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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. I added additional reading (but only have her read about half of the program's suggested books) as well as GP Junior History. We are also using the IEW themed writing program that matches up with the VP history program.
  2. It's an A-Z book leveling system. Levels N, O, and P are usually considered third grade. So, she is reading a higher level third grade reader (or textbook.) Levels Q, R, and S are 4th grade, etc.
  3. I'm not sure what state you are in, but our state has both a three-year and a four-year high school plan. A three-year high school transcript may look more solid than stretching what you have to cover four years. I know plenty of kids that have chosen to graduate in three years and gone on to college without issue. :) The three-year plan: 4 Math 4 English 3 Science 3 Social Studies 1 Fine Arts 3 Electives
  4. I only went to school on Mondays and Fridays. I skipped Tuesday through Thursday. Luckily, my teachers allowed me to take my tests when I was there, so I still graduated with honors (top 10% of the class.) :rolleyes: I took mostly honors classes and a few AP's so I must have been thinking about college, or maybe I was just tracked that way. I know there was still tracking when I was in school. I also somehow managed to do everything required to graduate as a NHS member. I did enjoy doing afterschool tutoring at a local elementary and participating in our NHS sponsored blood drives. I worked quite a bit while in high school, as I found that much more enjoyable than going to school. My dh dropped out of school and took the GED as soon as he was able. He got some sort of honors designation on his GED - I think he aced some of the sections, maybe even all of them. He went right into community college.
  5. Movies as Literature has several assignments where they suggest you read a novel to go along with the movie and write a paper (or discuss) specific elements, etc. I would pick three or four of those novels to add and call it a day.
  6. Dds 16 and 14 - double space Dd 10 and ds 9 - single space Eldest dd is dual enrolled and her English professors only accepted single spaced papers, hence the switch to single spaces for the younger two. :)
  7. 1st and 2nd grade it is a school subject. All four of my children were quite proficient at typing by that point.
  8. If you are going to have at least four additional math credits it doesn't really matter. If you will only have three (or less) additional math credits then yes, I would add it to the transcript as most colleges want at least four math credits and Florida students regularly count an 8th grade Algebra credit on their high school transcripts.
  9. I have found questions and extra information to be unhelpful in these situations. I try not to open any doors for ongoing debate as to what would be best for my children. My email would look something like this: Dear XXX, I am emailing to register my daughter, xxxx. for the (date) PSAT. Please forward me a registration packet or advise me on the next step to ensure my daughter has a seat at the PSAT. I would prefer to make a payment using (name method.) Thank you, It doesn't always work, but the results have been better than asking or suggesting there is any reason my child should not be registered, considered, etc.
  10. My dd 16 doesn't have a bedtime because she is very good at self regulation. However, my dd 14 doesn't have that ability (just yet) and would regularly stay up all night long. She has a lights out requirement of 11:30. She is a night owl and will often stay up well past that time, even with the lights out. So I have accommodated her somewhat by giving her a two hour lunch so that she can nap in the early afternoons. She often sleeps for an hour or so around noon. In our home, this seems to be a good compromise for all involved.
  11. My dd takes notes on a laptop for nearly all of her classes. She has never had a professor discourage the use of a laptop in the classroom.
  12. I set up a new private Fantasy Football team on ESPN! Email me or send me a PM if you would like to join. Fantasy Football is fun and free. There will be a snake draft on Thursday, August 28th, at 8:00 PM EST (unless that won't work for someone and we can find a better time that works for the whole team.)
  13. Yes. Our kids get a smart phone each at age 12. We pay for them; the children consider them a right of passage. :) We do not keep a land line and by age 12 my kids are about town alone, home alone and/or in charge of younger members of the family. They also keep up with our large extended family with them as I do not have a smart phone for myself. My older girls regularly text, email and share photos with their grandparents, most of their aunts and several cousins.
  14. Last year's league manager has not responded. Has anyone else started a WTM fantasy football group?
  15. There is a WTM Fantasy Football league. I sent an email to the league manager to see if we are reactivating the league from previous years.
  16. Levels 2 and 3 are in the gym 9-14 hours per week. Levels 4 and 5 are there 16-21 hours per week. Level 6 and up are in the gym 20-25 hours per week. Way too long if you ask me!! I requested shorter hours at our annual start of season meeting, but was outvoted. :thumbdown:
  17. Drivers Ed is an easy six-week course to provide the mandatory Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Awareness (DATA) certificate needed to get a learner's permit in FL. The videos are graphic, but it's a no fuss class that serves its purpose. My second dd is finishing up the class now.
  18. We've had one class like that so far. I listed the class and the grade received on the high school transcript, but in the credit column I just put NC (no credit.)
  19. AP is college level equivalent. Do you mean honors? Magic Lens, Algebra I, etc. are not AP level classes. Magic Lens is only one book (grammar) in the MCT series. I would not award it a full credit of English unless you are adding in the other books as well - Word Within the Word, Academic Writing I, etc. Latina Christiana I is not considered a high school level book. I believe Traditional Logic 1 is generally considered a half credit. HTH
  20. The CLEP exams can be taken at any time of year, so she will take them one at a time, whenever she is ready. Though she does want to have all of her CLEP credits done by the end of 10th grade. We were very specific in our choices, due to local school policies. This particular dd is very determined to graduate from high school with her AA. And she only wants her AA to be in Theatre. So, we sat down and determined which CLEP exams the CC would accept and would work toward her specific AA to get her required classes needed to be taken on campus down to 22 courses (the maximum the CC will allow for dual enrollment.) I vetoed any science CLEP exams, as I want her to have the lab experience. So we ended up with: Psychology US History I and II College Composition Humanities Back-ups :) Sociology US Government
  21. If you drop your umbrella school and register with the county, you do not need to meet FL graduation requirements for the Bright Futures Scholarship. (Just an FYI.) You would still need to meet college entrance requirements wherever she wanted to go. Statistics is accepted as a math class above Algebra I. My dd plans to go into theater/film. Her math classes will be Algebra I, Algebra 2, Geometry (.5 credit) at home and then dual enrollment in Intermediate Algebra, (.5 credit) Liberal Arts Math I and Liberal Arts Math 2. So, a total of five credits without Pre-calculus and she won't need any other math in college.
  22. My dd uses a laptop to take notes for most of her classes. A good percentage of students in her classes take notes on laptops as well. Her classes are mostly humanities-type classes. When there are important drawings, graphs, etc. the professors often stop the lecture or step away from the center of the board for a brief moment for a "photo-op" or "screen shot op" when the students can take a picture of the screen upfront with their phones, I-pads, etc. and later upload them into their notes.
  23. Why are you calling that year 9th grade? Why not 7th (or 8th) grade? Around here, if you call next year 9th grade and continue that progression you would not be able to dual enroll after your student was 16. You can only dual enroll for the four years of high school. And you can't change your mind once you've declared your grade.
  24. Public schools here start August 18th. We will start back August 25th. ETA: Summer Theatre here ends on August 17th, with our final production, tear down and a cast party. I feel for all of the kids that then have to get up for the first day of school the very next day!
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