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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hi Christy, I did :) Thanks for answering both places. I am thinking of just ordering the MP3s for right now, and then going from there. Seriously, what I want is something like SOTW on cd... but for Bible :) So, maybe we'll see how close this is :)
  2. Wow, were they dark or something? You must not have realized it right away?? My dog ate grapes one time and I had to pour hydrogen peroxide?? down his throat... UGH... (called the vet first)
  3. My daughter has been public schooled, homeschooled, and now back to public school. My son has never been in school... (except VBS and a month of one hour preschool at the Highschool) Being at VBS this week, reminds me of why; he's just not ready to sit. Hoping Co-op goes well this year!
  4. And your mom didn't let you shave, because... you didn't need to... I think these are the razors we use. They have a built in head of shaving bar.... Remind your daughter... Don't touch the blades, they will cut you. (Ask me how I know :)) Be careful right behind your knees and at your ankle... especially at spots that stick out. Don't shave your wa-ku ;) unless you want it to itch like bloody heck. (Yup, that happens as they sometimes don't like the way it looks/feels when they're young..... Shaving there is for olders... if they want to... Just let them at least know it itches really bad growing back) If you do have a problem with the above, then look into the boy short swimsuits, they are a fast easy non scratchy way of covering up for comfort :) Rinse the blades, but call mom if you need hairs unstuck, or teach her how to go in the direction of the blades.... Enjoy the complaints about "always needing to shave" ;)
  5. The potatoes were to make it so you could go for longer between feedings. My aunt recommended rice cereal. You know... whatever you need to do for sleep. Anyway...
  6. My mom nursed me, when no one else did... because she read "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding"... I think. She also nursed my brother... I nursed both of mine. I think I got formula a couple times when my dad was taking care of me. If I couldn't nurse, I would have fed goat's milk.... yuck.. but would have been my choice. I think my mom was nursed, too. Formula wasn't available, and my grandparents were poor.
  7. I thought about that, but then thought of how much nasty stuff animals already eat. They eat mice, poop, bugs, lick themselves... Yuck! I think that something must normally protect us from what they eat. If I could afford free range chicken, I would... but feeding our pup raw is what made it so he could live. His skin was basically screwed and he was not healthy. I would much rather him be touched/petted now, than before. Our dog doesn't lick faces, and rarely licks us. We feed chicken, turkey, kidneys and heart from lamb and cows, oxtails when I can afford them.... chicken feet ;) and some decent bones, sometimes... I know it's not super cheap, but when I went to get some kibble a few months ago for some "backup" food, I was surprised at how expensive it was... and how much he would be eating per day. I think that just like people and how food affects them... so it does to animals. BTW, dog/cat food can seriously be contaminated so this, in my opinion... isn't more of a risk... We've fed like this for 3 years..
  8. I've called the cops on parents with their children in the car, before. In front of the house, while you grab your purse on the table... one thing. Leaving them alone in a car, at a store at 5... nope. I live in a VERY safe spot, and think I may have left my oldest at 9 or 10 when she wanted to stay behind. Maybe to grab milk or something. My son is 8 and he was just asking me when he could walk the mile to gma's. I said... maybe 10 or 11. But, when I think about it, kids walk all the way to school by themselves, and not many people talk about that... unless something horrible happens :(
  9. God’s Great Covenant Old Testament One Bundle is what I'm thinking of purchasing. Are there comments? Is a particular, besides just pretty much down the center Protestant, views that are shown through this? If I don't get the whole thing, I was at least thinking I could get the MP3s. Thanks
  10. Gosh, my mom was doing chemo... I can't imagine it for littles. Really sorry! ;( Praying for a speedy and full recovery!!
