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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. They were aiming for this fall, but are behind schedule. Other than that, I couldn't say. Sometimes if you call them, they will give you an estimated completion date.
  2. CLE LA is very good, and very phonics based in 1st and 2nd. We're waiting for our level 3 to arrive, but I think it is still a bit phonetic. Spelling in the first edition Sunrise (4th and up) is not phonetically organized. It is simply topical lists. We substitute Rod and Staff spelling at that point. The series is still being redeveloped and I, amongst others, have recommended that the series include more phonics in the series. We shall see when the 2nd edition 400s are released.
  3. I have Typing Instructor. I NEED to get it installed! I've had it for...5 months!! Why can't I find the time? Eyeroll. Migh have to recruit DH to dig out the laptop and fire it up.
  4. I think this might be even better than Write On! as well. I already have it in the way, though, and I think it does start with the very, very basics and ten builds up. So I can use it with my youngers :).
  5. I've been rereading through TWTM also. I'd listened to the elementary writing workshop by have to get the middle school one :). I wish the writing instruction in TWTM was more cohesive instead of being scattered around the chapters.
  6. It's all good ;). Imperial and metric are taught along with equivalencies. I don't think I've seen any pictures of money. We'll be going through for the second time this year.
  7. I was digging on some old threads (2011) and found a recommendation for Sharon Sorenson's Webster's New World Student Writing Handbook! It looks like it might be amazing. The cover of the old hardcover actually says it's for writing across the curriculum and contains definitions, explanations, and examples of 50+ types of writing across 5+ subject areas.
  8. DD#4 will officially be in K in the fall! :O! She turns 5 in early December so we are required to register her. Right now she is using the About Three (one book, just finished it) and About Four books from R&S or CLE, story bible, PBS, Sunday school papers, picture books, coloring...Netflix...and wrestling with her little brother. When she's finished with those, it's on to the Rod and Staff ABC etc. series and CLE's KII. With more of the other items I previously listed. She will be our second child using this sequence (moving onto the CLE 100s once finished), and we were so pleased with the simplicity and results with DD#3. It doesn't take much time, and we are much more prepared for 1st than we were with our first two, informal K girls.
  9. Well. They don't really fascinate me :). My children are learning them though, so it needs to be done. Like the diapers, oh, the diapers. I don't really enjoy those either ;). I'm really fascinated with integrating biblical geography with the text, Hebrew, Latin, and interactive Bible study. I do continue to memorize scripture, though a bit sporadically, which is the most important thing for me. Hebrew and Latin are definitely on hold. I'm just so happy that CLE integrates geography and map work so nicely into their Bible course, particularly in the 500s and 600s, for my children. I did buy the ABCs last night. I also have Our Mother Tongue in my cart at CBD. The price is right and I hope it works.
  10. DD #3 for 2nd in the fall Bible: CLE Bible 200, Sunday School verses and papers, PBS, Ergemeiers or Leading Little Ones to God when we run out of other things. Language Arts: CLE LA 100/200, CLE Reading 100/200, we have been moving through the 100s at a relaxed paced and may have some left to do, no worries. Math: CLE 200 History: ACE when she's reading well. Science: ACE when she's reading well. Art: She is working through Art Pacs, 1/2 maybe, or parts of them.
  11. Thanks so much. I'm a natural writer. I did very well in high school but was never taught much grammar there (or anywhere, really.)
  12. CLE LA does include writing (very simple). LTR includes copywork. We often do a half lesson in LTR, it is a lot :). I wouldn't add in WWE. All you're missing are narrations, really. Do you read aloud? Just do it then :).
  13. Thanks :). Would you say Our Mother Tongue takes you to 'the end' of grammar? It's certainly affordable :).
  14. You may be interested in reading Bonnie Landry's ebooks about dictation and how to make the book (lit) you are reading your curriculum.
  15. For an adult in need of remediation (me), which of these resources would you recommend, and why? I'd like to get up to speed quickly, and get to 'the end' of grammar so I can get ahead of my oldest DD.
  16. Hmmm. This may be helpful in my ongoing spelling manual search. Thanks for the tip. We do teach dictionary respellings because we use CLE for LA/Reading and use R&S for spelling.
  17. Thanks for the tip! I do have a slew of younger children coming up, 6 more, so I would consider it money well spent if it served as a good learning thesaurus. :)
  18. After feeling unsettled for some time, and talking with DH and D, we did eventually decide on A Beka 7 ;). Thanks for your input and help, everyone!
  19. I've looked at that one, Farrar. I think, based on a thesaurus thread elsewhere, that I'm aiming for The American Hritage Student titles. I like what I see there a lot.
  20. I don't know why those CBD samples weren't showing up for me before! It doesn't look like much that I'd use in the TE, now that I can see them.
  21. I'm looking mostly for a dictionary and thesaurus for my daughter to lee beside her. She is a rising 7th grader. Thanks!
  22. CLP.org (website for CLE) Amazon.ca CBD.com Rod and Staff - by phone, old school We may add Home Science this year.
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