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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Just food is hard to figure, but I'd like to know myself. This will take a little leg work for me to pin down.
  2. Don't give up now; you've suffered so much and it's almost over. I'm caffeine free for over three years now and it is worth it.
  3. :confused: :scared: I wanted to scream when I read this. I've got to go to the garden center today and pick up some very expensive Heirloom seeds.
  4. Oh, my. I thought this was an ax accident thread and was afraid to read it due to the warning. :lol: I'm just glad it wasn't my crazy neighbor... I'd have to get new eyes if I saw him chipping wood that way; and that crazy man would need an ambulance for sure. He pretty much catches his trees on fire with his annual shirtless fireworks display. We keep the hose ready btw :scared: .OP, Maybe that would have cooled off the hot woodsman too.
  5. :hurray: Congratulations Op. I can never think of a glitter project without laughing at a former boardie's post way back when. She said... "Glitter is the STD of craft supplies!" :lol: (I think it might have been lanie.)
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Poor kid, I'm a little angry for both of you.
  7. I also found the detailed ITBS test results more helpful than other test we've used here. That said, with a young student it is a very long test to take and administer. The much shorter CAT was a an easy way to ease into standardized test taking. Filling in the little bubbles is a skill most every needs to succeed in their educational career and mastering that without tears is always a good option.
  8. You bet. Dd loves writing too, and an actual published book is pretty inspirational.
  9. Dd purchased it. She wanted to support and check out what another home-school girl did.
  10. Seton now has the CAT, TerraNova, and the ITBS as test options, and their prices are very reasonable. We've used them in the past for elementary grades and BJU for the ITBS here.
  11. We have three Aldi stores. They don't fit as my only grocery store, but it is in the same parking lot as my SuperWalmart. What I love there is the weekly specials on veggies, especially during the winter months. ( I prefer organic, but can't afford it here in the cold seasons.) This week Navel oranges $1.49 for a big bag Strawberries $0.99 Roma tomatoes were on sale last week for $1.49 in a plastic container like the strawberries Regular priced Extra V. Olive oil is under $4. a bottle Dh loves their Greek yogurt; it's .58 cents 100 sandwich baggies $1.99 Their Artisan breads are yummy and much less than any where else I love their Christmas goodies from Germany as well as their chocolate year round. An Easter bunny about 7" with a bunch of eggs was $2.49. I don't use a lot of canned goods, but I do get their diced tomato, sauce and paste if I need it.
  12. We have small garbage cans in each room with a new garbage bag liner for emergencies.
  13. Well, I'm glad it's not just me. Imo, fiw the McCall's were even worse. Dd had some apron patterns to make and they were incorrectly sized and the directions were just upid. How they could take such a simple project and make it so difficult; it must have taken a lot of work on thier part. I ended up making a pattern myself for her.
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