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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Well, I think it's depending on why you're doing it. For youngers, it works to send them for a bit to get control of themselves. For olders... you're looking for that willingness to co-operate, too. I mean... that's what I've always wanted. So.. while my 6 year old could take a few minutes... My 11 year old could take... 3 or 4 hours with no books. But... it's not necessarily that we send her to her room for that time. We might just put her on the stairs and ask her to stay there until she's ready to talk. Basically it's a self imposed time out. For example... "Please unload the dishwasher." She chooses to scream, throw a couple of dishes... etc. We say "Looks like you need some time before you're ready to finish unloading. Wanna calm down or go sit out a while?" Now... for her... she could choose to be ticked off for a couple of hours before she'll finish the 5 minutes or less of unloading. Do I think that's child abuse?? Nope.... When one of my friends was younger... her mom grounded her FROM her room for a few hours at a time... :-)
  2. I'm sure there is bacteria... whatever there is on shoes...etc. So, perhaps you should get the bus driver some antibacterial wipes to help you out!! :-)
  3. Lady across from us must have the look, too. I purchase grain free cat food for my cat.... and I could swear I saw her over at my neighbor's house eating Meow mix... whatever!! She also has about 6 other cats... that aren't hers... that she feeds. They are all fat cats... eating 4 times as much as they need... :-)
  4. I would make a copy for my personal use, and when I wanted to sell it... I'd explain and send both cds.... Really... if you wanna cheat... you can figure out how.. but I figure that by sending both cds you are looking honest. Also, some companies have a $5 or so replacement charge for broken cds... you may want to check there, too. :-)
  5. How old is your mom?? I'm thinking perhaps it's a bad memory coming into play. It would hurt my feelings... but if I thought... "bad memory" then maybe not. Sorry!!
  6. My mom... never a cavity in all of her life I think.... does ...tooth brushing each morning and night... (for at least or longer than the recommended time...) flosses each night.... and water piks.. (which the hygienist says is a key to good tooth~gum health. I notice that when I water pik (do it on low enough force) my gums are much healthier... My mom's person last recommended the peri brush... I think it is?? All of this... gum or teeth health... adds to lesser chance of cavities... as it helps with the whole... "mouth care".. I... not taking as good care of my teeth... feel lucky if I only have one cavity a year... :-)
  7. Green Tripe isn't available here... darn... (ugh.. the thought... you lovvvve your dogs:-) What kinda multivitamin do you give?? (Brownie's 63 lbs...) I just told my husband today, that I am going to try to start adding to the pup's meat... He actually looks great! But, he's 4.5 now... so I should try to add a bit for him:-)
  8. I have to say that my pup is pretty darn healthy. I don't supplement... if I did... it'd be something that wouldn't be gross... like a vitamin.. or salmon oil. No big deal and not hard. I literally eye about the right amount... throw it in the shower or tub.. He eats, and I do a 30 second scrub down. It is SO easy. And, it's SO different than when I touch meat for us. I HATE touching meat. I could be a vegetarian.. but for some reason plunking his down is SO different. It took a couple days to get use to it. I first had to cut it in 1 inch chunks... and feed it to him... Now... he'll rip a chicken apart... :-)
  9. I'm doing LCC with my son... and some extras. My daughter is moving on to Challenge A. YAY! I hope it's gonna be the bestest year all for... all of us!! Carrie:-)
  10. Just a suggestion, is there something like Classical Conversations, or another school spot where he could go once a week. I am SO looking forward to my daughter doing CC next year!! Another responsible adult with some peer pressure. Classical Conversations is from a Christian perspective... but it looks like that would be ok with you... as you're using A Beka.... :-)
  11. After studying about Omni, I would have her do Omni II and then III and then go back to Omni I. I wouldn't do Omni I first... Although, at 8th... it's not as much as starting I in 7th. Veritas Press Yahoo Groups has some info you can look at... :-)
  12. Sounds like you could have fun... You could do one day a week... or... one week every five... I would want more than just one day in a row, but that's just me, perhaps.... If you can all agree... sounds doable. Let us know how it goes... :-)
  13. I would do it kindergarten style. I'm not sure how I'd do your program... which I have seen.... but with WRTR or SWR, I'd just do phonics like in a classroom. Show the "A" say... A (like apple) A (like ate) and A (like aw). I'd have them do a ... (well.. I do cursive for littles... if you really wanna teach something once... and there's ton of reasons for cursive first..) anyway.. then I'd do the whole... lets do it 4 more times... (or whatever) and then go on for how many every you practice. My daughter's kindy class had 8 students, and that's how they did it:-) I would NOT be doing all the kids separately. I would not, of course, pressure any of them... BUT, I would make it as easy as I could... on myself. (I'd wait a year or so if I had to... to teach it all together....) I would do math the same way, too. I would teach the "class". :-)
  14. My son sounds a bit like yours. I think you can do a bit higher... and have him do homework from the books before .... at the same time... as long as they're getting everything... :-)
