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Everything posted by Corbster98

  1. I haven't read the replies yet but just wanted to say your family will be in my prayers. ALS took my father about 2.5 years ago and it is a brutal disease. My father passed peacefully and I will pray the same for your BIL.
  2. Nope... haven't slept through the night in 17 +years. I always wake during the night. Sometimes to just use the restroom a few times and can go back to sleep. Other times I wake and stay awake for an hour or 2 until I can drift back off to sleep. I have tried everything that has been recommended for better sleep, none of which seems to work except some heavy medication like Xanax.
  3. You are definitely NOT alone in this feeling. My sons are older now, almost 17yo and 11yo, and I am still struggling with the 'who am I' besides being their Mom. My husband has 20 years active duty Army service and within the past 10 years, we have moved 5 times ( different states and a year unaccompanied tour for him). With his schedule being so unpredictable ( and often very late hours) and taking him away for long periods of time, I have been pretty much alone in raising these children so I haven't had time to take for myself, even if I wanted to. Now that the boys are much older, elite competitive swimming ( for 3.5 hours daily/ 7 days per week) in a training facility that is a 45 minute drive one-way eats WAY into our schedules. Don't even get me started on the summer schedule, which we are currently in, that has 10 practices per week with doubles on Mon, Wed and Thursdays. It is an exhausting schedule. With that said, I was able to find time to take some horse riding lessons for a few months this past year. I really enjoyed it, but the instructor and I were not a very good match so I am searching for another option that is local but not to the tune of $50 per hour as I was paying, because that just isn't realistically in our budget at this moment for weekly lessons that were required by previous instructor. Just wanted you to know you aren't alone. It is so easy to lose yourself once you become a full time Mom.
  4. I am sorry to hear about your daughter's injury... how frustrating! I pray for quick healing and a full recovery for her soon :)
  5. So stinking cute!! Thanks for sharing and putting a smile on my face :)
  6. Being an active duty military family and moving quite frequently in the past 11 years, we have not been able to commit to a regular volunteer schedule until only recently. However, we have always volunteered in some capacity with our boys. Since we have been in NC for almost 3 years we have: - been a host family for a year to an exchange student from Austria (July 2013-June 2014) -volunteered each semester with the Breaking Bread program through NC State ( matches international students with host families for an american meal in your own home). We have hosted students from Mexico, Austria, India and Korea. It has been a great experience! -volunteered twice per semester in helping to cook/ serve food to the international students at NC State - baked homemade pies for the holiday meals program ( Thanksgiving/ Christmas) with the Raleigh Rescue Mission -various volunteering opportunities through our son's scout troops -volunteer timers at our sons swim meets - I have volunteered at a local horse stable on/off - I volunteer at the Christian school where my sons attend several classes - My son volunteered weekly for 2 years as a swim coach ( he is a competitive swimmer) Prior to NC we volunteered regularly at local soup kitchens helping to serve food. The boys were younger then and finding opportunities that allowed children to volunteer was more challenging.
  7. Agreeing with the Bobbi Brown concealer! Works wonderfully.
  8. I have a rising JR this coming up Fall. He is a competitive swimmer and we live 30 miles from the training facility and to say that the commute and practice schedule is grueling is an understatement. The past 2 years we have used a small private Christian school for several classes daily. However, with the intensity of the schedule, my son would like to complete more of his classes at home this coming up Fall. Can you advise me specifically of any English III ( American Lit) and Spanish I and II courses/ materials that the NCAA has accepted for you? I have all of his other classes already figured out... just stumped on these 2. Thanks! Allison
  9. We live just south of Raleigh. PM me for more information. I don't mind sharing what I know. Allison
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Another one that understand the mixed feelings. Dad died a little more than a year ago from ALS and Mom ( who is now living with us) is terminal with cancer. It does suck...
  11. Just wanted to send hugs. :grouphug: I am sorry for your loss. As many others have said, give yourself time and don't feel guilty. It is so hard to make yourself be productive when you feel so numb one minute and a ball of tears the next. Grief is so unimaginably painful, even if you are expecting the loss. I lost my Dad to ALS 18 months ago and it has been so much harder than I ever imagined. We moved back to NC from KS a little more than 2 years ago (active duty Army) to help my mother as she was the primary caregiver to my Dad and she is also terminally ill with cancer. To know that both of my parents were terminal at the same time just feels so cruel at times. This journey has been one of the most gut-wrenching experiences and something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
  12. Thank you for the sympathy. We were stationed in KS when we found out in 2011 that Dad had ALS. Thankfully the Army provided a compassionate reassignment so that we could move back to NC and I could be closer to home. I was able to help Mom in Dad's full-time caregiving responsibilities as Dad lost the use of his arms/hands first, so all of his daily needs needed to be met. Watching him go from a completely strong, independent man to one that relied solely on others for every single need, in such a short amount of time, was gut-wrenching and awful in so many ways. On the other hand, I was so touched by watching my own sons become Grandpa's helpers and for them to be so selfless in their willingness to help my father, even with tasks that were less than desirable. It still brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart swell with pride :)
  13. I am more than thankful that this is increasing awareness of this disease. My father died a little more than a year ago from ALS and it has to be up there with one of the most unforgiving and cruel diseases of all time.
