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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: The best choice is the one that gets done. :grouphug: You sound so overwhelmed:grouphug:. Those littles are going to grow and flourish, and then you'll find yourself looking back for the good old days. Make today happy, enjoy your crazy moments and do the best you can. It's all anyone can do.
  2. :iagree: And my sister a public school teacher...doesn't grade homework and 2/3 completion of a textbook meets their standard:001_huh:. Apparently this is the norm in her district. She doesn't like it, but she simply doesn't have time. And the sop is to change their math all the time...
  3. My youngest is too old for tot this year:D. Finally we are done...yippee. I'm not sure yet if we'll hand out candy or turn the light off and enjoy eating the stash ourselves.;)
  4. I know you made your choice already, but for others needing a literature based approach to history (and the other subjects) Ambleside on-line is an excellent FREE option. http://www.amblesideonline.org/
  5. :grouphug:Lisa:grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  6. I'd set a time for bed and allow pre-approved quiet, in the bed activities. (Reading by flash-light, shadow puppets, flash light or laser light, but no getting out of bed except for bathroom trips and you get up at a set time.) I agree with a good diet, exercise and no computer or other non-bed nocturnal activities. I'd take the power cord off the computer or flip power to it. Discuss and set some rules and penalties for not following them. My ds is a night-owl and I totally sympathise with you.
  7. I'm glad she's doing better, poor kiddo:grouphug:. Happy Birthday to her:hurray:.
  8. Our ortho does said absolutely no pop-corn, nuts, hard candies, gum, ice, sticky foods like tootsie rolls or Doritos. :001_huh: They sent us home with a big-old refrigerator magnet with all the no-no's of braces to avoid problems and cavities.:001_huh: My dd has followed the instructions, but did have to make dietary adjustments. Now eating with braces is second nature to her and we just push healthy snacks and food choices. You know what, she almost never snacks now. Wow...I just realized that. We do make a lot of oatmeal bars or cookies Fresh baked bread with butter cottage cheese yogurt
  9. What I wouldn't do for those thick walls:drool:. We live up in the mid-west in one of those flimsy, Dallas homes. There is no way we could turn the heat off in the winter or the AC during the summer. The winter temps got down to the upper 30's inside during a power outage a few years ago...And yesterday it was sunny and a delightful 58' degree fall day. Last night it was 77' in here and I almost ran outside at midnight to rip the weather coat off the AC unit.:tongue_smilie: Honestly, I've enjoyed cutting back on our expenses and the lean towards being green is the icing on the cake. However...I've been doing this for as long as I can remember simply because it felt right and cost less. My friend with a well and septic tank uses as little tp as possible and the yellow brown flush method for everyone except guests.
  10. What a good idea! We had one many moves ago and I loved it. My dd is making these this year for us using the following direction. http://blairpeter.typepad.com/weblog/2008/02/make-a-rice-pil.html And I'm making a paper-piecing quilt like the one on top...I might try to incorporate them into the rice bags.:001_smile:
  11. I'm in for 100, but I'm going to have to be careful because I just finished cleaning up for a visitor and don't want to do that again. :tongue_smilie:
  12. :grouphug: Hugs to all of you. :grouphug: Monday...Monday... I'll be singing that song in my head all day; while I try to get the house ready for a visitor. I'm going in for a cup of reinforcement aka really strong coffee and then I'll buzz around on my coffee high for a while.:tongue_smilie: (It goes without saying that my teen will lecture me on the dangers of too much caffeine.)
  13. How sweet:D. It is good syrup though and Sam's allows me not to be the crazy mom rationing the syrup.;)
  14. I'm a convert to Sam's membership. I skip coupons now if the items are available at Sam's and I get a good feeling knowing I'm getting the cheapest price without all the work. Bread here for instance in a regular grocery store is just under three dollars a loaf for a good whole wheat. At Sam's it's $2.33 for two loaves. We get all our TP, paper towels, tissue, feminine toiletries, shampoo, conditioner, flour, sugar, spices, (CHEAP MAPLE Syrup!) pancake mix, baked beans, salsa, tea, cheese, frozen goods, office/school supplies, dishwasher detergent, dishwasher jet dry, paper plates, bathroom cups, occasional plastic table ware, napkins, OJ, butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, bananas, carrots, potatoes, crackers, chips, chex mix, fresh baked goodies, flour tortillas, tomato sauce, tuna, real Parmesan cheese, Laughing Cow cheese, snack foods, Halloween candy, fruit and juice, Gatorade etc. Wow...my regular list is pretty long there. My dh insited we try it for a year and then renew our membership. Wispering...He was right:blush5: I don't buy their milk (they do have organic btw) or eggs because I'm super picky with those and always buy local. I won't purchase fresh veggies unless they are produced in the US or Canada and find they have high quality and it's just cheaper. We do purchase magazines, books, occasional clothing items. I find Polos for dh there for $20. Each store is different. I've grown to love shopping at Sam's weekly and now my expensive grocery store run is less often and way less money.
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