in the book discussion was mostly "Tell me more." and "Mmm, that sounds interesting, what happened next?" Maybe he can reread them and we can finally have a better discussion.
  6. Paradox and onelittlemonkey, how's it going?
  7. Unpacking has been slowed down by still needing to go back and clean up the former house. We've also had a lot of people coming out to do planned repairs, furniture delivery, etc at the new place, plus friends and family stopping by to see everything. This weekend will be our first chance to really dig into the unpacking. Unpacking has become a bit like a cross between Christmas and an archeological dig. We found the silverware this morning! No more plastic knives that won't cut anything! I'm sending you good vibes on the water well and the move. When's your actual move date?
  8. I agree it's weird. I'm curious what will happen when we go in for the first time after the DS turns 12. Regardless of my opinion of the low age for this, it's silly that they picked a different age for the medical privacy and the online account ability.
  9. Hmm. My dentist's admin laughed when I tried to reschedule an appointment because my childcare fell through. She said everyone brings their kids 5+ and they just hang out in the waiting room while the parent goes in. Our doctor has a lot of stuff for the kids to do (and fun little chairs for them to boot) while the parents are in the exam room. Our library has signs for not leaving kids under 10 unless they are in a program like the book club or something else supervised. I did have a good giggle when you followed "cramping my style" with getting a dental crown as an example. I was expecting something more...party-ish.
  10. We have Kaiser in CA as well. We haven't used their services for the kids because we prefer our friend who's a non-Kaiser pediatrician but we keep the coverage for emergencies, hospitalizations, etc. My DD has never been to the Kaiser doctor and our DS only once for an urgent matter when our doctor was on vacation. However, I did sign them up for the online Kaiser web site and it warned me I would lose access to the records in the future when they turn 12. I'm pretty sure that will be an automatic computerized process to lock me out.
  11. I'm here, on the other side of my move. I haven't done much reading at all for the past week. First we were slammed at the end getting everything packed, then we moved Friday and spent the weekend unpacking a few essentials and cleaning the place we're leaving. School has been reduced to reading, history, an hour of math each day, and watching educational DVDs. It's been so disruptive: a guy who saved our lemon tree but knocked out earthquake gas shut-off valve and we had to have the utility out, a furniture delivery, a plumber, finishing some construction, etc. We're still only 25% unpacked and I want to reconfigure the homeschool area. Again. I can't believe we're on the last chapter for Ulysses. I'm reluctant to finish it. I have this bad habit of not finishing books (and sometimes TV series) when I get near the end. I don't know why. I have several books with ~20 pages, left, and I watched all but the the last episodes of Lost, The Killing, and House of Cards Season 1. Anyone else do this?
  12. DS will also be 11 in the fall and I'd like to know more. I looked through the course web site last year and I don't think it was listed. I'm not confident we'll be able to find someone who has already taken it.
  13. I agree this is so important. Since the dawn of parenthood, knowing that a mother or father was doing their best at the time they made a decision has brought so many much-needed peace.
  14. I'm not saying I agree with you. I actually don't have enough information one way or the other. But I understand this is the perception you have of the situation. What happened when you reported what you saw as the breaking of board rules? Do you think it's realistic to expect that the rules will always be followed in a diverse community of (mostly) IRL strangers, or do you think the rules might be broken and will need to be reported X% of the time? And that when they are reported, the moderator may or may not agree with the person reporting? I expect that rules will be broken some of the time when you have thousands of interactions/day on a diverse range of topics. I understand the desire to not want them broken in the first place, but I find that unrealistic. Then I have to add in the idea that what I consider breaking a board rules, others, including the mods, may not. :)
  15. Role: Community, information, educational advice. This is really then only forum in which I participate but there are others I just read. WTM has made my homeschool so much better than it would have been if I had come up with stuff in isolation. It's much more dynamic and tailored. I have gone long stretches of avoiding the Chat board. These forums have not in anyway replaced real humans. Sometimes a few things come together that cause me to spend more time on forums than I would like, but it's always temporary. So national election + interesting threads on WTM + major news item might become too much of a time suck for a week. But these things always fade soon.
  16. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I agree with the others who have said she needs to try and consider the situation as if she is on her own and leave him out of the decision making for now. I spent time working in the alternative health field and took a lot of patient intakes and assessments. In that way I know about many terminations that the women's friends and families did not. As part of my treatment of them, I asked them about residual psychological, emotional, or physical problems. Some of the women who had terminated had regrets, but many did not. I just want to present the other side of the coin.
  17. Well, we're on the other side! We moved into our new place yesterday. It's in the same area so we left some fragile stuff back at the old place. Plus we have to go back and clean up and I'm going to grab all the cabinet and shelf liners (they're ours) and install them here before unpacking the new kitchen. I had a leftover steak taco with yesterday's coffee for breakfast. :laugh: The kids didn't even sleep here last night. Our nice neighbor at the old house was watching them and they were playing there with their friends during the move. We were still busy around dinnertime so she offered them dinner, and when we went to pick them up after dinner they'd planned a sleep over! It was strange to spend the first night in the new house without the kids. Now we have lots of unpacking and fixing up. (It's an old house with a weedy lot for a yard.) MomOfABunch, sorry to hear of your troubles, although I agree it's better if you can wait to move if you have no water.
  18. I always thought you should run a camp/work study for homeschoolers. :D
  19. I'm quoting myself because I thought I was being pithy but now I'm thinking I was rude. Apologies. I have some wrinkles and gray hair. I truly feel like I've earned them. Maybe others have gotten theirs more gradually than I did, but after a near-death experience and serious illness, I aged quite a bit over about 1.5 years. At this point I'm just happy to be here and the wrinkles and grays remind me of that, like putting a note on the mirror to remind myself to have gratitude. That said, I did whiten my teeth a bit. Not a lot, the dentist said I did much less than most people. I didn't want fake looking teeth, but they were becoming quite yellow from tea and coffee and I was becoming self conscious. I used the nightly trays for a few nights, rather than the in-office whitening, so I had control over the color. I also had some weird staining from braces when I was younger and I got that fixed. I do feel like these fixes made me look a bit younger. I couldn't convince myself I had earned my yellowed teeth! I do think whitening them made me look a bit younger.
  20. Welcome! We're moving tomorrow but I'll still be here for unpacking support and to support y'all. Did I mention I don't like unpacking? Be ruthless with getting rid of stuff! I wish I had been more, I was in the beginning, but got lazy later. When is your move?
  21. Oh no! I don't know how long something like that would take. Maybe it depends on the depth of the pipe and how cold the ground is? We're moving tomorrow and I'm not ready. I'm running out of energy though. I need a couple more hours to be ready so I think I'll just get up even earlier tomorrow.
  22. I have fasted a lot for religious reasons (Ramadan) but I have yet to see any physical or health benefits. Or maybe I'll live longer in the end and I don't know it yet. :laugh: I have derived spiritual benefit from it but the biggest benefit for me has been mental. It's helped me see what I can do and that a lot of things are mind over matter. Also my mantra when asked for too many snacks by the kiddos: "It's okay to be hungry." I think a lot of people who have access to an abundance of food miss that.
  23. Has he been checked for fibromyalgia? People think of it s a women's disease but men get it too.
  24. I said no because I wouldn't inject a toxin into my face.
  25. This is the part of the house move when I realize I should have started prepping sooner.

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Ooooh...I hate that part!

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