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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Lisa, You are being sweet to accommodate them, because it benefits your children. That is a blessing to your family. (My mil, only wants to say hello to my two, and then she wants the adults to visit or better yet...dh all to herself. Fil was always very warm and loving and could could temper her personality; and we miss his presence.)
  2. You should check with your mom and doctor. I'm not sure of the changes/ advancements made since my sister had her full hysterectomy, (no ovaries left) but she had to go on the hormone therapy. Mil and df, kept the ovaries and didn't have take them, although mil desperately needed them.
  3. I kept a starter for years and never threw any of it out until we went on an extended vacation.:confused: You just feed it more if you use more.
  4. :grouphug:Big hug, I understand exactly where you're coming from. My mil, is very used to getting her way and ignoring any previous agreements set in place; she loves e-mailing or phoning dh at work when he's busy..."I'll be there Friday with x & x ." Fil passed away last year, and I kind of put my foot in it the last time she declared a visit. I said, "No, well meet you at x." She turned on the tears, ripped dh's heart out, but we still met at x." She was super late, and hostile to me, but it was better than having her and x&x here. I have no idea if hubby will be able to have a relationship with her on anything but her terms.
  5. No personal experience, but my dear friend, sister and mil all had them. My sister was young, mid-twenties and had her's for medical reasons. She's glad she did it, but experienced side effects from taking hormones. Loosing the possibility of carrying another baby weighed heavy on her heart or a long time. Mil...had her's at 40, she was still a nightmare woman going through the change; her sister dragged her to the dr. for replacement hormones. (Her personality stuck at pre-hormone replacement, but he symptoms lessened.) My df/43, had her's 1.5 years ago and has been very happy.
  6. We had a number of interruptions while watching:glare:. I did miss the farmer being married; Edith, what were you thinking! I'm glad they managed to keep the good and bad within the cast. It just wouldn't be any fun if everyone was a nice as Anna. I'm wondering what Rosalind, will do with any information she unearths. Sir, what's his name is pretty slimy, an I hope Mary doesn't say yes. I'm looking forward to the next showing, and may need to record it.
  7. Either way. My first wasn't a clear boy or girl picture to the technician, but with ds...even my untrained eye and dh's couldn't doubt it was a boy. Nesting and shopping was fun. Seeing his little face for the first time, was still a wonder.
  8. Post pictures of your before and after style. I would go to a stylist and get a style recommendation; I can't imagine taking a clipper to my own head;).
  9. I'm kind of a vegetarian, but I need to take in plenty of cheeses, milk and other dairy daily to feel satisfied. Eggs, fish and nuts I do, but no soy due to side effects, and I do occasionally eat ham during the holidays. I'm not overweight and lost to my 20 year-old weight with ease cutting out the majority of carbs. Gluten doesn't mesh with my system and I avoid carbs like chips, and breads. Giving up meat was easy, but loosing the monthly potato chips and lots of home-made bread was tough for me. (I don't crave carbs or chocolate anymore; and I don't consume any caffeine.) Consider finding the foods that make you feel well and come up with your own diet.
  10. :iagree: I don't expect to love anything in January, but I can be content knowing we are moving forward.
  11. Each state has different regulations and requirements; I believe Canada is similar. Here we have to use the ITBS (or get Dept. of Ed approval of another standardized test) or meet with a state licenced teacher about dozen times to have have him/her report adequate academic progress; there is no standard evaluation option. We've done both, but the test is simpler and less of a pain. My children are older teenagers, so ymmv
  12. :grouphug:I hope she's feeling better soon. :iagree: Codeine may be more than a young child's system can handle.
  13. He might try Nioxin shampoo & conditioner. Sally's beauty supply sells it in stores and on-line, as do most hair salons. Sally's is so much cheaper though.
  14. It's been so long since grade 2 here, but I remember a few suggestions that helped. Colored pencils Calendar time every other day or twice a week, once they got it. Skip counting, flash cards etc. done while jumping or bouncing on a bouncy ball. White boards were always a hit here with vis-a-vis or dry-erase markers break up the meeting from the other parts of the lesson
  15. A veggie pasta, home-made bread, a salad and dessert are my stand-by meal.
  16. :party: You're a super woman! I'd stay away from Drano too. That stuff just add another layer of drama.
  17. :iagree: Bring on the summer produce. We do lots of carrots, broccoli, avocado & squashes during the winter, our fruits are pretty miserable, but we search for the best we can find. Our more expensive grocery store has better produce year round; I make it a point to shop their sales.
  18. :grouphug:That kind of pain makes you miserable, and not being able to sleep just intensifies the hurt. Try new pillows, follow Imp's recommendations and be careful of your purse. I had to give mine up and move to a wallet with a strap.:tongue_smilie: (Do yourself a favor if your bag is heavy and don't ruin your other shoulder.)
  19. It can be done, but you will have to work hard to get there. I've moved overseas twice and the adjustment time was a continual battle for weeks. I agree with Ann's list, but will add to eat breakfast when you get up to get your body going, and plan something you love first thing.
  20. :grouphug:Lots of people walk the 5Ks. Fish oil has helped my joints, but doesn't fix them. I'm in the slow lane, and can get away with speed walking on a treadmill which is better than nothing.
  21. Here 14 is the permit age, and I said no way to that.
  22. :bigear: I'm more inclined to empathise with the woman vs. the criminal breaking in too. That said, I can't imagine shooting someone.
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