  15. But here's the weird thing... I don't call anyone who is really challenged... Retarded. I would never call a mentally challenged person retarded... I don't think of it as a "racial" slur. Hmmmm
  16. Don't know if it's the best way, but with math being the most important subject... to me... I sit through all of math with my daughter... correcting as we go. She's in 6th... and I see doing this for a while longer... It's not good for her to miss 3 or 4 and then find out about it later.... and I have her do extra work from other Singapore books on top. She complains... but that's ok... hopefully she'll either laugh about it when she's older.. or the other option is to agree not to dwell on it with me. My job is just to make sure she learns it... :-)
  17. I would say that it looks like what my son could eat.... Just make sure she has some good running outside. I'd think it's important to balance her activity level.... and It doesn't look like a crazy amount of food. If anything, I'd say nix the cereal for breakfast. Give the oatmeal and protein for breakfast... and a snack of the bunnies or whatever for snack with fruit. My daughter was always pudgy when younger.... (even when completely nursed) and did the skinny tall... short pudgy thing while growing up.... Now that she's 11.5 she's taller than me... and thinnesh... with a bit of a pooch belly... (but not unhealthy) The only think I need to do more.. is kick her outside of some fresh air and exercise. She also does ballet and jazz each week. :-)
  18. Oh, sorry about the confusion. I meant that I feed him in the tub. The chicken I use because of ease... in between going to the meat plant that I get the rest of his food from. It's less because of 69 cents a pound I can get it for. For 80lbs, is it... about 2lbs a day or so?? I think I figured out that the dog food I was going to buy was about $4 a feeding for my dog... (well, that's for the whole day). I feed my dog once a day at night... or in the morning... For mine, it doesn't matter exactly when. The beef I get for 99 cents a lb. So, I try to get at least 20lbs at a time. It's not organic... but it's what we can do... and I can see that it works well for him. I feed a heart or so... or a kidney and part of an ox tail. When I first started, I measured out exactly portions, and if I had a large enough freezer to fix a month or two at a time, I would probably do that. It's really easy to get all the parts that you're going to use... cut up in portions that freeze well.. and freeze in one day meals. Then you just pull out a couple at a time to thaw. For us, I don't have an extra freezer, so I go to the butcher spot, get a ton... put it in the bottom crisper... that has an overflow from the freezer... and feed out of there. Then... when I'm out.. .I feed some chicken and eggs till I go back. Hornblower is much better, I think.... about mixing it up and such. I got my pup who was about 2 years or so... from the Humane Society.... he had bad skin.. hair... and such... and was on Benadryl twice a day... and then I did raw... and now he's basically great! Only itches if I don't Frontline him enough.... :-)
  19. Depending on what type of storage you have for it, it's really very easy. Depending on how you want to present it... it's just popping the meat into whatever you want to serve it in.. I think the easiest way is to train them to eat in the bath or shower. You then do an easy scrub down. It's really not a big deal. Also, how big is your dog? I do a quarter of a chicken at a time. For beef, I do beef hearts, kidneys, ox tail (cow tail), things like this... about 1.5 lbs for a 63 lb dog. I do about 8 eggs and some snacks... something like this.. I feel his bones to make sure he's keeping enough weight on... Ask away! It's easy:-) :-)
  20. I'd say... let's see... was the kid being a JERK to hit my son?? So, my son used his words instead of hitting him.... and that got him a detention. Seriously, you can try the win win way of doing it. I'd like to make an appt. to talk about a situation. My son believes he is getting a detention because he used his words to call the other student a "jerk" instead of hitting back. I've explained to Nathan (is that his name?) that his father and I believe that he misunderstood. He's not getting a detention, correct?? If so, a letter from an attorney should straighten things right up. "=_
  21. Darn... wish I lived near you... you could schlep your JL bed right over to my house!! :-)
  22. I have NO idea where you live :-) But can I tell you how much I miss potato knishes?? Oh my!! And, latkes with sour cream and applesauce... oh my.. some breakfast for dinner isn't a bad idea! :-) You can make some potato based things like Scalloped Potatoes. When I lived with a family who kept Kosher.. they lived in an area that they could pick up dinner from the deli on Fridays :-) We made fish a lot... cuz obviously that's parve.. The Moosewood Cookbooks are good:-) I'd pick up some vegetarian cookbooks, since you do a ton of meals without meat, anyone. Do you literally buy all your food Kosher, or just meat? :-) PS did I say I love Mushroom Barley?? (Do you know what it is?? For us, it was pasta with mushrooms and this oil type dressing... YUM!) Here's an earlier thread we did:-) http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112353&highlight=cooking
  23. Yes, I have the books... "What your ____ needs to know" as well as the "free" book I ordered. I just wanted an open and go thing:-) :-)
  24. Startwrite is great for copywork. It's about $45 and you can use it over and over.... (It's something you download) Also, you can copy from a source and paste in it.... :-)
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