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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Well, Tuesday is tutorial day where they do Science, Math Enrichment, Latin, and History. Here is what we do the other four days: Math: 4 days Language: 4 days Spelling: 3 days Latin: 2-3 days Geography: 1 day History: 4 days Science: 1 day Art: most days as it correlates with our other subjects
  2. Okay, i'll try to restrain from any unsolicited advice and stick to curriculum:tongue_smilie: I would take a look at CLE...at least for the basics. I have only used their math and language programs, but thought they were very thorough and mostly independent. As a bonus, the workbooks are inexpensive.
  3. She is absolutely adorable!!! Love the outfit too. As for her name, don't feel bad....my dd's name was "attacked" frequently as well:lol: I think her name is beautiful!!
  4. I love it!!! You have every right to brag about that:)
  5. I would post a picture, but one of mine looks like a sheep getting it on with a cloud:(. It was supposed to be a moon with clouds, etc. I was so proud until about the tenth person asked me why I got a Porno sheep on my back. Oh well, it's on my shoulder so I don't have to look at it:). I suppose I should get it fixed one day.....
  6. Not according to the definition I have seen here.
  7. I have three. Two on my back and one on my ankle. Would love another. I don't have any piercings.
  8. :iagree: That's what I always think of too! We have a friend that named her little boy Malokai and all I could think of was Children of the Corn:) Scary movies are one thing that can just ruin a name for me!
  9. Awwww....so much hate for Kayla:(. My oldest is Mikayla. I wanted to spell it Michaela....long story. I wanted to have a little Michaela since I was in 1st grade and knew an older girl named Michaela. She was so pretty and a fabulous writer....I really looked up to her. Anyway, all if the names are beautiful. Who cares what's trendy or what other people like! That's why they have theirown kids to name:)
  10. Ava, of course. It's my dd's name:001_smile: It's a little trendy now, but I decided on it a long time ago and refuse to switch because of trends:)
  11. I think it's so funny that we all happen to have kids that are exceptions to those weird, unsocialized kids. Where are these freaky homeschooled kids hiding?
  12. 3 months. It was a spur of the moment thing. I think he said something romantic like "I'd marry you right now.". I said okay and we drove to Tahoe. I was 25 and he was 21. Best 8 years ever:)
  13. Not unless it was an emergency situation and it was my only source of food.
  14. Maybe I shouldn't take the levels at face value!!! I need to get more games and get our moneys worth before she is too old!!!
  15. We bought dd one for her 3rd bday. She plays the dog game....forget what it's called but they just take care of a little dog, like Nintendog. She loses interest in it pretty fast. She has one other game she will play..some creature game. All the ones she would like (Ni-Hao, Disney princesses, etc) are for older kids....maybe 4 or so? If we had it to doover, I would have waited. She just doesn't play with it much:(
  16. Hmmm....there are so many!!! Can I go with a "type"? I would go with appetizers. Any and all. From spinach dip to fried pickles to deviled eggs. Appetizer platters are my enemy. I can't step away from bite sized food.
  17. The older two are upstairs cleaning their rooms and dd 3 is out with daddy while he is building a shed with my dad:). I'm all alone.....for now!
  18. I knew Kelly Slater was a surfer, but have never heard of the other guy.
  19. I wouldn't say I have an allergy, but I can't drink it anymore. I can feel a headache coming on after just a few sips. Too bad because I love me some good, dark Pinot. I can't stand white wine, so I don't know if I would have the same reaction.
  20. We do four days a week due to a tutorial that is all day once a week. It isn't strictly social as they are doing Latin, history, and science. The four day schedule is fine for us. We just start our year a little early and end a little later. I don't think we could go down to three days though. That would probably put us schooling year round! I would try to do field trips, etc. over the weekend if your kids really enjoy the co-op. I know mine would be devastated to have to leave the tutorial.
  21. 1. My kids eating bagel bites and arguing whether ther song "Imma Be" says bumblebee or not 2. A cardboard box that my ds 7 is turning into a lemonade stand so he can save money to buy a dog when he is 20:) 3. craft sticks all over the floor....ds us also creating wooden alpacas. He's our crafty child. 4. A pile of laundry waiting to be folded 5. 3 of dd 13's jackets on the couch. Apparently she was very cold today.
  22. Well, with 3 they can jump rope. With 2 they could hopscotch, tether ball (probably have to go buy one, but we love ours), catch, we used to play 2 square:). Hmmm.....that's all I've got:(
  23. My "done" time comes around the same time as many if you.....right about after dinner. I hate dealing with the bed time stuff. I am just drained by this time and ready for dh to step in. My dd 13 also goes to bed before others her age probably do. She is allowed to read, listen to music, watch TV, or whatever fir a while, but I just need my space at that point!!!
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