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Everything posted by BakersDozen

  1. I hope I get to a point where I can respond to her without my hands shaking. I can convey a sense of strength to her but inwardly...not feeling so strong. Which she can never, never know. Yikes.
  2. Oh, yes. She'll ask leading ?s in an attempt to get me to say that I do/do not want her here. She did this last summer to both me and my oldest dd. She'll say how unhappy she is here, how much she hates it here, how she had expectations (GAH!) and those were not met. She'll say how she envisioned seeing grandkids every day (at her house, of course) and they would have this great relationship w/her (she doesn't know how to "relate" to anyone, really). She'll lament her house (which is beautiful and has a million-dollar view) and every single thing about her situation in life. And she'll wait for me to placate her and coddle her verbally and say how much we love having her here and oh please don't go. Pretty much she'll say the same things she's said before and she'll get the same reaction she's gotten before. And it won't end well.
  3. My mom got home this week from her travels across the U.S. and the first thing she asked for is a "private" talk w/me. Nope. Nope. Nope. I told her that I am not comfortable with private talks because miscommunication whether during the talk or afterward happens to easily. So here we go...no wonder I'm eating everything in sight and buying socks and underwear (for my dc) to a point of ridiculous (my go-to response to stress, lol!). ETA: She put a time on our "private" talk - 60-90 minutes. She's done this since I was a kid - if something didn't take the ridiculous amount of time she assigned for a task, we had to do the task again. This was one issue last year when she had a to-do list that she said would take 4-6 HOURS and we knocked it out in about 45 minutes. Whew, was she mad! ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh Update 2/25: So she's been home for just over a week and came over here once to give my dd $ for taking care of plants. Nothing since then in the way of a visit or seeing the dc. My brother specifically advised her to do 2 things when she got here: Sit down and talk with me AND my dh, and to not ask for us to do stuff rather get over here and be with our family. Despite his words I've been requested to have a private talk (that never happened) and now my mom has asked for some kids to come over tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 8:30 to help open/unpack boxes in her house. Two for two she failed to do. It took me almost 2 hours to respond but I simply said, "Tomorrow won't work for us, sorry." It took me TWO HOURS to come up with a six word response! And I'm sure those six words will result in many colorful words on her part.
  4. Wordle 240 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 That took some serious sitting back and thinking.
  5. That is one thing I did in 2020 - tossed the spices I purchased in the late 90s. Oy...
  6. Wordle 238 4/6 🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜🟨🟩🟨 🟨⬜⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Dang...that was hard!!
  7. I have expanded my co-op classes to the point I need another microscope. I own 2 of Home Science Tools Advanced Binocular microscopes but have been eyeing both the Laboratory with Plan Optics and the National Optical Model 168. If anyone has experience with either of these and can provide input I would greatly appreciate it! I teach every science including Forensics so I am willing to pay more as I consider the investment to be worth it. National Optical 168 Laboratory Binocular (just noticed this one is out of stock until March) (Also posted on the General Ed forum)
  8. I have expanded my co-op classes to the point I need another microscope. I own 2 of Home Science Tools Advanced Binocular microscopes but have been eyeing both the Laboratory with Plan Optics and the National Optical Model 168. If anyone has experience with either of these and can provide input I would greatly appreciate it! I teach every science including Forensics so I am willing to pay more as I consider the investment to be worth it. National Optical 168 Laboratory Binocular (just noticed this one is out of stock until March)
  9. Wordle 237 4/6 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 🟩⬜⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I was trying to explain strategy to dh (who is NOT a words type of person) and finally gave up. He doesn't understand why anyone would be interested in such a game. I told him it's clear that opposites attract. πŸ™‚
  10. I don't know if this is what you are looking for but my dd and I used Perrine's Literature and thought it truly superb.
  11. I'm really over it. At first I just shrugged it off but now I see derogatory shirts casually worn and I can't engage in discussions on FB because immediately someone will dismiss my words given my name. It's gotten ridiculous and truly insulting. 😞
  12. I avoid saying my name - not because I want privacy or want to avoid folks, but given that my name has become The Worst Name For a Woman in the U.S., I just don't need people associating me with "that name." Thanks a lot out-of-control, freak-show woman who called police for a stupid reason and ruined what was a decent (although rather boring) name. If I do provide my name I also provide a fast qualifier ("I'm not THAT kind!").