  11. You'll only be seriously homeschooling the top few; Of course you'll be social with them. There are co-ops, field trips, and... wow.... imagine.. sleeping in.. in the morning!!! Just pull the plug on school and enjoy. Start school in October. You'll be fine. There's tons of curriculum, but if you want one that would work for all of them, perhaps start with MFWbooks.com (My Father's World, I think I got the site, right) Math... (Math-U-See is pretty independent and a great curriculum... it's DVD for one of the lessons... others can tell you more.) I use Singapore, but I only have one child to teach. If I had more, I'd be using Math-U-See. (MUS) My newest Science that I've found that I really like is God's Design for Science. You can use it for more than one grade. I would concentrate mostly on the oldest 3 and then wrap in the littles when possible. Some people do all the instruction while the littles are napping/resting. You could do that with independent work in the morning. You can do it!! :)
  12. Yes about the GAPS diet! :) My mom's friend just has been really careful all her life with lowfat foods and decent eating. I would say that I'd look at studies outside the US to see "other" choices. I'd also seriously go to a DR that has a good reputation in using Eastern Medicine. I'd investigate Acupunture, too. If you pm me, I'll send you a blog of someone I was just reading today... with her blog. :)
  13. I think that gentle telling the truth, is best. But, not trying to just agree with everything. I had a friend who stopped being friends with me, because I am fine with "the other side" being discussed, and she preferred things to always smell sweet. She had no backbone, and was fine with that. Funny... she FB me the other day. No thanks!! She had previously said I sent her to the ER with a panic attack. hmmm
  14. I totally thought it was a joke, too; perhaps they could stop drug problems if they started using their energies towards real problems instead of letting people choose what kind of food they want. Crazy!! Surprised they didn't arrest the customers, too!! After all they were contributing towards the problem.
  15. BTW, leave nothing in writing... don't have conversations about it.... (if they can legally be recorded there) Just say you enrolled in a private school.... and leave it there...
  16. I'd join Clonlara, if they still let you for littles. It's accredited, right in MI, and if you're close enough you can do field trips there. At the very least, in a few short years, you can do graduation there, too :)
  17. Wow, even I am shocked. I found out on a message board (HSing one) one time that there was a mom who promised never to leave her husband with the children again...alone. But, that she was, and had just kinda "lied". I tried to figure out how to turn her in to CPS. It was Tx and hard, and the yahoo group moderator erased her posts as to give her family "privacy". Crazy scary! :( Anyway, I had enough info to get CPS... or whatever it was... started... but I don't think it went anywhere. I was brought up in a "submit to your husband" home, too. BUT, with a brain. I totally don't get why women don't understand that "submitting" isn't the same as throwing your children "under the bus". I'm pretty sure that molestation crosses the line. I'm not sure what authority I'd call... after I x'd someone who molested a child. :(
  18. Speaking as someone who had a child with issues in the schools, and well... it gives them a bit of a break to come home.... I don't know how much $$$ you have for spending, but, I would consider something like My Father's World Ancient History. It's written to the student, and you "discuss" it once a week. It so much depends on where you live, and what's available. We have a spot where we can drop off twice a week, and they are supervised. There's a charge, but it's not to much. (there are other teens there) Also, what I'm personally doing, is putting together a co-op where we meet once a week. Our schools will allow them to come in for...say.... Math; not sure if that's an option for you. Sorry.... it's not easy....ever... but especially when you have a child who is more fragile. What I wish we would have done, regardless of other school issues, is to have enrolled her in a "social learning" class where she would have practiced socially appropriate behaviour. You know, skills to use. I really think it would have helped her blossom more! Alas, I was not the one making the decisions, as she was with us half time, and I was her step-mom. :(
  19. Yes, you should get bloodwork done, just to make sure everything is ok :)
  20. Wow, tell them you like Asian Math :) Ask what they have in that area. Show them the Ancient History that you're going to study (or do?) and ask if they have specific Korean History that they'd like to share. Customs and such are fun! ;) We had a Korean family at our group last year, and they did some presentations for us. Perhaps some exploring of what they know, instead of just the curriculum. For curriculum, I would just say "Thanks" and go from there. I would start to show them all the catalogues that you have about homeschooling :) All the books that they might want to read with you. Perhaps by offering to "share" you'll alleviate their concern that it's hard to find materials :) Especially send the catalogues with toys that are education for your children ;)
  21. I think... buy the cds and have them listen to them. It's great... in the car... at night.... my 8 year old loves when I do this. I'm not sure he'd want to listen to just me reading. :)
  22. Well, I kinda think that women in military is an issue. Perhaps if we had all male and all female units. (yes, I know that there are women in the military, just talking about what I think is best) But, that's not because of "working alongside men". I'd be one to vote for a Great Woman for President. And, I'd be fine with a woman being my husband's boss. I think that women and men working in business brings the best of 2 worlds together. Not just one perspective.... I understand what he's thinking, and how he wants his family to work. That's fine; I am sure that was an understanding they had before they were married. BUT!! That's not how I want it to be for my family, or my daughters... or actually... for my future daughter in law. I believe that having a family, and a woman being a mommy including homeschooling... is a wonderful opportunity for women. But, mandating that women can't work alongside men is crazy! :glare:
  23. Maybe there's more to the story? A reason why she didn't want visits to happen? I have a feeling there must be...
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