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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. The writing was enough for us in CLE from 1-5. The 2nd edition includes more writing than the original Sunrise edition. We are using EIW for 6 and up now. This is our first year with it for DD1 in 7th. Definitely grab the extra diagramming worksheets, they are awesome (I use them myself.)
  2. My apologies. We continue with CLE after 4th, but discontinue the spelling portions as the word lists become topical at that point. CLE is not a step down in terms of academic quality, it is a very thorough program. The presentation allows for more independent review, however.
  3. CLE is written directly to the student. It is a workbook and contains spelling (we don't use it after 4th though). It is a different presentation though - spiral instead of mastery.
  4. Mastering Essential Math Skills? Not vintage but goes over all of arithmetic and does include exercises. And online videos.
  5. SnMomof7


    It has SO many pictures! DD was so excited. We HAD to start on Friday. The print version will be awesome!
  6. I don't know if Latin programs work this way generally speaking, but here goes. We love CLE's constant spiral review, rigorous grammar, and clear daily lessons. Is there a Latin program like this out there? It must include explicit grammar. We are considering Latin Alive, but I don't know if it meets the above listed specifications.
  7. Have you seen this old thread? http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/430576-if-youre-wondering-when-to-jump-from-cle-to-saxon-for-pre-algebra/ The OP finished 606 then moved to Saxon 87 for prealgebra. I'm considering that for when we get there.
  8. We were using ACE for social studies. It has even been working for the past three years, generally speaking. Two weeks into our new school year I suddenly decided (I found a text I was excited about and thought I would acually use) that we would read our history together and do narrations with The Story of the Ancient World by Guerber/Miller for the under 6th grade crowd. I've always wanted to do this, but never found a text I could jive with.
  9. I'd love to preview How to Be before buying it, thanks. Hopefully this fall we will get out more - our big van is having a huge round of work done right now. When do you think you'll be trying it? How are you finding How To Read a Book? I think I have a copy here somewhere.... Hmmm, Philosophy Adventure looks interesting. Early rhetoric?
  10. Our beefed up together time is going awesome, two weeks in. I JUST changed our history plans to reading and narrating The Story of the Ancient World by Guerber/Miller. Super excited. DD1 is pumped that Adam to Us digital instalment #1 will be here this week.
  11. When my dc are decision resistant, I can often move them by declaring that if they do not want to choose, then I will choose for them. With some cackling and hand rubbing thrown in at the end. ;)
  12. ACK! My bad. It's been a crazy day. It's 7th grade LA that has the novel study, not reading. There are plenty of lit terms in the reading though (it definitely doesn't use whole books).
  13. Hmmm, CLE 7 actually includes a novel study and is loaded with literary terms. They are often used and there is even a glossary in the back. We are using 7th this year. Have you tried it out yet?
  14. I'm trying something different this year. I'm planning 5 days of work each week, but giving us a 6-day schedule. Day 6 is for an extra math lesson and for make up work that didn't get done on previous days for whatever reason, it isn't anchored to days of the week, so if I'm gone (like I will be tomorrow for a far away specialist appointment for baby boy), we just do the next day in our week when I get back. Once 6 weekly cycles are done, even if it takes longer than 6 weeks, we get a one week break. Rinse and repeat, 6 terms. 4 weeks off for summer. That leaves us with 6 weeks for all day hospital appointments, sickness, visitors, possibly surgery for my little guy etc. If we don't use them all I'm not sure what we'll do with the rest - bonus school? We are behind quite a bit from last year (difficult modi twin pregnancy).
  15. That's almost my crew! 7, 4, 2, K formally schooling.
  16. Yes. We wake up, so breakfast and getting hair and clothes ready (4 girls), do basic chores, then school. We have a substantial snack and break at 10, no way would they make it until 1 without one (especially all my preschoolers). They do go to bed earlier ;). With much less bickering, I might add!
  17. This might sound crazy...but we get up at 6 am. Everyone works so much faster and thinks so much more clearly in the morning. We can normally get done by lunch (1 pm) because after lunch brains turns to mush here. Not sure why. We also rely in independent work in academic skills for all fluent readers. I have my children circle things they need help with and we tackle that during our one on one time. I do NOT mark anything during the day, that has to wait for afternoon/evening.
  18. Thanks everyone! I bought the Ebook for The Story of the Ancient World by Guerber/Miller this morning! I tried the kiddos on a chapter yesterday and it seemed to go all right. I really appreciate Miller's revisions and the effort she has put into doing the research for them. Pages of History still sounds interesting from the worldview perspective, but it will have to wait :).
  19. MOH actually drives me a bit batty. Blink. I'm not sure why. The same reason I don't like reading Apologia's elementary science series, I suppose.
  20. Ah! Thank you, Lori! Twice Freed sounds excellent. Good call. We did Eagle of the Ninth just a couple of weeks ago. I don't think we've done a St. John before!
  21. I need a substitute for The Bronze Bow for Adam to Us this year. Any ideas? DD is 12 and in 7th and has already read it.
  22. I think EIW teaches grammar all up front and then moves onto writing? My kiddos do better with a spiral. There is hardly any writing in CLE 6 and 7.
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