  14. I have several tattoos. All of them I had done by my 21st birthday and I have been regretting them for a long time ( I am 39yo). The tattoo artist did a good job but I was young and impulsive in getting them. They were nicely done with a good tattoo artist, but they just aren't me. I have been currently undergoing tatoo laser removal for the past couple of years for the 3 that aren't as easily covered, one one each upper arm and left calf. They are responding well to the laser removal and though they won't be completely erased.. I am pleased with the progress.
  15. I have a rising 10th grader and need help with finding the right "course name" for a class. I don't want to call it just PE so I thought you all would be able to offer suggestions. My son is a competitive swimmer so we will use that for extra-curriculars as he is looking to swim on college scholarship. This past year he has been involved in Crossfit ( 2-3 times per week), has completed several 5k mud runs, and has been hiking/ backpacking ( more than 90 miles total with his scout troop). Any ideas on some creative titles I could use for the transcript? Allison
  16. As an active duty Army wife ( DH has 19years)... I just want you to know I completely empathize! I hope your PCS goes well for you. I was just telling my husband yesterday that I was itching for another PCS ( sort of). We have been here for 2 years now and in the past 10 years, we have moved 5 times. But oh how I hate all of the stress of moving... but do enjoy the excitement of a new adventure!
  17. Just curious, but how you do avoid eating at a restaurant that long?
  18. We were in the Lancaster area last summer. If you really want to experience the "Amish" part of the area... I would highly recommend this location for lodging ..... Verdant View Farm Bed and Breakfast www.verdantview.com The Mennonite family that owns the dairy farm is fantastic and they treat you like family. They live across the road from some friends of theirs that are Amish and employ Amish to work in their home helping with breakfast chores, etc... it was so neat to be on the farm and watch the horse/buggies drive by. We also loved helping the family with the farm chores and joining them for a fresh breakfast every morning in the main house. Just a really neat experience :)
  19. We just took a 6 night cruise in March to the Carribean on the Carnival Breeze. I highly recommend it! What a beautiful ship with so much to do and good rates. The only so-so we experienced were the shows... they have been better on other ships we have sailed but there was always something else you could do besides the shows. With that said, however, everything else was great on the ship!
  20. I am sorry about the death of your Mom.Grief is a hard emotion and there is no right way to get through it. My Dad died 13 months ago and somedays the pain is still so raw that I physically ache for his presence. I empathize as I lost my Dad a year ago to ALS... we moved back to NC to be close to home and help my Mom take care of my Dad, which became a 24 hour job. We were with him on the day that he took his last breath and God called him home. It was so peaceful and beautiful yet so bittersweet at the same time. We were all so exhausted from not only taking turns caring for all of his physical needs, but emotionally as well as we just had to watch him deteriorate and know that there was nothing that could be done :( In the end... as much as I selfishly wanted to not lose my Dad, I was so thankful to see him no longer suffer. Of course, then I felt guilty for feeling that way. It was a hard emotional cycle for me. I began my grief process 2 years prior to his death when I learned of his ALS. I am not sure how long your Mom was sick or what the circumstances were... but from my own experience, I have learned that the closer you were ( I was a Daddy's girl) the more the pain of losing them is. However, on the other side of that, I am so thankful that I was able to be here to help care for his needs, support both of my parents emotionally and physically and make memories before he left us. The days after his funeral were so hard and the viewing and funeral were both so beautiful and painful, yet much of it felt like a dream to me. The months following his death were hard but I just gave myself permission to have days and moments to cry and grieve. I would hug my sons and they would notice when Mom needed a hug. We would cry together but we also would share memories and giggles/smiles thinking about Grandpa. Watching my children learn to grieve in a productive, healthy way was important for me so I was willing to be vulnerable and have them see that sadness/ tears did NOT equate to being weak. It just meant that we loved deeply and our loss we have experienced is a painful one. I am sending you my prayers and thoughts. You are stronger than you think. One day at a time.. HUGS!
  21. Slept in today and skipped breakfast. My husband was the one awake and leaving the house at 545 am for 3 hours of swim training practice in another city 30 miles away- something I usually have to do! So I enjoyed the quiet just laying in bed by myself... well with the dog next to me :hurray:
  22. My almost 16yo ds has a dumb phone with unlimited texts/ calling on our Verizon plan. We keep strict time limits on how often/ late he can be on the phone. I see no need for a teenager to have a smart phone!
  23. I voted fried eggs... but they must be cooked in bacon grease and with bacon on the side! I also really like boiled eggs for breakfast or on salads. Deviled eggs are yummy too :)
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