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Everything posted by RahRah

  1. What I learned and use in our cards: If it's to extended family or friends - wife, husband, children in age order oldest to youngest If it's to business associates - wife, husband and family; or wife, husband and children in age order (if appropriate) If it's to immediate family (parents, siblings) - husband, wife, children in age order, oldest to youngest Envelopes are address to Mr. & Mrs., Dr. & Mrs. Mr. & Dr., Drs. XYZ, with the male first in the couple, female to follow within the line when last names are same; otherwise it's his name then her name in full...either way if family is also included, "and family" follows
  2. Hard plastic cups.....EPOXY glue! Good luck with round two! :001_smile:
  3. Shop sales at the grocery store use coupons where you can (print online so you don't have to buy newspapers and use cheap, cheap paper and draft setting on printer) plan meals for the week based on sales in grocery stores plan trips in advance to consolidate driving and save gas look at cell phone plans and see if you can go to a less expensive plan BBQ if you have a gas grill (propane tanks last a long time) since it's summer Eliminate paper towels, paper plates, plastic utensils (if you use them) Stockpile items when they're ridiculously cheap and you have a coupon check internet, phone and cable packages to see if a cheaper offer is available - if you have exceeded your current contract (ie. you're off contract time), you can usually get the offers for new customers
  4. We'll do those once DS is a bit older too...I don't want to do those without DH though if at all possible - flying internationally with kids has to be a bit crazy!
  5. For me, it's due to our moving here - family remains on the east coast, so I've done the NY round-trip multiple times to see my parents (and DH's before they moved closer), the DC trip to see my sister and her family, CO to visit with DH's cousins (and a conference he attends each year), FL is for DS's birthday - my parents take him to Disney each year, I get to go along for the ride =), and other destinations (ie. Chicago) were just because we can!
  6. Lots of times.... Drives to-from: MO --> Vail, CO 2x MO --> Washington, DC 2x MO --> Orlando, FL 2x MO --> New York, NY 4x MO --> Nashville, TN MO --> Atlanta, GA MO --> Colorado Springs, CO MO --> Little Rock, AR MO --> Denver, CO 2x MO --> Chicago, IL 2x In October I'll be doing MO --> Orlando again with just me, DS and the baby, DH will fly in and out...then in February we'll drive ahead of DH flying to Vail/Eagle. I've done a number of flights with just DS too, but from where we are in the country, even with a stop-over, nowhere takes more than 5-6 hours including the stop! And, well, with the TSA these days, I'd rather drive!
  7. That's what I do....once you do it once, you can then cut & paste also!
  8. I'm within 10-pounds of my weight when married - will hopefully get back to my "normal" weight in another month or two - still losing baby weight!
  9. What I was going to answer - we don't say it daily, but DS is a cub scout, so he had to learn it and says it at den/pack meetings throughout the month.
  10. I usually cook one or three a day, prepare all three....as in if DS wants yogurt and fruit for breakfast, well that's prepping - if he wants eggs, that's cooking! This year DS is getting a bit more independent with the breakfasts and some lunches, but now with the baby, I'm feeding someone all the time! I don't eat breakfast, neither does DH.....so it's just the kids. DH is on his own for lunch at work - we usually eat here for lunch. I always cook dinner (unless we eat out, which is a couple of times a month).
  11. When we did the allergy testing, DS had had a very severe reaction on a Sunday night and we got scheduled into the allergist on Thursday morning. The allergist said it *might* be too soon due to the antihistamines we administered on Sunday night...so he did a histamine challenge before moving forward with the full panel test - that was negative, so he said the drugs had cleared DS's system and the test should be valid. It was.
  12. Add me to the list of false negatives. With DS (6yo) we were trying and knew my ovulation date, so when I was late, I tested and it was (-), two days later I could have sworn it was a faint-faint (+), but the next day it was (-), the next was (-)....finally after a week, I'd had it and went in for a blood test - my beta's were high and I was pregnant.
  13. DS has a 30-minute lesson per week and practices 15-minutes per day minimum.
  14. No....when I've had opportunity to sit and chat with other HS'ers, I tend to keep things general, like what curriculum or interests of kids, activities or programs in the area that look interesting - I've yet to meet another HS'er in my area who is following a WTM/classical approach. I'm sure they exist, I just haven't met them!
  15. :iagree: Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family Nakia :grouphug:
  16. Very selective and delayed. We opted for a pediatric DT instead of the DTaP since DS was older than 2 when we vax'ed for tetanus. I'm not sure if it's still true now or not, but when we decided on that, there wasn't a stand-alone tetanus for kids, just the DTaP or DT.
  17. It really comes down to speed efficiency later with note taking more than anything else. If they're making letters from bottom to top or clockwise formations, it takes more time to go to the next letter, so one winds up writing more slowly, which can be an issue for note taking in, say, a lecture.
  18. I'd go and check on her, see if she's okay and make the call or let her make the call.
  19. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas is probably my record - maybe 10-14 days of something delivered daily (not for just my orders, but from family sending stuff for the holidays). Mine alone - maybe 5-6 days of stuff in a row, mostly when I'm on a book buying binge for DS!
  20. While pregnant you may be able to use Lane Bryant or Avenue tall leggings or pants - it's what I found worked for me with my last pregnancy (I also have a 36" inseam).
  21. There are actually three potential allergens in the cereal - the wheat protein (gluten), the corn residue protein (potential, rare) in the HFCS and the "gelatin".....DS cannot have kosher gelatin in foods, it's often (you can't know when though) made with fish bones and is on his list of foods to absolutely avoid. And there was the milk too! Or cross-contamination of the cereal in the factory, or in your pantry, with another allergen. Testing will help find your cause!
  22. Sorry to hear you're dealing with all that on CL - You might want to give cars.com a try...
  23. DS helps set, then clear the dinner table, picks up his toys, brings his laundry to the laundry room, helps fold clean laundry, puts his clean clothes away, pairs up his clean socks, helps clean out the minivan as needed with me, and he helps sweep outside and in the garage when DH is working on the garage. He does get an allowance, $5.00 a week, and can earn extra if A) he initiates and asks to do something more and B) I need something done that is not on his normal list that he's capable of doing and he agrees to do and he does it well. He doesn't ask that often though, but in the last month he has asked twice and once he earned $2.00 folding the baby clothes and putting them away and another time $5.00 for helping me by bringing stacks of books back into my office while I was re-shelving them after a major sort and purge.
  24. ROFL - sorry I have to laugh for a second....one of the payments I can't make online is actually to my BANK - yup, here we are in 2011 and my bank still hasn't set up the ability to pay my car loan online. Yes, I can do the bill pay online and have them cut a check to themselves...but really, I have to go to the bank to deposit DH's check anyway, so I just pay it at the same time. I could also do auto-pay with that, except DH doesn't get paid the same day each month, or even every four weeks, or on any real particular cycle - we have periods in the year where we'll go six weeks between checks, so it is easier for me to make the payment since I know when we have the money and when I need to make advance payments when we'll go for a period without a check. The other one is our water company - I can't even see the account online! - LOL - I just pay them like once a year by overpaying and then not dealing with them again. I have on the account that they call when I'm down to funds that'll cover another month or so, and just pay over the phone another year's estimate and am done with it.
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