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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey Jean, A pinch (nasty) of sea salt, and thin drinking water really made my headaches stop :)
  2. Legos and a cd? breakfast and a SchoolHouse Rock? He's pretty young to be independent first thing in the morning. Just a thought :) If there's a time to watch a Veggie Tales or something... this might be it :)
  3. I would run fast, be ticked, and it would affect the friendship. Sorry this happened to you; it's not fair, and it's for sure not what Peacemakers recommends, which supposedly they follow. Sorry :( BTW, a Director is an "independent contractor" and shouldn't have to give reasons for why they let you have the job. Now, in practice, perhaps they should offer it first to the campus. BUT, I wonder how she would have felt if you had backed out, a month before.
  4. I think it depends on "why" you're needing to pick up more children and how your oldest feels about it. Making some Mac-n-Cheese for lunch might work out fine for teens. I mean, in HS they do courses where they learn how to cook, and much of it is simple. I am gathering you don't mean actually "care" for the children, like babysit, but rather pitch in to help a bit. I would do strictly daycare, versus foster and daycare, if it were me. I would also rather have babies that could "grow up" with us, or say... 3 or 4 year olds... but not a mix. My friend who did daycare forever said the 5's get the kindergarten attitude as soon as they set foot in a classroom. Hope you find a situation that works for your family! ;)
  5. Mine listens to cds for probably an hr, even if he goes to bed at 10:30. He just can't settle; I think it may be because by then he's watched tv, etc, but my husband has a totally different philosophy on life... and bedtime, and since he reads every night for a 1/2 hr or more... I can't complain. Just different! I'm more like the 8pm, you're in bed, type. He waits... late... every night... but with no rhythm. Sometimes it's 8 and he wants to go to bed, sometimes 10...or 11... and he doesn't get the "schedule" thing. This coming year, he has to get better; we're meeting friends or co-op by 9am most school days. Hope it works!!
  6. We did it for my birthday! It was great. We had the $50 a person one. For everyday type treats, just sharing a dessert fondue or cheese fondue would have worked and been much less. Ours had Salmon, all kinds of other meats and oh yes.. tuna... and then other fondues. Really Really great!!
  7. It's whatever your cut off date is, minus 5. For example, most of us have a Sept cut-off, so my son is 8 and he'll be in 3rd grade. Now, of course, if your cut off is in say.. December, then you have to take up to that for example.
  8. I am putting together an "open and go" plan for preschoolers. It's a stretch for my knowledge and experience base and I'd love the help. The class is together 18, and the 2's/3's have 6, and the 4's/5's are 12 (only 2 students of those are 4yrs old... 12 students are 5) So, some of the activities will be combined and some will be divided. Very excited and a bit nervous!!! I would assume that most weeks 2 or so of them will be gone, at least in our last co-op it seemed that most weeks one or two students were gone. I am pm'ming you my email :)
  9. Seriously, I've done stupid things before, too. So, remember, it probably wasn't malicious. I would have a time of cleaning and just remind him that it wasn't his property to doodle on...
  10. Good to ask, in case they forget. Like we have peanut allergies and usually remember to say something. Every once in a while, I forget....
  11. Don't know, but hope that at some point they have organic food! ;) Can you imagine? Organic Chx strips fried in say... coconut oil with organic baked fries and and Organic Milkshake!! ;) Would that mean they'd have say... little wooden toys, too? (And probably cost $9.99) :) I really would love this, and I'd be happy to pay say... $4.50. Perhaps they could have something for the child to make in it or just the plastic... whatever. The organic food would make me... past happy!
  12. It will be a long day for the littles, but a normal amount of time for a school day :)
  13. I would keep with it for $130 a month for 2 kids. I think it's a good price, and would try to get them to ballet/dance classes, too. Seriously, the 3rd won't be too much of an issue, I don't think. Get a sling, a few good books. I think I'd make it a Starbuck's morning for a long time ;)
  14. How much is "expensive"? Do they start getting more academic later? Do they want to keep going? Here we have a lot of classes, but not many for a fee where you get to drop them off ;)
  15. First, if anyone has a preschool program that walks through the Old Testament with activities that they like, I'd love to know. I have a sweet bible, but am still looking for something for them to "do" to help remember the stories... (finger puppets...etc.) Then, just regular preschool interest: I'm looking for a mixture of Montessori, Waldorfy, Charlotte Mason Mix.... :) Hi Everyone! I am looking for some help :) We are having a preschool room for 2-5 year olds, although they will separate out the 2/3's for part of the time. We have some things to do, but I'm trying to make sure we have enough. I want the kids to do things beyond Alphabets and cutting out and coloring. What were your children's favorite things to do in preschool(collectively) ? As a group? My son is 8 and trying to figure out the schedule makes me feel like it was 100 years ago! :)
  16. Our co-op for kids 8th and under is $105 per child for 30 weeks. This includes supplies, except for labs which is $15 extra for 7th and 8th. We have to fund raiser for about $30 extra because the facility is more than what we thought. We have history, science, geography, art.... etc... We've bought most of the curriculum ourselves and then the parents purchase sheets for history and science (about $20 per kids) So, next year we'll either fundraise again, or if parents want to pay about $30 or so extra... that's fine.... (per child)
  17. Seriously?? You think any Latin program can be watched and not be a little goofy? It's hard work! Enjoy when it's funny and light, because soon enough your brains will be used enough to give them "headaches" ;) Seriously!!
  18. Funny, I was remembering in gym where we climbed up the rope to the ceiling and touched; not many could do it, I was light and strong and could :) Very competitive on those tests!! Also, the pull-ups and such were fun for me!! I gave myself a headache racing through how many sit-ups that I could do.
  19. Lots of tears and sweat from my daughter when we started, and my husband would take her down to his office and make her do it when she refused for me, BUT she learned a lot even though she wouldn't admit it. We did 5A-6B (half way through 6B) in a year. I thought it was great and plan on going all the way through with my son. When he hits NEM level, I was just telling my husband today... that he'll be teaching. Very teacher intensive and great!! :)
  20. Hey There, So I got the cat scanner that you can use with LibraryThing and got a few books to scan. It's really slow, and not that great. What else do you all use? I have access to an i-Phone and i-Pod (whatever the one is that looks like a phone) so I'm wondering how I can get all these books scanned and move on :) Thanks!!
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