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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. And, I just have to say.... these are yummy!!!! And... "Hamen" rhymes with "Ramen" :) I think it'd be fun to go and shake the cans.... and hear this story in a Temple!! ;)
  2. I'd say that she's probably spoiled, and don't wear her past 4.5 yrs! ;) I wore my son in an Ergo till her was over 3.... I would have worn him till he was 4 when he wanted held. Do you have one? They are WONDERFUL :) You can do back carries so easily. Of course, you may have something similar... but for just around the house the Ergo is so much more comfortable. I bought mine when my son was 1.5 yrs, because I really wanted one, and knew that he was my last. I paid about $90 and it has been SOOOOO worth it!! :) I just wouldn't talk to your mom about it. She didn't move with you, did she? What does her Ahma say? Is it unusual in the "Indian" culture to wear them? I kinda thought that other cultures wore their babies for a long time. Do they have a "special carrier"? If so... you should proudly post more pics!! ;)
  3. Oh.... Prayers for YOU, your mom, your sister... the pup and the kitty. I was just thinking a couple of days ago... that puppies and kitties just really love you unconditionally. Something that we could take a lesson about!!! Love :) Sorry you all are going through this, again!! (hugs)
  4. I think it looks really great, and you're probably in colder weather than me. If you babywear your babies... you should get some serious years out of it ;)
  5. In croissants .. and then bake... (The Pillsbury kind) Wave a wand over it so the fat is reduced :)
  6. Well, best circumstances, perhaps you wouldn't. BUT, if you hadn't had a job there, you wouldn't have Natalie, would you?? SOOOOOOOOO....... sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. And, sounds like her Ahma, is just like an Auntie!! Your heart is in the right spot, and it sounds like she's doing a great job with her..... Perhaps there's another way to read it.... like she's just so darn cute that i can't imagine leaving her?? Hmmm.. Anyway.... Happy New Years!
  7. My husband would love for me to follow you... and make them!!! :)
  8. Hey There ;) I can't remember if they've tried to do one meat that it hasn't had before..... and benadryl to help with the itch. Also, there is "anti-itch" shampoo at the vet's that you can get. Actually, there are 2 kinds for if it's bacterial... or something else. Seriously, if they could just do one meat.... that the pup hasn't ever had.... with absolutely no other veggies or potatoes... or anything else.... perhaps it's allergic to the kind of meat they are using. I've heard some stuff about dogs that are seriously sick needing to bring back their health through very limited ingredients to see what they can handle. (Perhaps along the same lines as the "gut-healing" food that humans can use) Also, was it this thread that had juice on it for dogs? If you used the kinds of juice that it can have... (and just fresh...) ... after you see what meat it could handle, ....maybe that would be good. I'm not sure about toxicity of tea tree or of grapefruit seed extract... BUT, if it could happen to be something yeasty... perhaps whichever one of those would be better?? Maybe some neem oil, too?? You just have to check out what the poison part is.... Another thing I was JUST reading last night... was about Lysine and the cure for mouth warts and other things like that. You can give it to dogs.... you just have to find out what dose... Kinda one of those... 2x a day... extra large amount till it's better... and then just a smaller amount... Good Luck!! Keep us Posted!!
  9. Wow!! Sounds like fun!! I'd like the spaghetti feed, but even as a kid would'a freaked at the germs of sharing.... Course... I am kinda germ phobic :) But... everything looks really great!!
  10. Thanks for the letter! I am really super sorry for your loss!!!!! For me, it was a Good reminder my time with my babies... (even grown!) Merry Christmas... as you remember what was... and think of what will be..... Your children are precious, and very lucky that you are making great memories for them, too!!
  11. When are you going to be home? Can you be back by New Year's Eve?? :) Come Home!! :)
  12. Good Job Denise!! Life's much better when all is at "peace" :) I'm happy for you!! Happy New Year!! :)
  13. My MIL kept pics of my husband and his ex up, and when I went to visit her... told me in a pretty defensive and klnda hurt my feeling way... that they were staying up because... those are her memories. I think that really... if they hurt someone else's feelings... that perhaps you should move them to a spot that isn't in front of everyone. I actually wouldn't have freaked out... just thought it weird. (And, it was pics of my husband's sister's wedding...)
  14. Well, for those who do raw.... you could grind the meat for your pets. Not sure if a Kitchenaid is strong enough for a whole chicken though.. :)
  15. Hey Y'all! So :) How is it?? :) Thought that with all the holidays, it'd be a good time to ask :) Poll to follow in a minute :) Multiple Choices allowed :)
  16. It's absolutely NOT a big deal if you get antibiotics straight away!! BUT, you have to remind the DR to about pertussis (whooping cough) If they don't offer antibiotics.. ask.... and make sure you ask the pharmacist if you have the right antibiotic, right strength and right length of antibiotic. My step daughter had the symptoms for about 3 or 4 months.... because they "forgot" about pertussis when she was taken into the DRs... For us, we knew right away, got the meds... and it was over.... :)
  17. I lived in Somerseti, Manalapan and Leonia... which is by Palisades Park :)
  18. Sorry :( Hope the pain isn't too bad for today!! :)
  19. Hey There!!!! It isn't fair to brag about location!! I'm in dreary Oregon... with some more rain coming for us!! :)
  20. Merry Christmas!! You might need some Vodka for your OJ tomorrow... or something else of cheer.... besides just chocolate :)
  21. And may they safely come home, with speed! Merry Christmas !!
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