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Longtime Lurker

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Everything posted by Longtime Lurker

  1. How does A feel about it? Would he rather have the bed or the space? However, if you are sure you should get rid of it, it may be better to present it to him as a done deal ("Look! This new bed will give you more space for your toys!).
  2. I will be following this thread as you make progress, Dawn. I need to go through and get rid of some things, too, and threads like these are very motivating for me 🙂 Also, definitely get rid of the TV boxes!
  3. i have had good success with Merrell shoes. Many of them come in wide.
  4. I agree. Save your hoop-jumping energy for your kids.
  5. My DD did swim team in them for years so you can definitely swim in them. If the dailies are affordable then they are usually the best for your eyes. There are also two-week versions (which you take out and clean each night) and those worked great for me for 40 years. I just switched to dailies due to some discomfort issues and I love them. The eye doctor will recommend what would work for his eyes.
  6. A couple of things that have helped me: 1) The problem is as much an issue of circulation as of cold. Moving around can help a lot. Once the top halves of my fingers have gone white, no amount of warmth can fix them without massaging them and windmilling my arms. 2) Remember that caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, so avoiding it will help.
  7. Shorter visit. It may seem like it's not worth driving that far for a 2-day stay instead of a week, but if it's easier on everyone, then it is worth it. Long drives are a pain but can be very quiet and peaceful and, thus, not too hard on anyone.
  8. Oh, bummer. It's worth checking ebay just in case. ETA: I would totally use a wrench or similar for the short term so as not to have to deal with replacing. I have done this successfully, although it can be a little annoying.
  9. I have bought replacement knobs for appliances on Amazon or ebay. Be sure you find the correct model number first.
  10. Have you tried this? We have had some success with this type of method. ETA: Don't just go by measurements.
  11. This is awesome. I could use this at work. With high-schoolers...
  12. So much this. My parents do not have as much help as they need even though they can afford it. Thankfully, my siblings and I are all on the same page, but I am the one in town. But I am also the one with an adult son with special needs. The stress is considerable.
  13. I would be reluctant also in this situation. Some areas have great Marketplace plans and some don't. It's good that you are doing careful research.
  14. Have you considered substitute teaching? That is very flexible and 401Ks are often an option even for part time. Or, as you mentioned before, max out an IRA with your earnings.
  15. I do not have any experience with Aetna, but I have had a positive experience with ACA Marketplace insurance in general. However, I have heard that plans vary widely depending on your state and county.
  16. Mine too! The salesperson described it as "built like a tank" and I replied. "We want that one." Our DS25 (autism, developmental disabilities, etc.) is hard on things and "built like a tank" was a huge selling point for me. We have been happy with it.
  17. Some food smells bother me, but we just open a window for a while. In all weathers except very hot weather.
  18. Wow, this is crazy. I work in a school and we don't have anything this strict. Any absence can be excused by a parent. However, more than 15 absences in a class will result in a 0 GPA for the class (although one can still get credit towards graduation if they otherwise pass). Medical absences do not count towards this 15 so that is when a doctor's note is useful. I guess our policy is similar to this, except it is 15 instead of 10 and it would take more than this to warrant a truancy officer.
  19. Congratulations! This job sounds like such a great fit!
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