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Everything posted by sarawatsonim

  1. I have been focusing more on my yoga so I did the first half of the Ashtanga Primary Series everyday this week. On Monday I added in some butt work, Tuesday and today some core, and each day I have been practicing crow pose, my handstands, and head stands for a few minutes each (and only had one unfortunate incident involving falling over in a laundry basket) ;)
  2. Ha! I think the problem was I was editing at the same time you had looked.
  3. This was me for my dh's work Christmas party this year. This was the picture I took to show my friends which outfit I finally decided on (my online mommy group and some of my closest friends). It was close to -30C out and I did NOT want to wear a dress so I was hopelessly trying to find an alternative without having to go shopping. I wouldn't call myself dressed to the nines but it worked.
  4. Life is so bloody unfair sometimes. I don't post much but have been around for years. You are one of those figures that stand out on this board, and I always admire and get a chuckle out of your posts. I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your son. May you find some peace.
  5. For my large, laminated wall map I use Command strips which work well.
  6. Meh. My dd is going through an express herself with clothing stage. One day she likes the ripped jeans, flannels, and doc martens (I don't think she believes I wore those in high school) and the next day she wears a super girly dress and flats. We all like to shop in this house and are partial to fashion and trends so it's never been something we tightly regulate. The only thing I point out to her is to beware of how wide the armholes are, you may need to wear a cami underneath. As long as she is happy and feels good about herself I have no issues.
  7. I'm all over the place so this is galway tentative. Grammar: Analytical Grammar Jr. Writing: WWS 1 at half pace / Killgallon Spelling: Apples and Pears Literature: Read, Read, Read French: Rosetta Stone, So You Really Want to Learn French, maybe K12 Math: Jump Math, LOF Fractions, Decimals and Percents Science: Elemental Life Science for Logic Stage, Hakim's Story of Science and lots of Documentaries History: Human Odyssey, Timeline Book, Map Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots ​Geography: McHenry's Drawing the World by Art Logic: Mindbenders and or Logic Liftoff Extra: Ancient Egypt from the Great Courses (her passion)
  8. We are using The New Way Things Work this year. I found that if you can pair it with the videos it makes it a lot more accessible at this age. We had access to probably 1/3 of the videos and the rest of the time I tied to Bill Nye or any other video I could find on the topics. We watch a video, read, then write a couple sentences/facts down. that's about it.
  9. Thank you. I think she could do the Middle School French 1 or 2, we have enough under our belt to bypass the elementary programs. Bah, I hate decisions. I wish there were more programs available to choose from. But I guess that would make decisions even harder ;)
  10. :lurk5: Has anyone taken any of the language courses offered by K12? I would assume they would all run the same way.
  11. I am interested in enrolling my dd9 into it next year for 5th. We have tried a lot of French programs and I have yet to find one I truly love. I am learning French myself so I am by no means an expert teacher and my ideal would be to hire a tutor but atm that isn't realistic. I was just wondering about any experiences using this program, love, hates, strengths, weaknesses, independent or parental involvement? Thanks.
  12. Ahh. Not to side track, but I was going to go with History Odyssey Ancients next year. My daughter loves History, especially ancients and I don't want something scattered or disappointing. What did you use or suggest using instead. I am now at a loss.
  13. I was just having this mental battle this morning. I was set on RSO than I remembered that ES had a logic stage curriculum. We used ES for a Life Science and Earth Science for the Grammar stage and it worked quite well. After looking through them both online comparatively for the last few hours…….fun way to spend Sunday morning :/ I am leaning towards ES. The books are enjoyable (and I already have a couple), the price is great, and the supplies are more realistically attainable.
  14. We are reading D'Aulaires Greek Myths along with the second Percy Jackson book. She is reading Little House on the Prairie during the day and has 3-4 books going for her own nigh time reading.
  15. Oh man, I have no idea. You guys have freaked me out so I have come up with a tentative plan. Math - Jump Math, LOF Fractions/Decimals and Percents History - History Odyssey Ancients 2 Pandia Press Spelling Apples & Pears C/D Writing - WWS Grammar - no idea French - Galore Park finish SYRWTLF, Rosetta Stone, Learn French with Alexa Podcasts/videos Science - Pandia Press Biology 2 and Ellen McHenry's The Brain Logic Liftoff Literature Vocabulary - CE1 This year I chose to do the subjects above and then added one elective type of program per day so I may do this again. My ideas are: Classical Studies - Famous Men of Rome History of Science - Hakim's Story of Science Geography - no idea Art/music - no idea Maybe photography, architecture, or gardening (something that peaks her interest) I don't know if I want to start Latin again or just focus completely on French.
  16. I'm doing a self study too so I am slowly accumulating a bunch of sources to aid in that. The How To Learn Any Language forum is full of resources, links, ideas, and language learning plans all compiled by hardcore Polyglots. It is worth a perusal….although the site is very old school looking ;)
  17. On a language learning forum I am on, many members on there who have learned or are in the process of learning French highly recommend this French grammar book and the price is awesome.
  18. Thanks. I am a part of that group but didn't really think to use it as a source. I appreciate the suggestion :)
  19. My dh and I have been bouncing the idea of moving to Toronto for a while now. We lived 1.5 hours east of there and he commuted everyday, so finally the timing was right and we moved. We have been here since the middle of December and I am curious as to what the homeschooling community is like here. There is/was an yahoo group called Torhschool but they had a troll infiltration and basically shut it down to start a new one where members must be known to join(which is fine and dandy, but sucks if you don't have any homeschool connections or are just starting out). I wish there was an Facebook one like my last city because it was nice to tie faces to names. My last city was very, very unchooly though, there was not even one other classical homeschooler in my area so I would love to finally meet some other like minded people :) I thought I would throw this out there now that our Christmas holidays are coming to an end.
  20. My dd8 is in 4th too and math has always been a struggle for her. She daily does her facts on Xtramath and we switched to MEP this year. We went back a few levels in MEP to go over it everything again in hopes of helping her ease back into grade level over a period of time. Slowing down has seemed to help a lot here.
  21. There is a fairly active Facebook page where Canadians swap and sell used curriculum called Homeschool Swap: Canada.
  22. I've have never paid duty on a RR order but I always buy in small increments over the year. So a $40 package costs me about $12 to have it shipped to Ontario.
  23. We just started 4th and go from about 9ish-1:30, that is with a break in there and lunch.......she is also a slow poke. If I can actually get us started right at 9, than it would be more of 9-12 with some quiet reading time in the afternoon.
  24. Hmmmmmm, BOOK, not actual graphic raping of a child. Point being, I can't actually form an honest opinion on something I haven't tried.
  25. I am surprised, and yet not surprised by this thread. I just find it baffling that one could fight so hard against something they literally have no idea about. It's weird and disheartening. I hate Sushi.....well seafood in general. When we are going out with friends and they suggest Sushi, I am usually the loudest voice opposing it. The fact is, I have never tried Sushi. My mom tells me I liked tunafish sandwiches as a child. I tell her she must be mistaken. So I guess I actuality just hate the thought of Sushi. My dd8 loves it, and she doesn't like a lot of things. My husband and her always go out to the Sushi restaurant together because I refuse to go, even for their amazing chicken teriyaki. People always tell me that I should try it because it is not how I have envisioned it in my head and I may be surprised.. I'm scared to try it though. I'm scared of the smell. I'm scared of the texture. But most of all, I think I am scared of the fact that I may actually like it.
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