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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Texas is rapidly becoming a fascist state.
  2. Louder for the stragglers in the back!! I mean just SHEESH! We have law enforcement, judges, and juries who look at insane pornographic and sex abuse materials, and yet do not develop life long addictions. Her assertions are so disgusting, it staggers the imagination.
  3. And not worth the effort given the pay scale. I would never go through that level of angst for such poor pay, not to mention the responsibility of somehow managing 60 children, driving safely, arriving on time.
  4. This matches what I think. Nature based exploratory n is a positive. And there are reasonable precautions to take without preventing much needed play and exploration.
  5. Infrared electric heaters seem to be fairly energy efficient. There are some on stands, and one or two who hang overhead. I think one thing to consider is heat rises so some consideration needs to be given to how to circulate heat because a single unit pointed at the ground will likely warm the air for one person which is great when using it along, but limiting.
  6. Today we are finally feeling a little bit more normal, but not enough to go too far with high fiber. I am making a pot of chicken, vegetable soup, and some biscuits. It will probably only net two cups worth of veg. I am fine with that. Incremental steps. Neither of us wants to have a relapse.
  7. I don't think you are overthinking. The biggest consideration is how will you use it. Do you need something for brief warming? Do you want something robust enough to remain cozy for long periods? What fuels are readily available and affordable? Propane is standard but in some areas down south VERY pricey. What are the restrictions where you live? A stone fireplace and a face cord of wood can be very practical but some townships, especially close to towns, may restricts back yard fires. We have a chiminea style fireplace, ceramic which radiates heat and stays warm longer than the cheap metal ones, and it sets on pavers close enough to the back door of the house to be convenient yet not close enough to the wall to be a fire hazard. To be honest, the unit really would not be a problem if it was closer since the back part of the house is entirely stone over cement block walls. Still, we observe all the standard precautions. It radiates enough heat to make chilly nights in the spring and autumn quite nice to sit out with throw blankets, but without an enclosed patio, it is not enough to come close to allowing us to sit out during Michigan winters. We would need one of those restaurant, patio igloos.
  8. No worries Heart, you need to protect your new position. I get it. Sometimes it is best to not go into specifics. For some pretty serious reasons, I never talk about my husband's work in any detail.
  9. I picked up a stomach but from the grandkids, so I have not been eating much, and what I do it is not high in fiber. So it is going to be a while before I get back to the challenge.
  10. This. I had the issue with French. I took four semesters in college, and conversation was my weak spot. I could read and write it very well. I had to pay a t.a. to practice with me because there were no study groups.
  11. Nope. You are my quilting/sewing hero, and your modesty shall not dissuade me! 😁
  12. I REALLY hope that trauma therapists are provided immediately. I cannot imagine their terror! It is horrible enough to think of adults going through it, but babies and children is just beyond heartbreaking.
  13. I think it is fine if you will be able to hang back with your child, and not be super involved with the family of mourners. I say this as someone who was very traumatized at a funeral of a great uncle. I was only five, and the widow was just about as distraught as I have ever seen anyone. Hysterical would not be an exagerration. She tried dragging my cousin and I up to the casket to kiss our uncle. Luckily my mom, who was across the room, was able to intervene. But it was very scary having that hysterical woman demanding we kiss a corpse, and manhandling us. With out own kids, we kept the kids right by our side and did not sit with family in the front seats if it was an open casket. It was a non issue for Mark's family because his side always cremates, and has a casual, private memorial service at a later date because everyone is so spread out across the country and can't travel at the drop of a hat.
  14. Oh, adding to the list...mini chocolate chip snowball cookies. I used to make them when the kids were little, and they were middle Ds's favorite cookie. He is feeling sentimental and requested them. Not exactly Danish. I may make 3 dozen, and place them in some sort of container that will fit their stockings.
  15. They are both Danish cookies. We celebrate Yul and observe some Danish traditions due to Mark's heritage. I have been trying to embrace more Danish/Scandi cooking. Normally I buy a tin of Danish butter cookies to ease my load. However, I decided this year I would try to do it all from scratch. Honninghjerter are honey hearts. The dough is started 5 weeks - 6 months in advance. I started mine 6 weeks ahead for baking on Christmas Eve day. It is just, for now, honey and flour that ages in the refrigerator.
  16. None of my kids dated in high school. So they developed relationships later as adults, and I respected boundaries. If someone wanted me to have contact info, they gave it to me. I never asked. I have a son in law whom I have a warm relationship with, but we don't really text, and I have no contact information for them. We met at the rehearsal dinner, wedding next day, and have not seen each other since. Same for daughter in law whom I am very close with. My in laws had no relationship with my folks. They did not exchange phone numbers. But, when mother in law became a widow and moved here about 16 years ago, she and my mom did become friends.
  17. I think Rosie nailed it. I would be annoyed too. My daughter is a grown woman. A running commentary on trivial things like this from her mother in law would make me snarky. However, I would simply not respond. If you don't engage with things like this and only occasionally say something like, "That's nice" when what she is texting isn't particularly annoying, she may take the hint that you are not her personal buddy.
  18. Shortbread thumbprint cookies and Pecan Zander's Chocolate Chip Peanut butter This year I am trying Vaniljekranse and Honninghjerter. Not sure if they will turn into favorites, but I am going to give it a whirkl.
  19. Being a holiday week, people may be traveling, shopping, etc. and nor paying attention to FBmarketplace. Hopefully when things return to normal on Monday, you get some bites.
  20. I have to say, I am not a football fan. I just only watched her show. One of the things I loved the most was that she just sang. She showed the joy of singing, of offering a service of love to her fans. It was rather pure of soul really. No crazy put on wild show, no trying to one up anyone, just pure Dolly with her love everybody and be kind natural personality giving of herself to others, and showing what heartfelt music can do. She is a force for good.
  21. Agreed. My brother and his wife and one of the nieces was actually mad at me when I was in the cat accident because how dare the strong one, everyone's personal crutch, be out of commission. They did not care about me as a human at all, much less a family member. So many families I know are like this. One person is expected to shoulder the entire family world. It feels so crushing at times. It is one of a myriad of reasons why I had to cut my brother, sil, and niece out. I couldn't so it anymore. I broke. The rock shattered into a lot of pieces for a while. I eventually pulled it together, but with a hard boundary after that I feel so bad for SKL. I can tell she is really feeling the weight right now.
  22. I love the look of your place. This will be so nice with the kids. Bright and airy. I am glad the neighbor was nice. This seems like a lovely situation even if the distance is not ideal.
  23. I am very sorry, SKL. Lots of hugs. That is a very tough spot to find oneself.
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