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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: Loosing the power is now one of my big winter fears too. I'm so grateful for indoor heat today. Stay warm everybody.
  2. We've warmed up to -6'F our windchill was -37'...I went outside this morning to stop some of our Christmas bells from slapping against the house. Wind:w00t: hardly describes it.
  3. :grouphug:Big, big hug.:grouphug: I don't know what your state options are for homeschooling, but a virtual school or dvd program would lift much of the planning and daily work from your shoulders. My oldest is using the A Beka DVD Academy this year. It really freed me up to work with my ds. I'm not suggesting this is the answer you need, but a change to a homeschool program that requires little or no planning might be a good option for a while if the other teachers aren't able. Sending prayers your way.:grouphug:
  4. Block the number. Call your provider for info and I would find someone who would do this without charging you..:grouphug:
  5. I'm not a secret kind of girl. However, I use a recipe a few times then wing it there after. So...when I say a handful, a good pour or a pinch...it's hard to write them down unless I kept the original. Anyone is welcome in my kitchen and I've had a friend re-measure what I thew in the bowl using standard measuring instruments:D Her cornbread still wont come out like mine though.
  6. It went through here last night and everyone is digging out this morning. We had the ice & sleet then the snow-bomb. It's pretty, but changes our plans for the weekend. I'm hoping the snow-plow will make our street some time this weekend...I want to finish checking off my list.;)
  7. I can't imagine being less attracted to a man. :001_huh: That is just the strangest thing, now if they could make some guy smell like chocolate...that would be get my attention. BK man, I'll just hope he showers and finds another cologne. Maybe Kramer can lend him that Beach one.
  8. In bed by 10 pm is our standard rule, you can read but no electronics. I'm thinking as she and then he get older and have a later time in/bedtime that the same rules will apply. Everyone in the house deserves a good night of sleep besides they will grow up and move out. Then they can set their own rules.;)
  9. My kids have always loved raw veggies with a creamy ranch dip.
  10. Not terrible today is sunny 12'F, but we're bracing for the storm sweeping across the Midwest.
  11. :grouphug:Thanks for the update, Tammy. Hope you feel all better real soon. :grouphug:
  12. :grouphug: My Kenmore went last month, (It will be 3 years in April of next year.) I have yet to replace it, and I'm kind of surprised at myself. There are worse chores than doing dishes and I'm waiting for a great sale on a great appliance....This may mean I'll forever have dish pan hands.:D
  13. I understand and will add that as children (especially girls age) they tend to make friends with others who have common interests and activities. Girls Scouts, Sunday School, 4-H, sports, choir, books clubs are a few places to find friends.
  14. I wouldn't just for that one reason, but I would consider helping her find more opportunities if she wishes.
  15. Cool.;) Thanks for the on-line listening tip. My local stations kind of stink as far as line-ups go
  16. We purchased a converter box for $10 with the coupon. We have cable, but with our weather felt the need for one. I'm not purchasing another TV, I'd love to chuck the cable and live free of it...But I'm outnumbered, and didn't want to choose this hill to die on iykwim. Dh wants to purchase another TV, but we had a storm blow out the ones we have and he feels guilty when they are under 2 years old. I think he's hoping I'll start to really want one.:lol:
  17. :grouphug:Rhonda, my thoughts and prayers are with you.:grouphug:
  18. Keep your door(s) locked. You'll get used to it and it will be safer all around. Those little ones are too precious and some have been know to slip out unattended. (Not that that ever happened to me of course:001_huh:)
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