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Annie G

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Everything posted by Annie G

  1. I have used a couple of personal trainers. The right one would have been very beneficial, but the first one I used had no idea how to work with an older woman. He just didn’t. No experience. A 55 year old with specific issues isn’t the same as a 20 something who is just new to a gym. The second one was a better fit but personality wise was a jerk. If I’m paying for 45 minutes of private time, do not walk away and flirt with girls on my dime. He was more knowledgeable and had better ideas then the first guy but I just couldn’t continue w him. So…don’t be afraid to speak up to let the trainer know what is working for you and what’s not.
  2. I’m old enough to have had jobs where the register did not tell you how much change to return, so we counted back. I taught the kids to count back when we did ‘money’ in school. And then none of them ever had a job that required it. Times have changed for sure.
  3. We fly mostly from Atlanta and O’Hare and text when through security to let whoever drove us know that we are not in danger of missing the flight. Security there can take ten minutes or 90…ya never know.
  4. I almost always need a butterfly needle and most places are fine when I mention it but the last time I had blood drawn the phlebotomist seemed very offended by my suggestion and insisted it wasn’t needed. After 2 tries I insisted, and instead she said she’d just have to get another person to do it. Second girl came, and said she was going to try a butterfly needle. Worked fine. I don’t know why there is sometimes a lot of pushback, but it is really hard for needle phobic people.
  5. Hope it’s a mild case and you bounce back quickly.
  6. You handled it very well, and once the lady starting being grumpy about it, you definitely handled it better than I would have. Kudos to you for keeping your cool,when all you were trying to do was be helpful. See something, say something has been a mantra for years! In addition, for all you knew someone had forgotten it and if you hadn’t mentioned it, someone might have stolen it.
  7. I’m not a dog person so unless the animal was injured or distressed I likely wouldn’t do anything. Dh *might*. Neither would be angry if the other tried to find the owner. I would be angry if dh decided he wanted to keep said stray dog, so if op’s dh thinks that might be where this is leading it could explain the reaction.
  8. It was interesting to listen to the judge during sentencing. The whole sentencing was so quick, but the judge took his time basically telling Alex what a monster he is. Also heard the judge’s 40 year old son passed away in January after a cardiac event. Hasn’t had much time to grieve, and I’m sure it was extra difficult to sit there day after day listening to testimony about a man murdering his son.
  9. Pre-Covid, my neck of the woods called a shower for a 2nd or beyond baby a sprinkle. But it was just to keep from breaking the rules of etiquette, as the sprinkles were just like showers as far as gifts go. However, sprinkles were most often held after baby was born and the baby was brought to be oohed and aahed over. But nobody does that part post Covid.
  10. That looks great! You guys are getting so much done! That would have taken a couple of weeks here. We’re slowpokes.
  11. So sorry to hear about the setback. Hope she’s back on the road to recovery soon.
  12. We have a friend who has bought at least two cars on EBay and used escrow.com with no issues. The most recent was in the last couple of months. Buyer protection is good, but can’t comment on seller protection since he’s never sold a car that way.
  13. Glad she was able to get the care she needed/wanted. Wish every woman had the same option. If she had been more clear in the video she posted, some of the ambiguity could have been avoided. She said ‘the doctor said the baby didn’t look good’. And said she only spotted for 24 hours then stopped. This led to speculation over whether the baby’s heart stopped or whether there were deformities. The ultrasound seemed to show ‘no fetal heart rate’, but the speculation had already started. I do not think Jessa owed anyone an explanation, or that she had to tell anyone she had ever been pregnant. But yeah, when you are well known for your strong stance, maybe keep that info to your circle of family and friends. It was smart for her to take a social media break after posting the video, because there is a lot of discussion about it.
  14. You could walk to a nearby restaurant or hotel and call an Uber from there. We’d prefer a restaurant so we can share an appetizer or something while waiting for traffic to untangle. Every area is different though- some places near venues are SUPER busy after events while others aren’t. But yes, walking away from the venue to find a less busy, safe place to wait for an Uber has been our go-to.
  15. I’m more interested in wrongful conviction cases, and have never watched a trial before until this one. Not even the OJ one! However, this guy and his family have grabbed my attention ever since the boat accident. I don’t think the state proved HE killed Maggie and Paul, but I absolutely think he is involved, likely hiring it done. We’ve been gone all day and are just now tuning in. Recorded this morning’s proceedings in anticipation of seeing Alex testify. ‘Look forward to hearing what you guys think.
  16. For different family members: homemade noodles lasagna from scratch, including fresh pasta schnitzel and spaetzle
  17. It depends on the yard. If there area a lot of weeds in the lawn you have to either cut it more often (weeds grow faster than grass and look awful) or spend time/money to treat lawn or pull weeds. Additionally, if there are beds that need mulch or tending, that takes time. Some lawns need you to use a weed eater to get places where the mower can’t reach. You will likely need to use an edger at least once or twice during the growing season. Some people do that every time they mow. I am not that person. During mowing season we spend about an hour a week. Right now I’m tending beds, replacing pine straw, removing stray leaves that gathered over winter, trimming rose bushes, etc. But mowing is quick.
  18. Congratulations! What a wild birth story. I laughed out loud at the sweet pic of your boy- to me his smile is saying ‘yeah, I did that’. Adorable.
  19. The only one we pay for is yard chemicals. They come six times a year and cover fertilizer, preemergent weed killer, fire ant chemicals, and whatever else I don’t know about. With no more weeds we only cut the lawn every two weeks instead of every week. And we don’t have to do the weed killer, fertilizer, or fire ant treatments ourselves. I don’t consider appliance repair or Amazon to fit the way the title reads.
  20. You’re not being a jerk. Friend or not, you aren’t being treated right. If you weren’t friends, would you have already switched to another accountant?
  21. Yes, this. sorry I didn’t make that more clear.
  22. Praying for safety for your Dd and sweet grands. What do his parents think of the situation? I hope he gets the help he needs, whether or not the marriage is saved.
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