  13. I resisted the mindset which viewed Californians in a stereotypical way...until I had a few encounters which I just couldn't ignore. Our small town parks are not good enough. Roads are not wide enough. Speed limits aren't high enough (this is on busy/congested small town roads w/speed limits of 45-50). Thrift stores are not good enough. There's "nothing for kids to do" and "nowhere to go out to eat." Or the CA folks who buy two homes here (with money left to spare) and go into thrift stores to purchase stuff for their AirBnB and sit on the couches with their phones on speaker while they LOUDLY discuss their finances and what they are buying with all their money. Ugh. We moved out of a huge city with a sigh of relief. Living without billboards and intense lighting (dark sky ordinances/observatories), slower traffic and slower pace of life is fantastic. But it's changed and will continue to do so, and the resentment is growing in those who escaped city life only to watch it be recreated here. And yes, the attitude that things are so "cheap/affordable" with housing does not endear previous residents to newcomers unless one is selling or raking in some big bucks as a landlord. The question that newcomers ask which makes me really cringe: "What does "this city" need??" Nothing. It needs nothing. There is a reason it ranked so high year after year, decade after decade, as an ideal place to live/retire. It is a place to get away from the hustle and bustle...but the hustle and bustle is now here. 😞
  14. Ds is working from home today and tomorrow they will have him in a back office making calls, etc. As he is the "face of the branch" they want to keep him from being front and center for a bit. We don't know what has been done as far as the client but I did find out that, to my absolute shock, the other branches of the same bank have not and will not be notified. I do not understand this at all. I didn't sleep well last night at all but at least ds didn't have to go in. There are no screens, etc. - another thing which has always surprised me. Even if the tellers were behind screens, ds's job literally puts him at the door where customers first enter. Needless to say, he is seriously rethinking continuing on with this job. A month or so ago a woman attacked a teller at another local bank with a knife - these places offer zero protection as far as screens/windows; employees are 100% open and vulnerable. One sweet thing is that ds, who is already very family-oriented/involved, is spending lots of time w/his siblings in-between calls and other work he is able to do here at home. There is definitely an awareness and gratefulness being shown for what he has - not that he wasn't appreciative before but it's different today. Nothing like having it hinted that one could get shot to effect one's psyche.
  15. People know to get their license plates changed asap upon moving here and God forbid one is discovered to have moved from CA. Visitors who can't change their license plates often find their vehicles keyed/vandalized. Tensions are high, prices are high...it's pretty ugly in my area.
  16. I'm in AZ and this is our reality, too. We told our older 4 to save, save, save (this was about 5-6 years ago), go in together on a home, let us purchase a smaller/older home and rent to them...now it's too late and they're either paying insanely high rent or moving home. Because of what happened in 2008, I insisted on a home that had at least some possibility of older kids living here (we purchased current home in 2015). There is room, thank goodness, even with 1700 sqft. But I sure do wish our older dc had taken our advice before the prices were completely out of reach. 😞 We've considered moving but that is a huge risk as well - finding a job, not knowing if kids would move with us. Many of our friends got out when they were able and went to Idaho or the Midwest. We're stuck, though, and watching the craziness unfold with great alarm. It's terrible that rent here is considered "cheap" to those who are leaving CA and the rentals are 2K or more for a small home.
  17. I just talked w/my ds and he had the same idea even before I asked him to consider not going in tomorrow. He'll contact his manager (who is up at 4am) and possibly stay home. His job puts him literally at the door, first person folks encounter upon entering. And he stands out even if he wasn't front and center. The good thing is that apparently there is a specific law enforcement detail for this particular area (several banks on one street) so I'm hoping there will be an obvious presence tomorrow. I'm so relieved ds is also taking this seriously. If he went in tomorrow I would be more of a mess than I am right now, wondering and waiting...
  18. I've been bombarded w/stuff lately and have totally dropped the ball on coming back to follow posts, but tonight I'm setting aside class prep because I need so badly to "talk." I can't say anything to people IRL - small community and ds's job prevent that. Ds works in a financial institution. He's seen some of the worst behaved human beings in this line of work and I worry more and more about his safety. Today someone came in and went into a rage even though the mistake/issue was on the customer, not my ds. Client was told to leave, police were called, etc. But the client called back and, when he got my ds on the phone, said, "You know this is an open-carry state, right??" Then the client hung up. Yes, the police know and yes, they went to speak w/the client. But I am shaking. Everything in me screams to beg ds to quit his job. Now. People here are behaving so badly, the tension is insane...I'm scared for my ds. The client's account has been closed and he has been told to never come into the building again, but there are no guards, no key codes, etc. So he could walk in...oh my God, I cannot stop my hands from shaking as I'm typing this.
  19. I'm not sure that "we" didn't worry about no women in certain areas. Often the voices of "we" were not heard or acknowledged, but over the years systems/jobs were challenged and changed. The quote makes me cringe (I know, I'm treading on hallowed ground here!). Even as a kid I remember people raising questions about the number of women on the SCOTUS. So the quote seems a blanket statement which is not very accurate or fair. And as much as I'd love to go into that particular topic of women/men and the SCOTUS, I won't so as to not step into anything political. πŸ˜‰
  20. In addition to what the others have listed as far as meds and equipment (thermometer, pulse oximeter, etc.), I made sure dd had a heating pad, lots of foods that have Vitamin C (jars of peaches/pineapple and such), and lots of tea including the amazing Yogi Honey Lemon Sore Throat tea. Lozenges galore especially those with honey/lemon. Spray chloraseptic, Breathe Again roll-on oil (or something like it). Dark chocolate (for sore throat).
  21. I am preparing by telling dd (currently in Boston at school) to be safe and make sure she at least has food basics. A certain Hive member also had the same thoughts about dd. πŸ™‚ β™₯
  22. I've not followed news the way I used to - is this normal procedure/protocol? I didn't watch the video because I am recovering from a week-long visit with a friend who would be the one (along w/her dh and dc) doing this same abhorrent behavior. I didn't go into any stores with her while she was here because I knew what could/would happen if she was told to please wear a mask. 😞
  23. I do not understand why people think it OK to lie just to avoid wearing a mask. I'm fine with people believing what they want about wearing masks but I am not fine with people being defiant or outright lying. And if kids are present and parents lie...that's just beyond low and wrong.
  24. Yes - 13 kids and holding (would not mind being BakersDozenPlusOne someday).
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