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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. Kolbe? Haven't used it, but I've been looking.
  2. CLE is very good, clear layout, written directly to the student. We use it for 1st-8th. I haven't used CtGE.
  3. I would second looking into Essentials in Writing. It is so easy to use :).
  4. We have the app. My kids just watch the videos mostly. They love it.
  5. Hmmm. Looks like we will most likely do Notgrass' America the Beautiful. DD really likes Adam to Us.
  6. Thanks for the input. We are doing a one year world history currently for 7th. Just finished a year of Canadian history. Maybe a year of geography that isn't ECC? Would just the geography and world religion plans for HOD's high school geography be too much?
  7. . I'd just buy the guide ;). We own some of the books already, don't need the Bible study etc. so I figure I can chop off at least $100, maybe more. I haven't priced it all out yet. In case anyone else is looking I see Build Your library has a 7th grade program, it uses a LOT of books though. We don't generally use the library.
  8. We hope to use MFW for high school, but in the earlier grades it does tend to be a bit more....activity intensive than I would prefer. Another option I'm toying with is HOD Geography (pared down, we have our own Bible, science etc.) and just use the guide to coordinate the resources we want to use. Does that sound crazy?
  9. I have been eyeing it. Does it include lit selections? I'm honestly not too great at adding lit myself.
  10. Does it have any lit suggestions for the various regions covered? In an appendix maybe?
  11. I don't really want geography that is linked to a history cycle, like Wayfarers is. SL is definitely an option, but I'd like the whole world covered preferably.
  12. Is MFW ECC my only option? ;) I'm looking for a pre-planned world geography for 8th that incorporates some living books to read alongside. I just want to make sure I'm not missing any hidden gem contenders.
  13. Thank you so much for taking the time to type this all out! DD works independently now, but largely with work texts. She's using her first textbook this year. As I look ahead to 8th and the MFW plans for ECC, I'm wondering if I could have her use ECC independently using the Teacher Plans grid. That is similar to her weekly assignment grid that I give her. I would modify/fill in subjects as needed. How long do you think the beefs up advanced level assignments would take her? We had our own Bible/LA/Science etc. Mainly looking at the geography/missions focus for her.
  14. You can generally place in EIW at grade level :). They teach a lot of the same topics each year, but they get deeper as they go.
  15. Oh, did you give the CLE placement tests? Those are very helpful (and are free inline at their website).
  16. Maybe start with the writing included in CLE? We are happy with the writing until grade 6 or so. Then we supplement. My 7th grader is using Essentials in Writing because LA 700 doesn't include a lot of writing.
  17. We are not Catholic, but we are using Adam to Us. It had a LOT of pictures, it should be a gorgeous book when it is printed.
  18. I put together our own program using a lot of the core ideas at SimplyConvivial. If you want something ready to go, I see Creek Edge Press has a family enrichment program. I've never seen it in person, though.
  19. Cross posting on high school board also. If you had one year (8th) left before tackling MFW AHL, would you do ECC? Or something else? For an independently working 8th grader. We are currently using Notgrass' Adam to Us for 7th. Also, for those who have used AHL - what sort of skills are prerequisite to completing the high school level work independently? I'd like to use 8th to make sure we are up for it.
  20. I can't believe I'm asking. Henle has always looked a bit dense and impregnable. BUT I'm sort of liking the samples of the Kolbe syllabus Has anyone here used it who'd like to share experiences? Is it do-able? For a 9ther who will have done GSWL and maybe FFL?
  21. Also, for those who have used AHL - what sort of skills are prerequisite to completing the high school level work independently?
  22. If you had one year (8th) left before tackling MFW AHL, would you do ECC? Or something else? For an independently working 8th grader.
  23. Thank you. Yes, there are some AP testing sites three hours from here.
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