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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. Well. Looks like the Guerber/Miller books are my top contenders. Either that or Veritas Press' Pages of History. Any thoughts?
  2. Any suggestions? I'd like something heavy on integrating biblical, world, and church history. My oldest is 12, my youngest is...well baby twins. Lots of ages in between. This would be for reading aloud during our together time.
  3. Perhaps some more how to advice on memory work. It is a perennial topic here and becomes harder to implement the more children you have. :). If you are recommending websites, Mystie at Simply Convivial has been a huge help and blessing to me in getting our memory work restarted.
  4. Here is a similar thread today: http://forums.welltr...-fun/?p=6475723 I posted on that one, so I won't double post here .
  5. Thank you all for your thoughts. This is all very helpful to me. I
  6. Here is a similar thread today: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/558026-learning-should-be-fun/?p=6475723 I posted on that one, so I won't double post here :).
  7. I invest my homeschooling energies into getting school done. Not so much in making it fun :). 2/3 of the children I've taught to read complained about and at times fought against their reading lessons. Now they love to read and can't even remember the struggle through those lessons. They are thankful for the skill though :). My children finish academics and chores between 10 am - 1 pm most days. Then they go play and make their own fun :). Making fun for them is no longer my job, and hasn't been for years now. I'm very glad.
  8. CLE for skill subjects. I don't recall seeing it mentioned in the 3rd edition, but it's a gem.
  9. Can you help me think through a RELAXED logic and worldview program (faith based) for 7-12? I'd like to tackle a book or course every year that would only take a lesson 1-2x/week. Independent reading followed by oral discussion would likely work best. I'm toying with the idea of alternating logic and worldview resources. I have a tendency to over schedule, so I want to keep things light and doable. We are currently in 7th and underway with Fallacy Detective. So far, so good. 7: Fallacy Detective (current) 8: How to Be Your Own Selfish Pig (Can anyone give me an idea of workload? Is this long enough for one year at once a week?) 9: ? Is The Thinking Toolbox worth doing? 10: The Deadliest Monster? It's supposed to be good? 11: Traditional Logic? How long does this take to finish? Could we do it 1-2x/week? I don't want any 5x/week programs. 12: How Now Shall We Live (? I already have this one, I could get the study guide to make it meatier?) Any thoughts are appreciated, particularly in regard to the appropriateness of titles that would work for a relaxed pace.
  10. I will have to write a post for you :). I choose all the memory work here. I just don't have the mental space for everyone to choose their own work. Keeping everyone on the same page has saved me from many logistical difficulties I couldn't get around in the past. They stalled me out on doing memory work.
  11. In all honesty, I'm voting CLE as well. 1st and 2nd are very phonics based. 3rd and up are not. It is very comprehensive and keeps you from needing a bunch of separate resources to teach things.
  12. The simple answer may be to let your littles wait :). 12 is a good age to start Latin. I tried BRIEFLY with DD1 when she was younger (8 or 9). She's just now restarting at 12. Some English grammar familiarity really does help.
  13. Because we have a large family, I'm developing a repeating memory work cycle across a range of topics. Some of the topics repeat every 3 years, others are 6 year cycles. It isn't based on grade levels in order to keep everyone together for new content and review.
  14. At the upper levels (currently 4 and up) the TG doesn't include answers. It does include alternate tests if your child needs a retake. I normally buy both.
  15. Forum feedback is why I went with EIW. DH approved me for the IEW I'd I wanted it...but I decided I didn't ;). It seemed more convoluted and the writing outcomes can apparently be more florid and formulaic. I went for simpler.
  16. I'm still voting for CLE ;). It's affordable, independent, and pretty awesome.
  17. I was happy with CLE writing until the 600s. I didn't supplement that year, but I will with DD2. 600s-800s, I think.
  18. DD2 is very resistant to direct teaching. CLE works very well for her.
  19. We just recently faced this decision for our 7th grader. I chose EIW. Open and go simplicity was important to me with baby twins ;). We use CLE LA also, but I found there wasn't a lot of writing in 6 and 7.
  20. Oooooh. Pitch Perfect 2 = scary factors AND mental crying. Too fantastic. Deliberately along with everybody, crying. Deep man. It speaks to the futility of pop culture consumption.
  21. We use traditional math, and honestly? I don't expect first graders to have those higher facts down cold. It takes a while for those to get worked in well, even with daily flash card work (which we do) :). Do you use Xtramath?
  22. CLE includes outlining instructions, and is mainly a grammar program. WWS would include much more outlining practice though. It isn't secular, but it doesn't evangelize either.
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