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Everything posted by BakersDozen

  1. We were recently gifted massive amounts of science supplies - I filled half of my 15-passenger van with boxes from roof to floor. That doesn't even include the massive amounts of stuff I already had in my house! With science I go all out (because I was bored to tears during my own school years and just wanted to use all of the fun things I knew were stored in the cabinets and on shelves). We have a 2-car garage that has never had a vehicle in it. My dc didn't realize that normal families actually park their cars in a garage - they thought all families have science and art supplies and books galore in garages, lol! I remember one of mine asking, "Mama, why do those people have their car inside their house??" I am determined to convert my garage into a science/art room. I'd like to have one area with a fantastic table and oodles of storage because right now my science stuff is literally in 4 different places. It's kind of funny because people walk into my LR and notice the "decor" which includes a set of 3 beautiful Pyrex flasks (4000ml, 5000ml, 6000ml...swoon) and body part models (doesn't everyone have a model skull with a model brain inside it grinning at people as they walk in the door?!). I could go on and on about my science supplies but what I really need is input regarding IKEA furniture. I've been advised to put together a DIY craft table. Given that my crafting skills are a solid and unimpressive '0,' this has to be easy peasy. Are IKEA tables and storage units what I want? I can't afford the lovely octagon science table I found on-line, unfortunately, so am considering something like this. I have just the summer to get this done so help me if you can, please!
  2. I'm so glad you posted this. We have a dollar amount of around 2K/child - sons and daughters get the same amount. I remember watching "Father of the Bride" and cringing. 😉 The last wedding I attended was so much fun! The bride/groom and their parents were not wealthy by any means yet they managed to pull together, with the help of family and friends, a lovely reception (private wedding). The funnest thing, imo, was the dessert bar! They had ice-cream and all kinds of toppings - it was a huge hit.
  3. I do. 🙂 OK, so I judged fairly strongly the capable teen who left the cart in the middle of a parking space while his mom watched from the driver's seat. I looked at the kid, then at the cart corral which was literally in the next space over. He pushed the cart in the direction of the corral and got in his car. Mom remained in her seat. Yep, I judged. And I got the cart for him and put it in the corral. I was always very much about returning carts (at the very least to the corral!) and then my 2 oldest boys worked at a grocery store and I heard the stories they told about folks who left carts and the excuses they heard. So yeah, I judge on this behavior pretty badly. I should feel sorry about that... 🙂
  4. I'm not creative in the least so would probably put a screen saver photo of an English-y type setting on a laptop or computer. Put a battery-operated "candle" by the laptop along with a fake flower (I don't like seeing real ones wilt) and a teabag of some sort and call it good. Golly, I should be an events planner...something like weddings or super important and special occasions! 🙂
  5. Thank you all for your input. Yes, my "gut" told me to GO. But dd has been talking to me and her sisters today for which I am so grateful. She's not done what my 2 older girls did which was to attempt everything on their own and put out an "I'm fine" message when they really were not. I have a cousin (she lives about 2 hours away) on stand-by should my dd need immediate help and dd says she is doing better today. If that changes over the course of today, I'll go tomorrow (flights still available at this point). You are correct (good memory!) - dd had an appendectomy and was in the hospital for multiple days. I could not visit her due to hospital restrictions 😞 but her boyfriend did an amazing job caring for her and keeping us updated constantly. My bag was packed and ready to go had she said the word, though! The situation felt a bit different because I knew she was getting 24/7 care either in the hospital or at home. I will look for a social media/parent board at her school - thanks for the idea! We're working like crazy to make dd's space ready for her arrival and will make it as spa-like as possible so she can rest, rest, rest. I am very grateful that the responses were so gentle and encouraging. She's our fifth dc but the first to be this far away. And good grief, what is with my dds and their health??? Emergency appendectomy, mono plus who knows what last fall for 18yodd, and of course my oldest ending up in a diabetic coma because she and her now-dh would not listen to anyone...4 more girls to go...hopefully they are healthier or at least don't wait to seek care until things are really bad.
  6. I discussed it with her at the end of last week and the answer was that she could use the help (and presence) but the practical side said to just wait and she'd be home soon. But I'm reading her messages and feel that the practical side is outweighed by the emotions. She's not a dramatic kind of girl and she is adept at figuring things out and making things work. So to know that she's as stressed as she is - that she would even express it - is what has me wondering if I should be with her. She would not be upset if I was there, that I know. She just doesn't want to inconvenience anyone so would justify waiting this out over spending the money, etc., even if she would want someone there. Does that make sense?
