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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hmmm.. honestly? I'd be in charge of a Classical School, especially the curriculum and who they hire :) and I'd send my children... Writing, Math, Science at an upper level...., Music.... Ok, I'd teach History :) Cuz... I really love to learn about History..... But, who'd stop there.... I've like a housekeeper, too! :) (Wow, Teaching my son reading is something I think is coming along well. I'd trade teaching to read...for just about anything someone else could teach!)
  2. Shower schedule because of so many in the house.... "It's hot, we all need to have a shower schedule... I know we all need showers once a day since it's so hot... so... K, your time to do your shower is... shall we say 6pm, M... yours is 6:30...etc.... Please do your check list while you're in there... You know, rules of hygiene go.... "Brush teeth, take shower, wash hair" or whatever... OK, how does that sound everyone?" :)
  3. This may be one of the differences. My dad went to Seminary, and by qualifications could pastor. Instead, he uses his skills to write books, teach Seminary, and take groups to Israel with side trips....(i wanna go someday!!). BUT, if a pastor needs no education beyond... well... say highschool.... then they have no loans to pay... and perhaps can be paid nothing. My father studies languages, how to give a sermon that can stretch ...but not put to sleep. How to counsel... ect... He was seriously looking at being able to help others study the word... beyond a typical Bible study. I believe that pastors should be able to live about the same as the middle of his congregation.... (at least salary wise)... what they do with their money is their business...
  4. My first thought was martial arts... takes time.... and teaches respect.. amongst other skills :)
  5. Sure, call it classical :) Who cares at this point, right? No stress... or... eclectic :) I love that one! :)
  6. 1-800-contacts does price matching. I found the best price... and then called them!! Mine are about 1/4 of the price I was paying before... :)
  7. Yup.... too bad we're not all closer.... I'd want my friends to call on me..... Hoping it all comes together like magic!! :)
  8. Ok, I'm assuming you're actually serious. I don't know how to ask this, but is this like... well.... is it a particular denomination. I've heard of ONE denomination that does this... (asks to see what you're making) I'd be talking to the elders if it's a church like... Baptist, Pres, Methodist.... any church.... that isn't the "one" that I've heard about that this is the norm. I can't imagine that the pastor would know what you give. How about for those who give cash?? No way!! No how... if it's part of the denominations policy, I'd be switching! If it's a "pastor's rule", I'd be talking to the Elders/Deacons/Governing Board. I consider it very improper!!
  9. Don't purchase the cds... but I think the VP Manual would be nice to have for more info. I've tried to purchase them used... :)
  10. Hey There Families around Salem! I'm doing a Classical Conversations Mock Day July 14th! Let me know if anyone's interested! We have a few spots in our younger classes .... and spots in our Jr High/ High School classes... :)
  11. When are you moving? I'd talk to my Director... perhaps she can find another family. In the past, for something like this.. I've found a way to refund most of the money... Also, remember that you'll be "paid up" as far as access to the C3 for only the $6 a month (or so) .... And.. perhaps there's a way to get in the new campus... for the last bit.... I'm a bit more flexible than most... and I'd be happy to work with you! Too bad you're not moving over here! Anyway, my Daddy says "It never hurts to ask, the worst that can happen is they say 'No'." :)
  12. :) Good For her!! (and you!!) And of course... all the babies we all hope to have the "Chance for Life!" :)
  13. Does she have enough time to do that? Maybe ask her about time issues.... "Are you having enough time to clean the house as you think it should be cleaned?" Perhaps she's prioritized...
