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Everything posted by AlaskaGrownFamily

  1. No workboxes, filing, or much else. We just do the next thing. :)
  2. I'd remove the fun stuff from their lives until the work was done, pleasantly and promptly.
  3. I'm a do-the-next-thing'er. :) We follow Ambleside and their schedule (generally) as a spine, and I just estimate how many pages/lessons of math per week, how to divide up the experiments we want to do, etc., etc.
  4. We tried MUS for K with DS1, and switched to Horizons for 1st and now 2nd. In my limited experience, MUS was fine for my DS, but *I* couldn't get used it it. I prefer old school math the way I was taught, and Horizons fits that bill, while also keeping DS1 and now DS2 engaged. :)
  5. Snowy Creek Prep Our address has "Snow" in it, there's a creek in our backyard... :)
  6. Um, yes. And I remain a total optimist, getting let down always stinks!
  7. We have memberships to our local zoo and museum, which includes a children's science/discovery center. :)
  8. I plan to start by the end of September. We're just waiting and seeing when the weather turns bad... Hee!
  9. Subbing! Tonight we had ham/turkey and cheese croissants. Packaged refrigerated dough, lunchmeat, and shredded cheese all rolled up and baked. Salad on the side made it at least a teeny bit healthier! Ha!
  10. Do you have a small metal/stainless pan you could set on the grill? If so, I'd go for it!
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