  7. My girl is finishing up spring semester in Boston and is struggling with her health, sleep, stress, etc. She was diagnosed with mono about a month ago and there's just a lot going on. She is flying home on Monday and I am considering going out tomorrow and being there for whatever she might need, even if it's just knowing I'm there to help pack boxes, etc. She's one tough cookie and has really pushed through this year despite almost constant illness in the fall and then mono in the spring. But I can tell from her messages that she's just done - she's tired and desperately needs physical, mental and emotional rest. Do I go? I would need to buy the ticket basically now and would fly back with her on Monday. WWYD?
  8. New day...hooray! So last night I was in a super funk and given that I choose my first 2 words from my immediate environment (minor, grape, child, etc.) all I could think of was groan and tears. I stopped myself and decided an attitude change was in order, so I put in 'smile' and got 3 letters right! Woot! Another attitude change word was 'shine' and that did it! I sat for a while looking at the screen and soaking in the life lesson, determined to do a lot more of the successful two words and far less of the first two options. A bit hokey, but I thought it was neat. 🙂
  9. My mil purchased a Cutco knife for us many years ago and I remember thinking it was such a waste of money! Who buys ONE knife?? Even more, who pays that much $$ for ONE knife??? That one knife was my go-to for years and years. Starting 12 years ago or so we saved and bought 2-3 additional knives every year or so. No regrets on any of them (nor the second pair of scissors I bought - those things are amazing!).
  10. Wordle 324 2/6 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I so want to post the super neat thing (personal to me) with this Wordle, but it might give away the words! I'll try to remember to come back and post tomorrow because it really is so very cool (imo). 🙂
  11. My dds have completed French IV/V with Sally Barstow/Aim Academy and are wanting to tackle AP French. Has anyone done this without enrolling your student in a b&m school? The schools here will not allow home schoolers to take just one class (and many are not allowing us to even sit for the exams).
  12. Wordle 319 2/6 ⬜🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  13. Wordle 317 3/6 ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  14. Wordle 314 2/6 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I am laughing because of how I come up with my first two words each night. It's never worked before (and will most likely never work again!). 🙂
  15. Since before I had dc I have felt this way (not just w/Mother's Day, either). As a mom I cringed at the idea that my dc might contact me out of obligation and it would be so fake or forced. This is the main reason why I need M's Day to be normal in every aspect - nothing different or "special."
  16. The physical response is unnerving and quite dreadful. If I had the means I would honestly disappear (with my dc) until after M's Day and my bday (June).
  17. Oh thank you for posting this, OP!!! I saw the first Mother's Day ad pop up on Resurrection Sunday night and cringed. If I could disappear until after M's Day, I would. As a kid I came to hate M's Day because of the expectation to shower praises and pamper a woman who demanded to be praised and already indulged her selfish being to no end. And given that her bday often fell on M's Day, she insisted on having two complete and different celebrations. God forbid we not do exactly what she wanted, in the way she wanted it. I laugh at the cards because they are all (for me) lies. I would like a card that says, "You are the kind of mother that makes kids hate Mother's Day." I have lied over the last few years that I forgot the date...kids were sick...I was sick...anything to avoid actually acknowledging her. I am hoping she won't be here this year. Even w/o my mom and her antics, I've always hated M's Day. People ask what our plans are and I tell them it is just another Sunday - nothing different save for that I refuse to go to church or anywhere that is celebrating the day. Whew, this topic is a bit of a trigger for me. Sorry.
  18. I felt that way after watching "Sherlock" (which I watched 3 times all the way through because I couldn't find anything else nearly as excellent). Then I gave DA another try (didn't make it past the first show when I first tried it) and can't find anything. 😞 I did discover "The Imitation Game" on Netflix tonight and was thrilled to see so many actors from DA (and, of course, Benedict C.). I'll put up with Keira Knightley just to watch this. 😉
  19. Following as I just finished Downton Abbey and am now feeling quite lost. Going through Seinfeld again until I find a new series that keeps my interest. I so, so hate when I finish a series - watching something is my only motivation for exercising nowadays, sadly.
  20. Wordle 308 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟩 ⬜🟨⬜🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  21. Does anyone have experience/reviews of Lending Club? I am helping a friend research high-yield savings accounts (she most adamantly wants this, not a CD) and while I am familiar with American Express, Citi, etc., this one came up and I have no personal experience with it.
  22. I have read through all of L'Amour's books many times over the last 35 years. Now that I'm on the last book (again) I want to find something similar as far a content. An on-line search yielded a recommendation which will be the first book I've ever started and been unable to finish. I can't even get past the third chapter, in fact, it's just that bad (The Last Crossing). Does anyone have suggestions for me??
  23. Wordle 305 3/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟨🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I thrive on balance and order. My Wordle tonight makes me happy not that I got the word but that it's just so pretty! And it's 3 of my favorite colors (white is a color...don't even try to argue with me on that point, lol)!
  24. Seriously sweating this one! The last few nights I've gotten lucky at 3 tries but not tonight! Wordle 304 6/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩 ⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩 ⬜🟩⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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