  14. OOps.... guess I was wrong, I thought that's what the DR said... Oh well.... hopefully we won't get it again... but we'll grab antibiotics if we do.... straight away..... At least for us.... as soon as we get antibiotics.... we were on our way to well. :)
  15. When you look at "Church" in the Dictionary, one of the definitions is " any division of this body professing the same creed and acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority; a Christian denomination: the Methodist Church." I'm quite familiar with UU Churches, and just was commenting from my pov. While I agree that it is a meeting place of people, It is a spot where people agree to not agree. I've been quite a few times as that's where my step-kids go with their mom. It's actually a very nice, beautiful building with friendly people. BUT, I would not say that they are a church by any definition other than their own. That's not to be mean or nasty, it's just that they don't worship the same deity as each other.... there is no common ground other than.... there is no one right deity. SO, I was not trying to be ugly, I was just meaning to say that a UU Church is not representative of a group of worshipers where there is common belief in the same God. :)
  16. Did she get antibiotics? I got it right away with my little guy and myself.... my older did not get it till later... as the DR didn't know what she had... (she was not vaccinated, you would think her symptoms obvious... oh well) Anyway, antibiotics made ALL the difference..... Sometimes DRs forget how to treat some of these things... You might ask about it for your friend's sake... and her kids... My oldest took about 4 months to get over it... we took less than a month... Your daughter could get it as vaccines do not necessarily immune. If she gets it, for some reason, get antibiotics RIGHT away, and it's not too bad... at least of us. I wouldn't keep them away, unless you have something that would make it life threatening. I actually feel better that my kids have lifelong immunity now. (I was vaccinated as a child... and still got it... since I don't do boosters for those things ....)
  17. But, if you're still in Spain... there aren't groups there right now... I don't think :) You can purchase the Foundations Guide... use it with your kids... using fun memory techniques... tweak the english with Shurley English definitions off their chant cds.... do the Shurly English program in the afternoon with the kids... (I'd suggest starting at 4th grade... but you could start younger...) then doing a writing program like... Institute for Excellence in Writing. (or... one of the other writing programs) You could do it 4 families total... and have a blast!! Plan on $150 for the Foundations Guide, Veritas Press Cards.. and tin whistles or recorders for the kids to play.... then each year you just add in the different art supplies and such... all listed in the guide... For Cycle 3, you would want to sub out some History of Spain.. or Current World History.... (more current) for "American History" The Foundations Book is a really nice core for memory... and you can tweak as you'd like...... :) Carrie (One Foundations book is enough for all of your children... for their memory work for "grammar years"... so it really is a one time purchase for all of your kids... up through the end of 6th grade....
  18. Ok, I know that you all think it's horribly scary to have it, but... I really think that acknowledging it.... would be the best. Like I suggested before.... "So sorry about the dog barking; so happy you got one of those little bird houses to keep the barking down. We really want you all to be able to enjoy your back yard without the dog barking! Please let us know if we need to brainstorm with you about it... if the house doesn't work." I do not want my dog to continuously bark... really don't like the neighbors and think that perhaps my dog is just a good judge of character.... and am ok with clicking a "high pitched sound" a few times to get it to stop. Also, I am a bit afraid that they may set out poison or something... if they get too upset! :)
  19. I have to say, that by proper definition, I wouldn't consider a "UU" church a true church. If you don't want a "doctrine" that's believed, what's the point of church. I would say that you would be having your children sing... if they choose... and when the pastor prays, you would be "joining" but not necessarily, obviously, believing. I would say that in my experience... a Missouri Synod service.... (hopefully with organs) a Baptist... and a Catholic Mass would be a great experience. I find going to a Jewish Temple is very cool, although I would never convert.... (and by descent am not Jewish) :) The churches have "cards" to fill out... just don't... and you won't be called on... :)
  20. Very Good! And, I'm excited to hear her at the Classical Conversations Tigard Practicum! She's not speaking at the whole thing, just giving a bit on each afternoon, I think. I think her materials will be available at the Practicum, too! AND, Beth... better save a seat for me... Please :) :)
  21. Isn't is just the "going off" that could hurt your kids (potentially)?? If so, your dog will learn within the first few barks and then not bark within a close distance of it.... Perhaps you could just tell him (happily) after... that "wow" what a cool machine. Our neighbors aren't "good news" either. My lovey of a dog hates them being around... and yet (I) am the one using the bark machine trying to make it so my dog will stop barking... :)
  22. I'd be better with the nickname "Ember" if you do it... although that could be for December too I guess. I did meet someone a long time ago... that had girls with different "month" bds. It was like... July was born in June, August was born in July, and June was born in August... or something like that. I'd vote for Naomi, and I like it the kind of Hebrew pronunciation of NIGH OH MEE :) but still spelled Naomi :) :)
  23. Cutco.... Cutco... and yes Cutco... I use to sell others when I worked in a nice dept store... (Meier and Frank's/ May Company) BUT, my Cutco are incredible!! :) Course... I offered to buy them for the price I could buy Henkle's on sale (oops... how do you spell them.. I'm tired) :)
  24. I have to say... the GPS for my phone is easier to work... and updates in live time... :)
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