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Everything posted by Robyn

  1. We've had magicjack for a couple of years. We moved last year to a different state and I didn't notice any change. Every once in a great while, it will get an echo. For the most part though, we don't have any problems with it.
  2. We're relatively new to NH and I keep seeing Pibb at restaurants and at the movies. I have no idea what it is though, I had never heard of it before we moved. :confused:
  3. This is the one I have. Mine is black with lime green inside. It looks like they don't carry the same colors now. It has seen me through two boys in diapers and will soon be used for a third. I've had it for almost 6 years and it still looks new, even though my two year old likes to fill it with toys and drag it through the house most days.
  4. We haven't started any high school level courses with VLACS yet, but we are signing up for Latin 1 and Physical science in the fall. Ds is halfway through Middle School Science 3. He is racing through it, and is enjoying the class. It is not hands on, but I do believe the upper level science classes involve labs. I will decided when we get there if I feel they need supplementing or not. It is a tutorial as opposed to a class that meets online at a set time, and he has an oral exam for each module with his teacher. She has been easily accessible by email for any questions that have come up. We had also signed up for the Middle School English 3, but we dropped it during the first week. It just wasn't what we were looking for. You do have a grace period to leave a class with no grade issued. The curriculum is purchased from Florida Virtual School. You can find more information on the curriculum itself if you search for FLVS. I haven't come across anyone else on the boards who is using VLACS.
  5. Dh is a big Aliens fan and has been talking about Prometheus forever now. He is counting down the days. :lol: I'm just looking forward to a night out.
  6. I voted other. I don't have any tattoos, dh has two. I have just never found anything that I would want to put on myself permanently. I am also at a time in my life when I have a hard time even buying myself a nice pair of shoes(maybe because I blow all of my extra money on books). Spending money on a tattoo is not even on my radar. Not to say that I would never decide to get one at some point, it's just not really something I think about. DH has a tattoo on his shoulder that was well done and he really likes it. He has another one on his shoulder that he really regrets. It is over sized and faded and just poorly done.
  7. We've used Prima Latina, LfC A-C, and First Form. I found PL pretty dry so we switched to the Latin for Children. After three years of LfC, ds' retention of grammar concepts was really low. He did learn a good amount of vocabulary. This past year we used FF. It is much more specific as to what exactly needs to be memorized and ds learned it well and enjoyed the year. We are moving onto VLACS Latin 1 in the fall because it is free to NH residents, otherwise we would be using Second Form. I plan on going through the MP progression with my younger children. It isn't overly exciting, but it is effective and to the point.
  8. :iagree: to all of the above. And the pudding skin, and the beets, and asparagus. Actually, I can't believe I got through this entire thread. I don't feel so well now.
  9. :iagree: Since the bread is made from wheat, people who are gluten intolerant can take only the wine. I tend to pass by the cup myself, usually because I have a wiggly toddler in my arms and because I won't drink from it if I am sick. Dh has an issue with drinking out of a shared cup.
  10. MP is writing their own grammar program because they feel that R&S is overkill alongside Latin. They only have the 3rd grade level out so far. You can ask on their message boards if they are planning to have the 4th grade level available by fall. LCC(I only have the second edition) recommends CW for a writing program and that does include spelling/vocabulary and grammar, whereas CC is strictly a writing program. Many people are adding science to the MP programs because the science books in the packages are really just nature study. There are some differences between LCC and the MP packages, but it is as close to "LCC in a box" as you will find. :)
  11. We used K this year and I have 1st ready to go for the fall. I am using a couple of their items for my oldest, but he is out of sync with their booklist for 8th.
  12. We are using a science class through VLACS, which is curriculum purchased from FLVS. Ds loves the class and we plan to move into the Physical Science course as soon as we are through with this one. We signed up for the English class as well but ended up dropping it during the grace period because it really wasn't what we were looking for.
  13. Salt with ketchup(Heinz) and mayo(Hellman's) or sometimes just sriracha
  14. I used quite a few of the recommended detergents and had stink issues with all of them. Charlies made me quit altogether with my middle son. It gave him a horrible rash. We've also tried Bumgenius, homemade detergent, Rockin' Green, and a few others my not quite coffee'd enough brain can't come up with this morning. I switched to Tide as a last resort. No more rashes, no more smell. It works well for us.
  15. I try to cut down to one cup a day in my first trimester. Nausea usual makes that easy. I am 20 weeks now and I have one cup in the morning and occasionally another in the early afternoon. I would quit, but I am useless pre-coffee. I read a recent article that suggested caffeine doesn't have an effect on breastfed babies.
  16. We're testing next week and then oldest dh will begin online classes for science and English. He still has a few weeks left of Latin and math. I'll be taking the summer off with ds5. Just a few more weeks to go!
  17. Hellman's here, or if I'm feeling particularly ambitious I'll make it myself. Miracle Whip has been outright banned from my house, much to dh's dismay. He still finds it in his mother's fridge from time to time.
  18. I was never able to get my NICU baby to nurse, but I have talked to moms who have been able to make it work. I will second the recommendations to look for a LLL leader or an IBCLC lactation consultant. I found a lot of good advice on building up milk supply at MOBI, along with a lot of support on their email group. Though I wasn't able to breastfeed ds, I did manage to build up my supply a bit and pump milk for him for the first year. I wish you the best.
  19. I usually buy Brach's, but I couldn't find anything except for Jolly Rancher and Starburst type bags this year. :confused: Add me to the black jelly bean lovers club!
  20. Well said. I will have to keep an eye out for that book set. Welcome to the boards. (I'm trying not to say something giddy like, "I love your blog!" but I guess I just did anyway;))
  21. :iagree: My aunt was making and selling reborn dolls for awhile. I stopped by one day and saw a similar scene on her kitchen counter. It was...unsettling.
  22. I have a few Sterling Classic editions and they are nice hardcover books. But I do tend to buy a lot of Puffin paperbacks because they are less expensive.
  23. They are scheduled one a week in the order that you see them on the MP site. Often the enrichment activities are tied into the literature for the week. We had a lot of them too. I bought the books I wanted to have, borrowed the ones that my library had, and substituted the rest with what I had on my shelves.
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