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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. We have to change it every semester. I have daily lists for all but the eldest. They can do their work in any order. My eldest does most of her work in outside classes. For the two classes that I am overseeing, I give her a weekly list. Here's how this coming semester is looking: Littles (7 and 9) 8 - 10 school work 10 - 11 break / exercise 11 - 1 school work + one or two hours on Saturday Dd 13 7 - 10 school work 10 - 11 break / exercise 11 - 2 school work 2 - 3:30 break 3:30 - 6:30 school work (3 x week) + three or four hours on Saturday Dd 15 7 - 10 school work 10 - 11 break / exercise 11 - 3 outside classes (3 x week) at home 11 - 2 (2 x week) +three or four hours each evening and five or six hours on Saturday
  2. We are getting back to daily exercise. We did well at the beginning of last year. But with two moves in the past six months, physical fitness has fallen to the wayside. Our resolution is to make daily fitness and healthy eating a top priority this year.
  3. I'm starting to plan for next summer/fall. Could we make a list of all the 2nd-6th(ish) science programs that come with (even if ordered separately) a complete science kit? I don't mind supplying VERY basic items such as vinegar or tape, but I want the majority of the items to be right in the box when I need them - even things like straws or balloons. :D Science kit suggestions would be OK too, if they aren't too expensive. The type of science doesn't really matter as we are pretty informal about that up through six grade or so, although I would prefer secular programs. We are doing the human body for spring - but any other topics would be great. Thanks!
  4. Sorry if this double posts, I don't know what happened to my last reply. I would not read anything into the change in title from EIL 1 to EIL 2. The format is the exact same, as it is for the other three levels. There are no composition lessons. There are reading assignments, research assignments and then writing assignments/prompts - just the same as English I. Sorry, I don't have any composition recommendations. I've taught comp through history the last couple of years. And then I outsource (through DE) Comp I and up.
  5. English II is very similar to English I. Why not continue with English I if you only did the first three units last year? Or, if you want more composition instruction, EIL is probably not the program you are looking for. I have a dd that has always been a very slow worker and perfectionist. I'm not sure she has ever finished a single program I've assigned her. She also only finished three units of EIL English I the year I assigned it. She took a DE Comp I class this past fall and did fine. When a bit more speed truly mattered she showed that she was able to bend a bit and give up some of her perfectionist tendencies in order to get assignments in on time.
  6. Are you in a state where she can dual enroll her senior year? She could take Pre-Calc and Biology in the fall and Calc and Chemistry in the spring. There are also forensic science areas that do not require a medical degree. Is it only pathology that she is interested in?
  7. I have a first grader and third grader this year. And we moved twice this year, once in July and again in October. Here's dd's daily schedule. Singapore/Saxon Math Galore Park Jr. English Sequential Spelling Pentime handwriting Silent reading time Everything else has been done here and there when we find time. I also found an art class and a gymnastics program in our new town.
  8. I am having a hard time finding an advanced, high school U.S. history program I like. I would like it to be at an AP level (does not need to be officially AP.) I am going to have my dds take the two CLEP exams in US History. I don't want to simply buy the CLEP workbook and call it a day. I want to give them a solid base in US history with the exams as a wrap-up. If they pass them great, if they don't, they don't. I do not want any sort of online or distance learning program and we will not be taking the AP exam. I could pull the books and videos together myself if I had too, but I would really like something with writing assignments and example essays included. Tests would be nice too, as would some map work/creative assignments. Any suggestions?
  9. It looks fine to me. The only thing I would suggest is making the main lesson book using just a few of the biographies from FMOG and adding in some things learned from the other history book, the materials studied for the National Mythology Exam and maybe even the science book. FMOG is a bit dry and I would worry that a MLB of nothing other than ancient Greek biographies would soon become tedious to a boy of 11. :)
  10. I use Kolbe sciences at the high school level. I always buy the textbooks used off Amazon much, much cheaper. The textbooks are just basic public school texts, you might be able to see sample pages at the Harcourt Publishing website.
  11. I always try to combine activities when possible (drop off one for gymnastics and another for guitar at the same time, etc.) I only choose activities that cannot be replicated by me at home. We only do field trips with family members. We do not do homeschool park days during school hours. (Park days are occasionally scheduled during non-school hours.)
  12. I have a friend whose very thin dd is on a swim team. She wears two swim caps all winter, one over the other. She says it makes a big difference.
  13. That can be controversial too. :D :D :D Houston has won their division, I think they just weren't trying that hard. :lol:
  14. My dd has her first ever final exam this evening. :eek: I'm trying to appear calm and reassuring (not sure it is working all that well.) We are wishing the best for all those entrenched in finals studies over the next couple of weeks.
  15. I go by age. If I were going to enroll a child in high school I would try hard to finish Algebra I in 8th grade. Doing Algebra I in 9th would set your child on the lowest math track available (or maybe second lowest, there is a two year Algebra I class available here for 9th and 10th.)
  16. Hi Luann, We are using Chalkdust as well and so far like it. Is there any specific reason you did not use Chalkdust for Geometry or Calculus?
  17. Singapore Primary Math (1st - 5th with IP & CWP) But Galore Park (History, English, French, & Science) is a close second.
  18. We bought a house because of an open house. We were looking at one house in the neighborhood with a realtor and figured we would walk in the open house up the street as we were already there. We wound up buying that one even though it never would have made my list on paper. :D
  19. We only did ancient Greece, but here are our thoughts. Ninth grade, BC 5000-400 AD The Bible: Genesis, Job 1 Epic of Gilgamesh (c. 2500 BC) 1 The Iliad and The Odyssey, Homer (c. 850 BC) 1 History of the Persian Wars by Herodotus (485-424 BC) 2 The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides (460-395 BC) 4 Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (c. 440 BC) 1 Medea, Euripides (c. 431 BC) 1 The Frogs, Aristophanes (405 BC) 2 Republic, Symposium, Plato (c. 387 BC) 3 On Poetics, Ethics, Aristotle (384-322 BC) 3 The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Roman, Plutarch (c.100) 3
  20. We use CWP at the same level as the text (same with IP books) with "get 'er done" math kids.
  21. We've been in two gyms and it is common in both gyms for team coaches to pick up a rec class if needed. In our old gym there were about 12-15 girls per level and two coaches per level. At the new gym things are much more flexible. There are about 6-8 girls per level, but no set coaches. All of the levels practice at the same time and there are generally six coaches on the floor. They rotate between the girls with each coach generally working on the same apparatus each day. The director generally does not coach, but will pick up a lower rec class if needed. The head coach moves between the girls, but works mostly with the highest levels. All other coaches work every level. It seems more chaotic than our last gym, but the results appear to be similar. :D
  22. .5 cr Shakespeare .5 cr Introduction to Literature :)
  23. I always have positive experiences ordering from Ray. :thumbup:
  24. I would check with each school before applying. Our local state university requires freshman applications by November 1st, after that your status becomes space-available only and your acceptance notification is automatically pushed back to March or April.
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