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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Too bad. I love making a thin batch (yogurt drink) to start my days.

  2. http://www.squarefootgardening.com/ Many libraries have his book, and the web site is pretty detailed. hth
  3. Oh, how sweet. Everything you are feeling is normal btw and for many of us that's how we process and prepare for big changes. :grouphug:
  4. You might consider starting off with a short term commitment and see how they both respond.
  5. :lurk5: Great discussion. Wow... I'm still an advocate because it is a good place to start, especially for those who suffer writers block.
  6. A. US B. On and hot. I've lived outside the US and never knew anyone who turned it off.
  7. My boxes are ready to plant, I'm so excited just waiting for the weather to cooperate. We are dividing the boxes using 19cent untreated, wooden, lattice slats. They were super cheap and even cut to the right length at the local hardware store. What is everyone planting? I just can't wait for the season to start:001_smile:.
  8. :iagree: Kill em with kindness, Ria...You might want to mention loving the card so much, you're going to frame it or pull it out to show off when family comes over. Btw...:ack2:My mil would love your in-laws. Big hug...because you deserve it.:grouphug:
  9. Lots of great advice. You may need to give up your parents as sitters for a while..not sure if this was suggested. Sounds like they need a refresher course in child care themselves kwim? Your children are little, very young in my opinion and will learn as they get older. I wouldn't draw a battle line on this, just set some boundaries and let grandma know she will need to help them learn how to behave in her home if she wants them to visit without you.;) You can also help your child(ren) by reminding them how to behave, setting some rules and consequences and setting them up for success with short visits, praise and lots of reminders. ymmv And congratulations!
  10. :iagree: Good point...Expecting a young student to sit through class after class would get old quickly. K-5 looks nothing like 6th-12...different as night and day. My dd/14 does enjoy the classroom teachers & the other students. And wow has she has grown tremendously this year as a student. Her study skills, time management and the ability to handle this course load has been both a relief and a blessing. We both feel confident she'll do well when she enters school full time and wont be overwhelmed by the sheer volume or distractions.
  11. My student is older and we went with A Beka DVDs this year. She enjoys the daily classrooms and it works well for her. Today she just finished up lesson 127 today, so we are in the home stretch for this year. fyi...A Beka will have streaming at a discount next year for those who prefer it, but for me the DVDs in hand are perfect. No curriculum is perfect for everyone;). I had dd watch both samples and we attended displays to view the books and video lessons. She prefers the A Beka and I'm comfortable with the TMs, overall program and results. Disclaimer, she has used ABeka successfully in the past without the DVDs making her transition easy. Ds...is not interested in any video lessons BJU or ABeka:001_huh:. When mine were both using Calvert, the adjustment was a trial to say the least. My dd using the A Beka program leaves me free to work with my younger ds. Transitioning two different grades into any program is definately something to think about. Do your research and look for what will work consistently day after day in your home. I truly have come to believe that it is the daily work that works best. ymmv
  12. Yes it should be fine. You may want to lengthen the time you let it set and be sure it doesn't get cold. I let mine set up in the microwave with a glass mason jar that I let boil alone in there before putting in my batch of yogurt.
  13. ILLs aren't free to library card holders in our neck of the woods. Local on-line holds are between our three local libraries, but ILLs are charged to us. Very rarely do I request something from ILL, but I do use the on-line holds all.the.time.
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