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Everything posted by MrsMommy

  1. This is my favorite "Christmas Around the World" resource...I've used it for the last three years, and there's still plenty of stuff I haven't covered! And here are a few summaries of things we've done over the years: Christmas in Greece Christmas in Germany Christmas in Scandinavia Christmas in Mexico Our Christmas unit is the thing I look forward to the most every school year--can you tell? ;) This year, I'm trying something new, and we're going to be learning about Christmas throughout America's history. I can't wait!
  2. I used to put it up Thanksgiving weekend, but I found that I was feeling too stressed trying to get the meal prepared, and then cleaned up, making turkey soup, plus going to our town tree-lighting and everything else that weekend. So, last year, I put it up the weekend before, and I loved it! It's so nice to have the lights on during our Thanksgiving meal, and even nicer not to have one more thing to do after Thanksgiving. We don't put the ornaments on until the week after Thanksgiving, though--until then, it's just the pretty lights. :)
  3. My cranberry sauce recipe specifies that it needs to be made the day before, so that it can be refrigerated overnight. Maybe that would work for your recipe, too?
  4. I need to do the same thing! My house is a wreck, right now. I like to start by clearing big surfaces...the kitchen table, the island, the couch, (stuff tends to pile up there, too). This also applies to clearing floors--I at least sweep up, even if I don't have the time or inclination to mop at the moment, because even that little job makes things look much better! Once the big things are taken care of, and it looks like some sense of order is being restored to the house, I start in on smaller things--the short counter, end tables, the desk. If I'm really desperate, I just take everything that doesn't belong, and dump it in a laundry basket...then hide the basket in a closet! Whatever it takes to get things looking orderly! I suppose I should get back to dealing with my own mess now, huh? ;)
  5. Similar to the above, but we make hand and footprint turkeys (the footprints are the body of the turkey). We make them every year, and it's fun to see how much the children have grown! As long as they don't get tired of doing them, we'll keep making our yearly keepsake!
  6. I think that you would win major awesome mom points! I have my 20+ years old doll, and I still occasionally think about getting another one to have to play with my girls. And if they ever announce that they're retiring Molly, I probably will get her!
  7. Target has armoires similar to the AG ones on sale right now...I think they're $45 each or so? They're part or the Our Generation line. They're still not cheap, but the reviews of them are actually more positive than the AG ones, and we're probably going to get them for our girls because they seem nice and sturdy, and will look nice in their room.
  8. We felt it in the St. Louis area, too. It took me a minute to figure out why the bed was shaking, and by then, it was over...
  9. White Christmas Going My Way Holiday Inn Christmas in Connecticut San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker The Muppet Christmas Carol Our favorites are old Christmas movies--is it obvious? ;)
  10. I'm not sure I'm going to survive this game! Go Cards!
  11. I call my DH Mister...unless I really need to get his attention, and then I use his first name. I actually use his given name so seldom, that it really does get his attention when I do!
  12. I agree...it'll be much more fun to clinch at home. Winning it all on the road just wouldn't be the same--no Fredbird!
  13. I don't understand the concept of "examining one's need to drink" if you choose to have wine or a beer with a meal. Enjoying a correctly paired glass of wine or beer can really enhance a main course, brining out the flavor in a way that water or soda will not. It's not about "needing" a drink...it's about enjoying the whole dining experience. I would have no problem with a friend I trusted driving my children after having one drink, and I would expect to do the same in return. That being said, I can't imagine taking someone else's children out to a restaurant where I be having that kind of dining experience...we hardly ever go anywhere nice enough to want to complement our meal with a drink with our own children, much less someone else's!
  14. That's not just classy...it's "klassy!" I don't understand some of the choices parents make for their children, (or let allow their children to make!).
  15. I couldn't believe it when Pujols hit that third home run--amazing! Go Cards! 11 in '11!!!
  16. Mine is just about everyday life, too. I try to write about homeschooling at least once a week, but usually, that's all the attention I give to that topic. I just share things that I find interesting, whatever they may be. I have a fashion blog, too, but I haven't been very good at keeping that one up--it's hard to want to post daily pictures when you're pregnant and only have about five outfits to wear!
  17. Mine is in my siggy. Thanks for posting this--I love reading the blogs of other homeschoolers!
  18. Thanks for the warm welcome! I think I have the signature line figured out--I appreciate the direction on how to do it!
  19. I've posted here a few times now, so I'd thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Amanda, and I have four dc (plus one on the way!). I'm homeschooling the oldest two and the youngest--my five-year-old has autism and goes to our public school, because I think he can get the best possible education there. This is our fourth year homeschooling--we started with K, and are now up to third grade with the oldest two. I never planned on homeschooling, and then dh and I read The Well Trained Mind, and the rest, as they say, is history, :001_smile: I've really learned a lot lurking here, and hope to become a more active part of the community. Now if someone could just tell me how to add in a signature line, I'd be all set! Amanda
  20. A trefoil troop, in our council at least, is a special troop for girls who can't meet with a regular troop, for whatever reason. I'm not sure how many girls participate in scouting this way--in theory, they're supposed to have a trefoil event twice a year, but in the last two years, there haven't been any. So, very similar to Juliettes, but they give us an actual troop number, instead of a Juliette patch. The council sends us some packets to work on petals, try-its, etc., but the bulk of it is up to us to figure out on our own. She is welcome to go to any council event, and we've been to many. I worry every time, because there are, of course, whole troops at the events, and I worry that she won't fit in, but for the most part, the other troops have been very welcoming. We did our own bridging ceremony at home when she became a Brownie, but our council rep did say that she could find a troop for her to bridge with, (same goes for cookie sales and other fundraisers), if she wanted, but it wasn't a big deal to her. She really likes it because she can pick the council activities that most interest her, and she can work on as many patches as she wants to, (she's kind of an over-achiever, so she has a lot!). Hope that helped some! Amanda
  21. Technically, my daughter is a member of a special "trefoil" troop, but because we do all of our activities independently, it's pretty similar to being a Juliette. She loves it, and I have fun doing activities with her. Do you have any specific questions? Amanda
  22. Most of mine have been mentioned, but I wanted to add: Anything in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Especially the Pictured Rocks/Munising. And Copper Harbor...during autumn. So beautiful! Amanda
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