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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Price is a big part of any home purchase in any economy. Anyone looking to purchase now wants/needs a deal. Follow your instincts, imo realtors don't know anymore than anyone else right now. jm2cents
  2. I've only had to call once, and was offered a replacement or a big discount along with an apology. Personally I think you deserve what you paid for. kwim?
  3. Jean, I have Art Reed's book, Using John Saxon's Math book and you're welcome to it. Pm me if you'd like it.
  4. I'm praying here for you, Molly.:grouphug:
  5. Squarefoot-fans here. We pretty much followed Mel's plan for 4'x4' boxes, soil, lattice grids(switched to heavy string) and crop planning. It worked better than any garden we've ever planted here, and there was NO WEEDING! Loved, loved the organic veggies and we'll plant more this year. I was definitely surprised how many wonderful things you could grow in such small spaces. One minus for me was the heavy tomato plants and we'll be trying that Topsy-turvy hanger out here. There are plenty of ways to container garden without a lot of backbreaking work and time. This year I'll be saving on seeds, since so many were left over from last year. The soil mix will be our only cost this time around.
  6. Night sweats are not hot-flashes, but they are both icky. It could be something else, but for many of us...that's life. :grouphug:
  7. Jennefer, Check your local library for Teaching Company titles, ours has a few. I've also enjoyed the Modern Scholar series for myself and dh from our library. My high school student is currently using Dr. Tim McGee's, How To Become A Superstar Student. I purchased it on a super 75% off sale in December, and will be rating it a five star.
  8. I'm reading FREAKONOMICS, by S. Levitt and S. Dubner and continuing to slowly plod through through DQ.
  9. If you want another option, Saxon now offers Saxon Teacher. It's more expensive and includes more than the DIVE. http://saxonhomeschool.hmhco.com/en/saxonteacher.htm http://www.rainbowresource.com/search.php?sid=1266591024-709322 You can compare both at Rainbow Resource, they carry both the DIVE and Saxon Teacher. YES
  10. Too funny, I thought the title was extra funny:lol:. Yes, it sounds like our snow stuff. Enjoy yourselves!
  11. We tried the CSA two years ago. My kids like the more traditional veggies... As mentioned above we got turnips, chard, arugula over and over by the bag full....Regular salad veggies were few and far between; I really expected to get salad fixings weekly. Our grocery bill went up, since we ended up purchasing regular produce at the farmer's market or grocery store. Our first few shares were delicious, but then the lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers ran out. After that pick-ups were a depressing chore knowing we wouldn't eat most of it. However, the CSA did sway my entire family to eat only organic veggies when possible. The regular grocery store stuff tastes like chemicals now. We started our own organic Squarefoot garden last year, because we were hooked on the taste. The CSA was worth finding that out; even if our farmer has plan to get the world eating chard:tongue_smilie:.
  12. Knowing it and proving are difficult, but I think there is an unwritten acceptance and fear of whistle blowing. This week two teachers have been charged with numerous s... acts with a student and apparently another has been accused by a student. The latter is still teaching and imo getting protection from his contract. The second was released on bail, has the principle looking into his district policy and the first is in jail. There must have been red flags. (These were three different schools.)
  13. Wordly Wise 3000 2nd edition is another high school vocabulary option. My dd choose this as an extra this semester as a change from VFCR.
  14. Welcome, VA is a great place to home school. Enjoy your journey.
  15. My dh read something I suggested, so I'm reading something he recommended, Superfreakonomics. It's a very easy read and outside my normal genre to say the least.
  16. :hurray: I hope he gets a great job asap and you are all together, all the time. Congratulations of the weight loss, what a great surprise.
  17. :grouphug:Thanks for updating us. I'm sending big hugs and prayers here for you.
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