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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. Logic of English grammar flashcards? Can anyone chime in on those? Are they pretty comprehensive?
  2. Hunter, does the manual you mention include all 83 grammar rules? I want to see them. I'm thinking of incorporating them into out memory work. Shipping is crazy expensive to Canada from LOE :(.
  3. I'm trying to pull together a comprehensive set of grammar/LA memory work for the cycle that I'm developing for or family. I'm having a bit of a tough time. Living Memory and Memoria Press have grammar catechisms designed for students of classical languages (which I don't have right now.) If I got the Shurley Grade 8 CD would that be fairly comprehensive? What are the tunes like? I can't find any samples online. What about the FLL Audio Companion? Obviously it wouldn't be complete, but who can tell me what the songs are like? Any other suggestions? We like music, but can chant also. Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks so much, ladies! That is honestly very helpful!
  5. Which Shurley CD are you using? The 8th level looks like it has the most jingles. What are they like? I need grammar memory work :).
  6. Does the CC science have songs on the CDs?
  7. 16-17 days per LU, depending on how you want to schedule it. You may want to skip -01, since it is set up differently than a regular LU. It's more of a back to school review book after summer vacation.
  8. I have some questions I can't find the answers for online, despite searching :). Some for CC and some for CCM. There are no communities for either here. CCM: Geography - are there songs on the CD? If I *just* order the geography, without the student or teacher text, will I know what to teach each week? I like the laminated maps and emphasis on modern geography. Science - includes songs, correct? Timeline - are the cards laminated? Exactly how Catholic are they? ;). Is there a song on the CDs? CC: Geography - are there songs on the CDs? There aren't on the app. Is most of the geography work really based on historical geography? Science - ditto on the songs, are they on the CD? They aren't on the app. Grammar - ditto on the songs, are they on the CD? Not on the app. I'm not interested in using any one program wholly, but I do need some more memory work and resources. I would greatly appreciate any help, thank you!
  9. Do either CC or CCM include songs for their geography work on the CDs?
  10. BYB527 $5 off, today only. I bought the Mom #2 pack since I'm going to do one of the Bible studies with the kids over break. Only $7 with coupon!
  11. Math TG includes solutions, LA 6 doesn't currently, because it is still 1st edition Sunrise. However it does include alternate tests in case your child needs a retest. I buy it for that. Make sure you use the placement tests before ordering :).
  12. So did we! I can't wait for the lit list to be released! DD is very excited :). This will be our first Notgrass.
  13. We've used CLE's LTR which is basically comprehensive LA for 1st. Before that the KII is excellent and gets children blending. At 4 I'd take it very slowly and test for blending before going far.
  14. We cross off CLE spelling in 4th and up since it isn't rule based. We use Rod and Staff instead. Worth a look?
  15. A memory binder tutorial I have found very helpful: http://www.simplyconvivial.com/2012/memory-work-binders
  16. We use CLE Reading. The 200s still include some phonics work (with markings), the 300s and up mostly use markings to introduce new study words for proper pronunciation.
  17. We moved from MUS to MM to CLE. It is so awesome. CLE's best offering, to be honest. When we switched my oldest places two years back, but her math confidence is so much better. CLE math for everyone from now on. ALL the review is built in, no plan in needed, and the layout is excellent. Many people do Reading at the same level as LA. For Bible, another awesome course, you can jump in at reading appropriate levels, but the 500s are the start of a chronological survey of the Bible that lasts until 8th. I really like starting at 5th if nothing else.
  18. I have tried planners of various kinds. What is working well for us is a post it note check off list on bright paper with a bright pen. ONE day of work at a time.
  19. I do believe I will use a combination of some ideas for memory work. I will set up a master binder with two basic sections, new and review. It is TOO much for me to set up multiple sections for each child :). We will put the initials of children who have the piece memorized on the front, so when we get a few kids who should learn it, we'll pull it out again. Every day we'll work on the active stuff and a few review pieces and just cycle through it for review. Thanks or all the ideas! As for the larger morning time, Bible has shifted to breakfast for listening and mealtime conversation; we sing hymns daily (either new or review), I'm reading poetry daily, and we are somewhat randomly cycling through our current read aloud (almost daily), cultural literacy readings, sayings, folk songs (those last three from What Your __ Grader series), poetry feasts where everyone can select several poems to hear, and Story of the Orchestra. I'd like to firm that all up a bit and add daily Psalm singing (maybe one a month), more memory topics, and picture study (composers will wait until after SOO).
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