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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. How does this letter sound? I'm a (Protestant)Christian, and would like it to be a "Christian Classical Education Cooperative" but if classes are such that non-Christians would join, that's fine, too. BTW, I've specifically gone about trying to make it so that we can have Christian/Catholics, too. Hi Friends! We would love to have (you) come to our first Coordination Meeting for Silverton’s 2011/2012 Integrity Cooperative Academy. We will have a parent cooperative for children 11 and under. (12 year olds considered, if not ready to move up) Classical Education will be the bent, but all are invited to join! For students who are in junior high and above we will have a mixture of Parent/Teachers, paid teachers and other adults in the community who are willing to volunteer to help educate students by teaching one or more courses a year. For students 11 and younger, we will be meeting one day a week from 8:35 am- 1:45 pm. For students 12 and older, we will be meeting two days a week from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm. Students will be divided by age, into approximately (as of Sept. 1st of each year) ages (nursery for under 3) 3-5, 6-9, & 10-11. (could extend to 12 year olds) Class Teachers will have determination of age adjustments and with the Director and Board make final determination of special requests regarding age. The schedule will be something like this: 8:30 - 9:00 Chapel Time (Prayer for peace, hymns or other songs, announcement, no devotion,trying for "very nondenominational)) 9:00 - 9:45 1st Period 9:50 - 10:35 2nd Period 10:40 - 11:25 3rd Period 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch 12:15 - 1:00 4th period 1:00 - 1:45 PE/ recess 1:45 - 2:30 Clean-Up (Could be done faster!!) Parents who are with the "younger" children will be staying on campus. Parents with "older" students are encouraged to stay and help, too. All parents will be asked to rotate cleaning and setting up for the day. All parents will be taking assignments to help this program be a true "cooperative". Core subjects for students 11 and under, will be Art, Science, and History with current Geography. There will be a 4th period of something “elective” which will be available depending on what Teachers would like to offer. Suggestions will be asked for, so that we can all brainstorm together. Some thoughts so far are: Crocheting, Living Math or Science studies, Etiquette classes (and having tea parties with different themes), Cultures around the World with different foods being prepared. Core subjects for students 12 and up will be classical studies of : Latin and Latin Translation, Logic & Rhetoric, Science “in practice”, Classical History Studies, and rotating “Electives”.
  2. You need 5 sets.. ($100) but I am VERY interested in these you've found!! :)
  3. For me, the difference is that it's already paid for ... for the 5000 movies. :)
  4. How funny that the original poster is from OK, where my parents started a HS group when I was 12. (27 years ago) The did at least one of the first "national hs conventions in Oklahoma at the ORU campus. I have NO idea what the talks were about. I liked the peanut butter balls that the ladies at the KONOS booth had brought. I think I must have eaten 1/2 if them. Kudos bars had a table, too, with new bars cut into small pieces. They finally gave me a whole bar :) But, I actually have posted about conventions over here not being academic. I talked to the person in charge of this areas Christian hs group, and how the Conference was not appealing to second generation homeschoolers. She said that they don't really have 2nd generation hs in attendance. Really??? Could there be a REASON why?? I don't care to hear discipline strategies and how I should do this or that more. I could care less about hearing "family inspiration stories" or anything like that. I want PURE academics. Kinda like I imagine we would want Public School teachers going to an ACADEMIC conference to hear. Can you imagine someone going to a Singapore Math conference, and 75% of it being about how to place students in their class?? Yes, morality has a place.... Christian Education can be firmly talked about... But that is all ONE thing in my mind and shouldn't take over ONE talk. I will spend my time looking at books when they do it, if permitted. I wanna listen to SWB, Andrew Pudewa, the Lowes, Singapore Math people, Julie (with Living Math) etc.. Back to ours..... I had someone tell me that I was going to LOVVVVVe listening to a particular speaker, because of their whatever message. I wasn't mean enough to say that I wouldn't go if it was free. Now, maybe if I can just listen to Jim Weiss tell some stories :) SUSAN!!!!!!! We (the people) want you in Oregon!!!
  5. Glad it went well. I understand wanting your surgeon to understand you... and being in a spot where you know you have to trust them... because you're depending on their "good work"!!!! :)
  6. So, I'm trying to think of what to name our new Classical Cooperative. I'm really excited and want it to sound "great" without being impossible to remember. My first thought is Irenaeus (Ear-uh- nae-ous) Cooperative Academy. Do you think this is too hard? (ICA) I want it to be "classical" sounding, and somewhat easy to shorten. I want it to not be too Protestant or Catholic :) I am trying to make it something that anyone can join, although I have a Protestant bent. Thoughts?? Carrie:)
  7. Hey Suzanne, There was a post of "Spam"... and not the kind some are willing to eat :) I think they deleted it :)
  8. This has been a horrible awful no good month, but I do praise God that my mom is looking really good after her surgery!! Hopefully her chemo will go well, too! :001_smile: I was kicked out of the homeschool program I started... (long story) :glare: BUT I get to see Tim Hawkins with my husband... two kids... and a friend and her family!! I can't wait to laugh all night!!! :D
  9. I was home schooled from 6th grade on, until I refused to school.... at which time I suppose I would be considered "unschooling" :) My parents knew about ACE and A Beka, which started selling directly to homeschoolers without them having to use the correspondence school, after Bob Jones decided to sell straight to homeschoolers. Money Talks! :) I think that my mom heard about Calvert?? after we had been homeschooling a while. My parents and I have grown in our knowledge of education and my mom and dad would be Classical Educators, had they known. My dad was the crazy "scholar wanna be" when he was in High School, reading Classical Literature and learning Greek for fun. He went on to add Hebrew, Latin and learn a few other languages well enough for his degrees.... Then after his Theology degree, he went to Law school ;) But, I wasn't the most agreeable student, and my mom had no info about "deschooling" after they pulled me out of public school. I do think I would have done well with something like Sonlight, as I chose to read books like Animal Farm and The Good Earth for fun. With my son, I'm trying for something between The Well Trained Mind and The Latin Centered Curriculum. :)
  10. Also, I'm sure you've already secured dressers and such so they don't fall on her..... Maybe a kids alarm so she can see how long she has to wait. I think the play tent is a good idea, too. I'd put a pillow and blankie in there... :)
  11. I went Amazon.com looking for "the book" thinking you meant The Classical Theory of Home School. Funny to me.... now we can start supplying new book titles, before the book is written :) :lol::lol:
  12. Our elementary is 4 (grades k-3) Our next on up is 6 (grades 4-6) Our jr high is a 7 (grades 7 and 8) Our High school is an 8 (grades 9-12)
  13. Praying for you!!! Prayers for peace and healing! May you have peace that passes all understanding and may your Drs help you be healed :)
  14. I'm not sure if she can homeschool, but that decision won't be based on her level of education as it is now. Does she have at least a 5th grade education? If so, then she can stay ahead of her children. Will it be like her kids having a prestigious private education? Perhaps not, but it doesn't look like her kids are doing well IN school. Is she willing to read?? Then she can get there!! She needs to decide if she wants to celebrate learning. Education is a journey!! I believe that almost anyone who wants to teach their children, can. I think it takes more determination than prior learning. :)
  15. Makes me think we should keep a thread going about Women's natural health!!! SO many of us are looking for true healing of the body through natural methods, or at least tweaking the mainstream medical when we do need Dr intervention. :)
  16. Hey Lisa and others :) I am thinking that if I did a co-op that was pretty much "parent led" but as they went into 7th or so... and up... it was taught by more "master teachers" that were seriously interested in their particular subject.... and that would be money to pay them for their time :) I do value myself as the parent/teacher but also see that for some subjects as they are older, having a teacher who has indepth knowledge about that particular subject, could be of benefit. And, of course, serious study by peers would be of value for the interaction possibilities as well as for the encouragement of reaching for the bar. (As long as the bar isn't laid on the floor :))
  17. Prayers for you!! Are the any natural things you can take to help with your chances of it not getting worse?? Anyway, hoping that your sickness "goes away" and you can get healthy :)
  18. Memorizing a Timeline.... If you've done that, what do you suggest? I'd like one around 150-170 points, if possible. I'm thinking it'd be nice to start with only actually memorizing part a year, but not set on that. Thanks!!
  19. Third the Ergo for the money... it's the best. There's a similar one, just for toddlers on up that starts with a "p" but I can't remember what it's called... and it's just as much $$$
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